Fashionable moms: Is there a style after childbirth


The wardrobe for young mammies is quite specific, as it is necessary to take into account the features of the shape, which brought pregnancy, as well as the change of rhythm of life after delivery. We will help you stay stylish, and at the same time you will have time to care for your baby.

Almost all women change the figure after childbirth

Almost all women change the figure after childbirth


Dress up after childbirth

Let's start, perhaps, from the moment you have already gave the life of a new little man. Almost all women change the figure after childbirth - and it often changed not for the better. Of course, you can try to regain our former volumes, but there are such things that we cannot change in your body. The main thing here is to understand that you have the right to be in any physique. After all, your beauty inside. Pay more attention to your advantages, it will easier to hide disadvantages if they are.

After childbirth, women are very often falling into depression because of appearance, so when selecting clothes, it is extremely important to take into account the moment that things you acquire should please you, give an emotional rise.

The main thing is to understand that you have the right to be in any physique

The main thing is to understand that you have the right to be in any physique


What do not need to do

Try to get into things in which you went to pregnancy. Please accept the fact that your body has changed, and now you will no longer call the same effect as before, when you have not yet planned pregnancy. You do not get anything but irritation and disappointment. Especially in your life there were ambitious changes, and therefore, it is not necessary to drag things from the past to the present.

Buy exclusively clothes for pregnant women, things in which you will seem at least two sizes more. Dimensional things will not hide disadvantages, but only make you untidy.

You should also not buy an infinite amount of clothing. Tune in to the fact that your forms will change, so if you bought a bunch of things in the first month after childbirth, be prepared that most of them will have to either throw away, or give a friend, as they will be just great.

Discard fitting things. Put the cross on thin tissues that do not hold the form. They only emphasize the ugly relief. This applies to dresses, tops and t-shirts.

Do not take things too dark colors. During this period, you can not bother the psyche even more. Black and close to it color only make you clicked. But you do not need it, right?

What to pay attention to

Colored things. Go online and extract all sorts of catalogs, or climb on the store website, see what colors you are especially attracted now. Suppose your choice fell on red. But pay attention to your skin: if it is prone to redness, choose softer shades, but not scarlet. This rule on buying color things is valid if you get the top.

In the first months, your main occupation will walk with the baby

In the first months, your main occupation will walk with the baby


Experiment with sets. For example, blouse and jeans, or shirt and narrow pants. These kits are suitable for mothers of any complex, things will not be shy even on a walk with a child.

Create a two-layer top. Suppose a shirt and cardigan. The essence is to create a line that will lengthen your silhouette. Try to choose things so that the upper thing is darker inner.

Do not underestimate the upper clothes and shoes. In the first months, your main occupation will walk with the baby, so do not skimp on the upper clothes and warm shoes in the winter. It is not so much an appearance as comfort and protection against supercooling. Choose down jackets, jackets with lining. After all, and in the jacket you can be stylish, most importantly - pick it up on the figure. Give several accessories, such as a scarf and cap, which will allocate on a boring coat.

Pay attention to the hair. They must be clean and cleaned, otherwise all your efforts on the selection of things will go to the Nammark.

Listen to our advice and stay stylish for yourself and your family!

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