Return passion: 3 ways to diversify sexy life


Even the brightest passion over time comes down to no, sex, even if you have a loved one, it turns out almost in charge that the partner does not think that he is indifferent to you. It often seems to us that something is wrong with us, since we are no longer experiencing that palette of emotions in bed with your man, however, as psychologists consider, our attraction cannot constantly be too strong. And yet in our power to try to diversify sexy life to wake up forgotten emotions from close contact. We will tell you several ways that are designed to regret your and his desire.

Suitable music

Sex in full silence is possible only if you both have an incredible passion and you are not interested in anything other than your partner at the moment. In other cases, the correct sound background can be an excellent stimulant. It is known that different music is capable not just excited, but often affects the duration of sexual intercourse. As for the genres, choose what you like both, otherwise the inappropriate composition will cause voltage or your second half.

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Choose fragrance

In addition to sound accompaniment, an intimate atmosphere requires special smells. American psychologists conducted an experiment, which showed how much our brain perceives one or another odor: a pair that used too sharp smells to aromatize the bedroom, could not focus on each other, while other participants in the experiment were chosen by a neutral fragrance, which only increased emotions, Received from the partner without distracting from the process itself. Therefore, going to put aromatic candles or taking a bath with aromatic oils before meeting with a partner, try to pick up a fragrance that will not overload your receptors, otherwise you will be difficult to focus on the most responsible moment.

More movements

Most often, the loss of interest in sex occurs due to the predictability and the same type of each of your meetings. Why not make your second half surprise? Embody the most bold fantasies (of course, safe) that you discussed once a long time ago, but never implemented conceived. In addition, the classic striptease has not yet upset by a single man, so you can safely arrange a small intimate idea, being with him alone. Show more initiative!

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