Irina Khakamada: "For me, success and happiness is the same thing."


In the past, Irina Khakamad was an active politician. He put forward his candidacy for the election of the President of the Russian Federation. Now she holds master classes, on which it is divided by the secrets of success in a career and personal life.

1. About love

Take yourself as you are. Do not criticize yourself, otherwise the body begins to revenge and enters a nervous state.

To love yourself, there is an effective exercise . It is necessary to stay alone in the room, to undress and turn on the gloomy light, look at yourself in the mirror, take a beautiful pose and say: "I am beautiful, I'm beautiful." After you praised yourself and found all the best in yourself, you say: But I want to be more cooler, to Be Cool.

Love for yourself is the way. Sometime I hated myself and criticized. But gradually began to take steps forward. I defended the dissertation, faith appeared in my senses. Then I began to teach - she strengthened. Then I threw everything and took up a private business. I had a lot of adventure, I believed in my strength. Then I alone rushed into politics and won, no matter what.

Need to act! Making actions, achieving success and falls, but overcoming everything, you become confident, a self-sufficient girl.

2. About the family

Marry need to go to be more confident. But in marriage you need to insure my risks. You can be abandoned, the husband may die, can change, a lot of things can happen. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in self-realization and have a profession.

A smart game is the key to a happy family life. For example, you are a businesswoman who earn a lot, successful, but if you come home and continue this role of the leader, the husband will be treated. Especially if a man is earned for objective circumstances less or he is the Creator, today has, there is no tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to play - in a genius, in talent, in a homemade mistress, in femininity, even sometimes in fool.

We have a partner marriage with my husband. There are three spaces. One of our common with children, and everyone has a private, where no one interferes. We respect the personality and freedom of each other.

With mistresses - compete, and not find out the relationship. You can fight the male polygamy, but it does not disappear from this, and you are older. If you need a husband, even changing, do everything to give you pleasure if there is no pleasure - go away.

It is useless to keep the family if a man is physically annoyed. I'm not talking about bed, everything happens there. He just passes by - and you are already bad. The door slammed, rings a spoon about a plate - and it infuriates you. This is the end. Nothing can not be changed. It's easier to leave.

3. On success

Be successful is to do what you like. Do it so professionally to pay you for it. And this money would allow you to freely do what you like.

To achieve success in the world of men, you need to have an iron will , To be able to play, constantly change the roles and "fill" the opponent.

My main secret of time management for a week - to paint everything up to minute , taking into account traffic jams. The sports club is chosen closer to the house. Theater, meetings with friends - everything is discharged in a schedule on a par with obligations. Then we make adjustments depending on incoming information. And you execute a minute schedule per minute. You all have time.

The only way to success is to be able to change , not be afraid of change. In the next twenty-five years we are threatened with some changes. How not to be afraid of them? Wait for the crisis, get to despair, understand that no one will help, and then start changing.

Calligraphy is a kind of meditation. Hieroglyphs fascinate me. Symbols are always interesting. Remember Hitler, one inverted Buddhist symbol to what led! Symbols work. When I started writing the hieroglyphs of happiness, love, good luck, well-being, Dao, I felt like I give energy to them, and they give energy to me.

4. About happiness and misfortune

No need to be afraid of depression, you need to plunge into it. But not just lying on the sofa. Do something, deal with your hobby, art. Want to dance? Dance. Want to write pictures? Write. Autumn leaves some. Sad. Want to watch movies? See sad cinema, drama. Want to listen to music? Listen to any crazy music. And so spend three days. Three days later, the body will get tired, sleeping and says: "I want to live - and that's it!"

To be happy, you need to listen to yourself And at the same time be able to kill negative thoughts.

Do not tell everyone about your happiness , do not spill this energy to the right and left. Not in vain say: I don't get about your luck, you will lose her. All energy goes when you talk about it. Keep happiness in yourself.

Misfortune to turn into some technologies , Restarts and reboots of your personality. Any stress is the signal of the body that you do not do something, do not live like that. And this is just a reason to do something else.

For me, success and happiness is the same thing.

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