

Mine 45537_1


(Continuing the book of Natalia Black "in the very heart, or the story of one house")

Sharif Omarovich Sapatayev fucked over his wife, when Raisa told him about the signs of fate. Recently, she was fascinated by "different Heromantia" - so called Esoteric literature by the elderly man. He did not believe in mysticism or in God. And he lived under the motto of his grandfather, in the second world war delicate not one mine. "Supper is mistaken once in life," loved to repeat the grandfather of Isa. And only in the senior school classes, Sharif realized that this saying was not about mines, but about what did not grumble. There are things in which you can not lie or mistaken.

Today, the spouse since the morning he laid about some kind of prophetic dream. Like, she was harmful to her black pit next to an unfamiliar destroyed house, fragments of concrete structures, torn dress, sandals, pants, and children's crying were heard. A dead cat was lying on the road. And for some reason, Grandfather Isa is located on a surfacing plate with an empty center with a funnel and prudently waved with a charter. They say, come here, we will sit together. Since two years ago, ISU Magomedovich was buried, the wife saw a bad sign in this - they say, calling the grandfather of his beloved grandson to his world.

"Sharif, careful there ..." - exhorted Raisa for breakfast. A man was angry and thought about himself: "Well, again, I started the scarmer." Recently, something broke between them, the wife became gradually annoying. Especially since it looked at horoscopes, fortune tells, books about karma. She could tell her husband all the evening who was who in the past life. Sharif yawn and increasingly caught himself thinking that they and his wife were moving away from each other. Even joint weekend with three sons and actively participate in all their school matters and holidays.

"The tricky dream will say too," the man grumbled, sitting behind the wheel. After breakfast, he descended into the yard and went to work. It was clearly nothing to happen to him, even in theory. Sharif Omarovich in his forty with his tail was not engaged in extreme sports, and he did not work as a police officer, not a cascadener, but an ordinary studio in a rather large construction company "Oxygen". Safety technique on its site was strictly respected, so even the fall of a random brick was completely eliminated. "In general, the usual women's nonsense," the foreman summarized the morning conversation with his wife and pressed the gas.

He drove into the city of Pushkin, to the object, which got the company "Oxygen" with great blood. It was a "second-hand" - the house firm won the tender, after his former developer went bankrupt. The foundation already laid was unsuitable, it was built without taking into account the height of the landscape. Now the design had to be disassembled to make everything on new calculations, as it should be.

However, industrial thoughts quickly slipped out of the head of the Sharif, he returned to the situation in the family and from annoyance and powerlessness involuntarily sank the steering wheel. Where was his inner sapper? When did it start? With rashes, they got married in great love, barely waiting for her adulthood. Then he was confident that only with this woman would be able to live all his life, to raise children together, to make up and die one day. The bride's parents were categorically against this alliance. It would still be: the intelligent family of the designer and literary critic, the youngest beloved daughter, barely entered the literary institute ... And suddenly became pregnant from the guy who had just returned from the army without a genus without a tribe. Studyagi, naked as falcon. Nevertheless, love then won circumstances.

Despite the fact that the children were born one after another, and his wife was not easy with three babies, she graduated from the university. A quiet home girl turned out to be a strong nut. It was not specialty to work. Instead of teaching literature to students or write critical articles in magazines, settled in a kindergarten. So it was easier - and the guys under the supervision, and some kind of salary is. Sharif understood that his wife may have sacrificed a brilliant future, because even in the university its critical articles were printed in the central publications. But Raisa never complained about anything. Even to live a young family was, in general, no place.

At first they jutter in the communal apartment of Grandfather Iza. A large room at 22 meters was broken on the pieces of curtains. Grandfather coughed at night, the fragmentation wound was affected by the war. In order not to wake the children and grandchildren, he went out to sit on the common kitchen, and then squeezed himself during the day. Sharif understood that it was not a matter and that the problem with housing must be solved somehow. For happiness, one day in the subway, he ran into a classmate from "Putyagi". He told Sapatayev about youth housing cooperative, with the help of which you can not only overcome your problems with the apartment, but also earn.

So Omarovich first hit the construction site. And although they and his wife had long moved to the "treshka" in a new area, the Sharif remained forever in Probakh. It turned out that this as a common profession is a calling. He knew how to get along with people: I found an approach to the authorities, and to subordinates from my brigade. The case aroused, customers willingly signed an agreement, knowing that Sapatayev disposes at the facility.

Read the previous chapter of the book here, and the next one is here.

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