Mikhail Turkish: "The main thing is to find a good Jewish wife, which is always unhappy with something"


The story of Mikhail and Liana began in 2001 during the tour of the Turkish Choir in America. Father Lianov received an offer to organize a concert team. Probably, it was love at first sight. Four months for the most part of the telephone communication, Liana was enough to exchange well-maintained American life on a much faster existence in Russia, but with her beloved. And Mikhail, already an adult, who survived the personal tragedy (his first wife Elena died in a car accident), believed that it was with this woman he would live a happy life.

Mikhail, somehow in an interview you joked that the spouse appreciates the age and national characteristics. Is it important that people be from the same environment?

Mikhail Turkish: "Of course. It is desirable that from one sandbox, from one traditional measurement, cultural cut, one color of the skin. Of course, the exceptions are - and suddenly the completely incompatible set of details coincides, as in the "Lego" constructor. But this happens rarely. Still, it's good when your grandmother and grandfather confessed the same values ​​as the ancestors of your chosen. The Russian woman will not understand what kind of painful love of the Jewish Mom to the Son. It will seem strange it. And the Jewish wife? Our religion says that the wife is always against. But this is the source of your internal growth. If you are sitting on the sofa and you don't do a fuck, you grows belly, and there is a woman who takes you as it is, there is no incentive to develop. This is the choice of everyone - who wants to go. I know quite a few Jews who chose a grateful woman "from another tribe."

Liana Turkish: "The Russian wife would have killed you for a long time! (Laughs.) I think it is not even in nationality, but in family education - what values ​​tried to instill a person. I have three unmarried daughters. Of course, I would dream that they chose themselves in the husbands of Jews, and we would celebrate holidays together, observed the rites, went to the synagogue. But the eldest daughter Natalia married a Russian guy, and we feel great to him, very love. She gave us a stunning grandson of Vanechka, and therefore everything else no matter. You can choose the Jew, which will be a complete idiot, and the poor girl will suffer all his life. And you can live a soul in the soul with Russian. The main thing is that the children are happy! "

The younger daughters Emmanuel (left) and Beatu Mikhail loves and pampers. Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail and Lian Turkish.

The younger daughters Emmanuel (left) and Beatu Mikhail loves and pampers. Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail and Lian Turkish.

Even psychologists claim that a man is looking for a wife like a mother ...

Mikhail: "And this is quite right. If you have a good mom, you start looking for these features on your chosen. Liana at the time of our acquaintance was a woman with a five-year-old child. And I saw in her firstly a caring mother. In the future, when we had another daughter, this opinion was only strengthened. For my wife, children are always in the first place, and I accepted it. After all, and for my mother in the first place we were with my brother, but dad - on the second or even on the third. I have never seen it to show some active affection towards the Father. She never called him: "Borek, dear." Always - Boris, and immediately followed some question. And he, already hearing his name, waited for a trick. (Laughs.) At the same time, parents somehow managed to live a unique collaborative life - sixty-six years. And this family model was very easy to present with Liana. I agreed with myself: "Mikhail Borisovich, if you lack attention, you will find it in the market of show business, where the millionth audience is hearing." Liana believes that I am a self-sufficient person, independent, and children are more vulnerable, they need more care. "

Liana, when Mikhail is not laid something, he appeals to you?

Liana: "Of course, if not to my wife, to whom still go? This is normal. But this does not mean that I will be Mikhail Borisovich to regret and stroke the head. Rather, on the contrary, I try to somehow shake it so that he takes himself in hand. "

Michael: "On my wife and just a lot: in addition to daughters, there are also parents who came from America. They also need to help. Then, Liana is the leader of a big little girl, and there are always some female questions that need to urgently decide. So she devalued the concept of what is a real problem. If I will whine that I am in creative disagreement, she, of course, prevent the look that it is immersed. But will not plunge. Liana understands that my projects are successful, and if I cannot agree with himself, these are my problems. There are more urgent things than men whining. "

Liana, why are you called Muga Mikhail Borisovich?

Liana: "The husband is at home. And at work he is Mikhail Borisovich. He also calls me Liana Semenovna, it is cool. "

But, as I understand it, everything is kept in the house?

Liana: "Family is a kind of partnership. Everyone is engaged in their own case, and no one bothers each other. Of course, if you need to consult in something, we are advised, but in the end we do as we consider it necessary. "

Liana without thinking to traded a well-maintained life in America for happiness with a loved one. Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail and Lian Turkish.

Liana without thinking to traded a well-maintained life in America for happiness with a loved one. Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail and Lian Turkish.

Mikhail, "Turkish Choir" well accepted in America, and you had the opportunity to stay there. Why did you decide to return to Russia?

