The whole truth about crossfit


Even if the sport is not an integral part of your life, you probably heard about such a form of training like crossfit. Thanks to the crossfit, many girls managed to find a dream body: taut, slim and strong. Crossfit became so popular that all over the world has a huge number of sports halls focused only on him.

One crossfit training may include workout, running, jumping, power exercises and much more. The advantages of crossfit are obvious: the study of all muscle groups, a variety, non-boring exercises, an element of competitiveness and a quick result.

But do not rush to run into crossfit club. Professional coaches warn: such workouts are not for everyone. They are contraindicated in those who in recent years as the maximum physrotype had a walk and lift along the stairs. So without harm to health, fulfill the program classes, good preparation is needed. It is impossible to engage in crossfit and those who have health problems: patients with joints, increased pressure, varicose veins and so on.

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