Evelina Bledans: "In the next 10 years, plastic surgeons have nothing to do"


Beauty is not a curl to Lockon, cilia - to the cilia. Rather, it is shine in the eyes, inner beauty, when I want to communicate with a person. What kind of breasts you would do, no matter how follow the figure, but if there is no inner light - nothing good will work. No wonder there is a proverb: I'm not born beautiful, and beyond happy. Often women who cannot be called beauties, find family happiness, material and mental well-being.

The direct back will not only give the royal posture, but also help hide extra kilograms. When a woman walks straight like a string, visually she loses a few kilograms. It is very important how a woman teaches himself - how sits, as he holds his back, "it says about self-esteem. It seems to me that since childhood girls you need to give dancing - then the child will take care of the back. And in adulthood you need to do at least yoga, pilates or stretching, swim in the pool.

Evelina Bledans:

"Movement is life, I understand it. Therefore, I try to be in the gym 2-3 times a week, "says Evelyna Bledans. .

When I lived in Odessa, someone told me that you can pump your chest. Since I wanted to have a big breast, I tried to pump it, and I did it myself, without a professional coach. As a result, I just planted my back. I still suffer a little with her. The chest is not pumped, but a wide chest - yes. Now I have, of course, more gentle loads.

I am an economical man: I love to pay once and go to group classes. In addition, individuals are not suitable for me to schedule: I can plan classes, and then suddenly invite shooting - you have to cancel everything. I had a period when I practiced yoga with a personal trainer for three months. As a result, I had to refuse. It does not work charging in the morning, because I try to sleep until the last. And when I get up - a fuss begins: and gather yourself, and the seeds to collect. But the movement is life, I understand it. Therefore, I try to be in the gym 2-3 times a week.

Never painted hair with chemical paints and did not make a chemical curling. If I needed Locks - asked for a wig. Now I began to experiment a little over my hair, but I do it in a gentle mode. I have rubber termobiygudi that do not harness and at the same time make hair alive and beautiful. At one time, the hair I treated henna, they were a little painted. I have my hair dark blond, which eventually became copper. Once every three weeks grandmother of my son paints me hanna hair. In the evening I come from work, she delivers henna, I go with her one and a half hours, washed - and everything is ready. Thus save time on the road to the beauty salon, not to mention the money. Very good way, I recommend.

Evelina Bledans:

"In the summer, I eat a lot of salads. They neutralize harm from sausage or sausages, and therefore I do not consider calories, "Bledans admits. .

I love massages very much - classic, sports. In addition to massages, I make a buoy of the body, various wraps - algae and antioxidant. Sometimes I do a LPG massage - the newest method of modeling and adjusting the figure, with which you can easily eliminate cellulite and noticeably tighten the skin. Also began to make peaceimulation - massage with electrodes. It is a kind of fitness for lazy - allows you to pull the skin and reduce the volume.

I do not want to spend anything cardinal with my face. For various reasons, I got from time to time in the hands of different plastic surgeons. So, I was told that in the next ten years there is nothing to do in these cabinets. If you correctly care for the skin, you can even move this time. It is important to moisturize our skin, because we are sitting at home in closed rooms, with dry air from batteries. It is also important not to smoke, it is more likely to be in the fresh air and be in a good mood. If a person is angry, it quickly reflects on his face.

Never restricted in food. I can go to Fast Food, eat fried potatoes, chicken, fat. But to compensate for such a menu, you need to consume a lot of raw vegetables. Now I have a large number of sauerkraut on the table. In the summer, I eat a lot of salads. They neutralize harm from sausage or sausages, and therefore I do not consider calories. While the figure allows - I will have everything that I want. I recently visited the clinic of Eastern Medicine, where I was offered a full examination and subsequent recommendations on what you can eat, and from what is better to refuse. But I realized that I do not want to know such details. Nevertheless, every year I check my body for oncological diseases. The rest does not care.

Evelina Bledans loves massages. .

Evelina Bledans loves massages. .

Recipes from Evelina Bledans:

Moisturizing Fat Leather Mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with hawide eggs and 0.5 teaspoons of honey. The resulting composition apply on the face for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. The mask is perfect for oily skin, the pores narrows, tones and moisturizes.

Curd-carrot mask for dry skin

Take in equal proportions of cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice. Mix well all the components and a thick layer apply on face and neck. Wash out warm water, and then wipe your face and neck with a piece of ice.

Regenerating Hair Growth Mask

Take two tablespoons of the henna, half a cup of heated kefir, mix, let's breed a quarter of an hour. Apply a mask on the scalp, keep 30-40 minutes. With regular use, the mask with henna accelerates hair growth and prevents their falling out. If you wish in a mask, you can add a few drops of vitamin, A or E.

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