Tell me: how to impress partner in bed


If there is already quite a lot about the female pleasure, then the men undoubtedly went around the party, but after all, every woman worries the question - how to deliver him to lose his head, being with her alone. We will give a few tips to your man remember this moment.

Your enthusiasm is incredibly important

Any man is important to know that his partner is also excited and eager for proximity. When a woman barely responds to men's affairs, a natural misunderstanding arises from his side, so try to "disable" the head and move extra thoughts at the moment when you find yourself alone.

Do not be silent

A loving in full silence not only does not excite, but they will make a man think - and is he doing right? Maybe even think that you fell asleep. Feel free to show your man, what pleasure he gives you my actions.

Do not skimp on praise

Do not skimp on praise


Prelude mandatory

To reach the peak of excitement, a man, like a woman, is needed preliminary affairs. Without this important part, the sex turns into a mechanical process devoid of feelings. Do not deprive your man opportune opportunities to enjoy you.

Make compliments

A man is incredibly important to support from the partner, since the strong floor should have to doubt their power when it comes to proximity. Even the most confident man will be happy to hear admiration for his skills. Do not skimp on praise!

Call him by name

Psychologists are confident, nothing excites nothing than its own name that your partner says. In the process of making love, find the moment to pronounce the name of the man, you will see how much this moment he will encourage him. He will definitely not forget this sex.

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