Lena Lenin: "Vasily Stepanova really released from the clinic"


Today, many media reported the news that the actor Vasily Stepanov was finally released from a psychiatric clinic, where he was forcibly held after a suicide scandal. However, this news is a little outdated. In fact, Vasily came out of the clinic a couple of weeks ago. Just about it, few people knew. But Lena, as soon as flew from Paris, immediately went to visit the actor with which he had long been friends.

Friends peacefully drove the seagull in the kitchen at Vasily in one of the preparing under the demolition of the five-story Khrushchev of the capital. They remembered how a terrible dream, all the unpleasant events that have occurred lately - from broken hands before visiting a mental hospital.

"Now Vasily is in excellent physical and moral shape, full of hope and burns with a new film project, in which he will be filmed as soon as his leg heal," says Lenin Lenin. "This week was removed by a gypsum with his hands and left only until the end of the month to convey to his gypsum on his right foot. Vasya told about all his misadventures, because attending a psychiatric hospital - a rare and not pleasant journey. The main thing is that the doctors were convinced of: Vasya mentally healthy, so they let go home to trace fractures. Mom and Pope Vasi are insanely happy that their son let go. All fears that he will be heal in a psychiatric clinic, behind. And his brother Maxim promised me seriously to engage in the management of your beloved brother. So they will be fine. "

Friends drove the seagull and agreed to go in the near future to your favorite restaurant

Friends drove the seagull and agreed to go in the near future to your favorite restaurant

Lena, as a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, brought a recovering friend as a hotel is not a cake and a bottle, but an exotic fruit from Thailand, who only flew to the country to the country - mango, papaya, lychee, "Dragon eyes", mangoustines, and a set of useful Noodles and dried fruits. Friends drank a green seagull and agreed that Lena was visiting the other day Vasya in his favorite restaurant would be unhappy and a little fun. Although it is still early to dance.

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