"I'm with you": phrases that take care of the child


The end of the school year is nearing, and therefore children are experiencing more stress several times than the first months of training. Plus, the majority of schoolchildren have recently been forced to rebuild on the new - online learning format, which added loads and, as a result, experiences. So how to support the child, if you understand that he stops to cope with the school burden? We will tell.

The most difficult thing is to younger schoolchildren who were not fully mastered in the new rhythm for them, they need support for adults as anyone else, not only with a homework, but also moral.

"No need to be afraid to express your opinion"

Since children in the class can be more than 30 people, the teacher physically cannot respond to all the answers or comments from the class. The child whose answer was not taken into account the adults, is not able to realize what the reason, it seems to him that his opinion is simply not interested in the teacher, because of what he ceases to raise his hand in general, which affects performance. Explain the baby that the teacher is important every opinion, even if this time it did not work out, you need to try again and again, no one will condemn. Install confidence in the kid.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes

Do not be afraid to make mistakes

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

"There is nothing terrible in errors."

Many children throw any business as soon as difficulties begin. In the case of homework, this option is not suitable, which means you have to discuss the problem with the child. If the child does not solve the task or does not come out a beautiful offer, offer your help, in parallel tell the story of your life when you had to make efforts to overcome obstacles. The most important thing is to keep calm and suggest to make a job not for a child, and with it.

"Associate help is never ashamed"

When a child gets into a close range of peers, he learns to live according to the rules of the team, in which, most often, weakness is not welcomed in any manifestations. Again, sit down at the table with the child and discuss the problem. In no case do not condemn the baby, explain that in a difficult situation, you can seek help to a person with whom the child has a good relationship, best if it is an adult. Adolescents require special attention, whose problems may be far from harmless.

"I will always be on your side"

Support is necessary for a person at any age, and especially when self-esteem is only formed. Talk to the baby, promise that neither bad assessment, no relationship with classmates and teachers not to change your relationship. Of course, it is important to explain to the child that there are certain rules that should not violate, but in any conflict situation, the parent is obliged to stand on the side of the child, after which, remaining alone with him, discuss the problem and find a solution.

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