Julia Topolnitskaya: "My happiness in small things"


After the lead role in the video on the song of the Leningrad Group, the life of Julia Topolnitskaya was amazingly changed. A short roller opened the opportunity for a young actress, which she used to dream earlier. And you need to recognize that these capabilities actress uses very well.

- In the TV series "Flying Crew" you got the role of a girl who was forced to change the renewed careless life to the concerns of an ordinary person ...

- Yes, my Stephanie collided with real life, household and looking for work, and, of course, she is hard.

"You remember how they ourselves cope with the household when they started a joint life with your spouse, actor Igor Chekhov?"

"I am very comfortable with my husband, just because he is a wise and wild romantic person." For example, in our St. Petersburg apartment there are always fresh flowers - and this is the tradition. And when my in my night happens a bad mood, he runs to the store for the products and we are together prepare pizza. (Smiles.)

Julia Topolnitskaya:

On the set of the series "Flying Crew".

- In the summer you and Igor celebrated the anniversary of the wedding. Celebrated traditions in St. Petersburg?

- Yes, we were in St. Petersburg - this is our city in all respects. Here we got married and celebrate the second anniversary in St. Petersburg. We even have a hashtag holiday: we consider the days that have passed from the wedding. It seems to me that this is a very pleasant and cheerful tradition.

- Now you live in Moscow, but periodically go to your native St. Petersburg. How do you solve the problem of frequent moves?

- Usually I sit in the train in the center of one city and I donate to the center of another city in four hours - of course, it's easier. And to rush to the airport, to pass all these checkpoints, wait, then fly an hour twenty minutes, of which, in essence, without takeoffs and landings, we fly only fifteen minutes. In general, it is not for me. Now, if necessary somewhere far, naturally, I am for. But I am not from those who suggests: "Let's go on foot, then sit down on the train, then let's swim on the ferry and then you will reach the place on the train." (Smiles.)

Julia Topolnitskaya:

Julia Topolnitskaya in the series "You all mess me"

- Do not afraid fly?

- To be honest, I am very afraid of the height, although at the same time I often fly. Of course, I do not go to the hysteria of the plane or, as some of my compatriots, do not get drunk to the state of "nonstunction." But when we take off, some fear find me. Three minutes, however, it lets when I understand that everything will be fine. Therefore, I usually fall asleep on takeoffs to wake up and understand that the worst behind.

- The main location of the "dear crew" was Pulkovo Airport. Hurrying passengers did not interfere with?

"At some moments I even wanted to fly with passengers somewhere in warm countries." But no, we sat until the last. (Smiles.) And by the way, people have reacted funny to us. Fit and asked: "What is happening here?" And some specially flashed in front of the cameras.

Julia Topolnitskaya:

The main role in the clip on the song "Exhibit" of the Leningrad Group has become a starting career for Julia

- Do you personally have stressful situations at the airport?

- Somehow it turned out that my plane was detained at first for an hour, then for three hours, then four more. At this point, I buy a ticket to the plane of another airline. Following few minutes before the end of the registration, I resort to the rack, I give a passport. I say: Please, I need to urgently fly away, I have shooting. And they defiantly answer me that everything, registration ended. In general, I was not let the plane. By virtue of its emotionality, I could not hold back tears, because I was wildly offended - not to get into the second aircraft. As a result, I waited for my third flight, which was also detained for three hours. I felt such a hostage of the airport as the hero of Tom Hanks in the film "Terminal". Yes, it was very sad. Most of all I was struck by the fact that not employees of the airline tried to somehow help solve this problem, and people who worked in small airport stores. They saw that I was here for a very long time, I go there, so it was suitable, comforted and offered coffee. At such moments you understand that, probably, there is a balance in everything: there is indifference, but immediately help from outsiders who do not know who you are, where and fly.

- In general, how did your life change after the sensational video of the group "Leningrad"?

- First of all, this enhanced attention to me, especially in social networks. But most importantly, what happened to me what every novice actor dreams of: new projects appeared in my life, which I am insanely glad. Moreover, the suggestions are absolutely different: television advertising, viral rollers, samples in comedy and dramatic projects, but more comedy roles that are closer to me.

In the summer, Julia Topolnitskaya and the comedian show star Igor Chekhov celebrated the second anniversary of the wedding

In the summer, Julia Topolnitskaya and the comedian show star Igor Chekhov celebrated the second anniversary of the wedding

Photo: Instagram.com.

- An immodest question: Do you have a laboutna? Did the desire to buy them after filming?

"I have such a way of life that in the trousers and heels are not going to go, no matter how much I wanted. Usually I come to Petersburg, run home, I go to the shower, and after half an hour they take me to shoot. Therefore, something threw on myself and ran. Now, on me a men's T-shirt - I bought the smallest size in the men's department. I just like these t-shirts in the style of nineties. Especially the fashion is coming back at this time.

- And if you make a dream, what would you carry from St. Petersburg to Moscow? Some place, your apartment, people, something else?

- All would have transported! Of course, I really miss my hometown. But, to admit honestly, I loved Moscow very much, and over time I have favorite places here.

- When is free time issued, how do you prefer to spend?

- Different, it all depends on the mood, situation and time. In St. Petersburg, I can meet with friends, go to the concert, take a walk along the embankment, listening to music in headphones. We are all girls, love to think about life under the sad tracks. (Smiles.) Eating I love very much. (Smiles.) For me, almost any kitchen may be delicious - I am not a pick. I adore Georgian and Tatar dishes, Ukrainian borschy, dumplings, and more burghers and fish - anything, just not sharp. By the way, I can even prepare the ear in Finnish.

Sergey Shnurov became for a young actress by someone like the godfather. Topolnitskaya starred in the three clips of the Leningrad group, and all these videos had a great success

Sergey Shnurov became for a young actress by someone like the godfather. Topolnitskaya starred in the three clips of the Leningrad group, and all these videos had a great success

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Previously, the ability to cook especially appreciated. And now, in your opinion, what woman is able to interest a man?

- Interested, interesting, versatile interlocutor. The woman should have their own opinion and understanding what she wants. Men are now a big choice - so many beautiful girls around! And even you will not hold anyone with a borscht, so you need to work on yourself, develop.

- Such a modern understanding of your life put parents?

- Yes, definitely. They and brother brought respect for men in me, taught me to analyze the situations and extract lessons from them.

- You create an impression of a completely happy person. And there is?

- Truth! My happiness in the trifles. For example, in order to walk around the city, listening to music, looking at passersby, in love with couples, kids. I love the moments of the transition from winter to the spring, when the kidneys swell and smells like greens. In fact, happiness is everywhere. And I try not to forget about it, so, for example, I can bring a coffee girlfriend in the morning or to give my husband flowers: men such signs of attention also raise the mood.

Julia Topolnitskaya:

"I am very comfortable with my husband, just because he is wise and wild romantic man"

- Can you get one recipe for good mood from your happy Lartz?

- In childhood, when I woke up and was not in the spirit, my dad made me approaching the mirror and smile. I'm doing so now. It is insanely difficult, especially after heavy filming, but really works. (Smiles.)

- Is there something, what would you like to learn?

- I would like to ride a breeze on racing machines. We had shooting on Kartinga, and I was not stopped. No doubles needed: almost all the rentals did herself. I also really want to surf: I have already tried to Bali, and it is incredible! So winter I dream to go to the surf camp.

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