Mikhail: "First, I had an example of parents before my eyes, who could emigrate many times in America and in Germany, but remained to live here. Dad passed war, he is a member of the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, and for him the word "patriotism" is not an empty sound. He felt absolutely harmonious in this environment. I was twenty years old, he was seventy. And I remember him at this age energetic, vigorous man who felt perfectly well, worked, went to the rink, in the dance. And I understood: Why look for happiness somewhere behind the seas, if it is in a person itself? Back in 1997, before exploring Lianov, our team was offered a Life-Time contract in Florida. We were there on tour - and really liked. People realized that with the "chorus of Turkish" you can make a good business. Offer came. I did not want to live in America, the team had mixed feelings. On the one hand, in Russia, relatives, friends, the graves of ancestors, and on the other - here it is, a real American dream, which is about to become a reality. At that moment I turned to the government of Moscow with a request to give us state status and premises. And it was a certain Rubik: Recognizes the Motherland - Return. And Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov assigned to us that in the future meant state support. We still wait for the room. (Laughs.) It seems to be allocated, but it is emergency, and there is no money for reconstruction. Nevertheless, then it seemed that all we were recognized at the state level. So in 2001, when we met Liana, the issue of emigration was no longer standing. In the US, I drive a tour (the computer shows that in the twenty-five years I crossed the border of ninety-four times), but I have no desire to live in this country. I feel what is needed here, because every day I go out to the stage to a large audience and make it happier than to communicate with me. "

And how did you manage to turn the life of Liana in a matter of months so that she threw it all and went with you to Russia?

Mikhail: "When Liana invited me to visit me, I was impressed with her taste and quality of life. Twenty-five-year-old woman had a chic house, a beautiful car. To do this, she had to work in two works (it is a programmer). But nevertheless everything was established. Why did you go? Probably love. I can not pull the blanket on myself: they say, I am so cool, I triggered her brains ... "


Mikhail: "Well, probably. Although even common sense attended. I have a good impression on Liana. And she saw a reliable person in me. I was older than her. And older now. Wife says: "You will never see me old." (Laughs.) I am a responsible person, created a unique team of his own team, was not involved in any criminal activity, did not express obscene. In a word, it was not frightened. I spoke about Verdi, Brahov and Tchaikovsky, told about the Leningrad State Philharmonic, where I visited the rehearsal of Evgeny Mavinsky. Liana was pleasantly surprised, and she was interested to try something else, better to know a person with "another shore". True, the first time, until each other was trampled, I wanted to come back more than once. But it did not reach the airport. "

In December, Sarina celebrated its age. .

In December, Sarina celebrated its age. .

Liana, it was difficult for you to decide on moving?

Liana: "According to youth, we make solutions much faster and not always guided by logic and mind. In love with a person it seems that he can roll the mountains, and not only turn his life. But still, I'm practical enough, I do not rush to the pool with your head. The female heart will always tell me what the future is waiting for you with this man. Will there be a man or a rag next to you. I first chose a husband, a getter and a good father for my children. And did not lose. "

But you missed the first time?

Liana: "There was no time to miss. The eldest daughter Mikhail Borisovich Natasha is a transitional age. Brush teenager, with whom I had to build contact, look for a common language. My Sarina had to be determined in kindergarten, learn Russian. I also tried to find a job, went to interview. With work, nothing happened, although my specialty seems to be in demand everywhere. And I began to ride a tour with the "Turkish Choir". So I did not sit at home, I did not miss and did not cry, but actively built our new life. "

Now we got mastered in Moscow?

Liana: "Of course! I have my favorite places, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters. I love people, parties, communication. We sometimes choose our student, then in Paris, then to Germany. Of course, when there is time - it is necessary to go on tour with the team, and with children on vacation. "

Have you always wanted a big family?

Liana: "I am insanely love young children, and for me such a joy that we have four daughters! If every one will give me two or three granddaughter, I will become the most happy grandmother. The house should have small children. We sometimes talk with Mikhail that if we had only senior daughters - Natasha and Sarina, our life would have become boring. They are already adults, independent, mom with dad is not so needed. "

Michael: "By the way, the eldest daughter, Sarine, we were offered to go to Chicago to get an education there. She stayed here, entered MGIMO, at the Faculty of International Journalism, and herself. Younger our children are also very purposeful, we all gradually for general development. Both music and curly skating, drawing, dancing ... Junior, Beat, goes to a ballet school. "

Liana, Mikhail - a man is very loaded by work. Is he paying enough attention to children?

Liana: "A good father does not mean that he should roll at home twenty-four hours. This is a terrible father. Good - the one who can provide a comfortable comfortable life to his children, give education. Mikhail Borisovich has all this. And he loves our daughters and pampers. He will never fall to sleep without hugging them without kissing overnight. If he flies early in the morning on tour, he will rise early to take them to school. He uses any moment to stay with them longer. When there is an opportunity, they go together on the rink, skiing. As for music - I have difficult relationships with it. I did not come one's ear on my ear, although Mikhail Borisovich believes that I have a hearing. And our girls sing everything, Emma has been playing the violin from five years. "

Sarina has grown not only by beauty, but also a clever, and studying in MGIMO. Her younger sisters Emma and Beat - also the personalities of talented and creative. Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail and Lian Turkish.

Sarina has grown not only by beauty, but also a clever, and studying in MGIMO. Her younger sisters Emma and Beat - also the personalities of talented and creative. Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail and Lian Turkish.

Some ideas about the dadget work they express?

Mikhail: "The repertoire of the" Chora of Turkish "is tested by time. And, maybe in age he is not very clear, but they feel energy and stretch to this music, even to military songs. Emma absolutely displays: "The field, along the coast of steep, past the hut." Through ourselves misses this song, and the baby sicks her. They love the repertoire of the "soprano Turkish".

It was created in counterweight male choru?

Mikhail: "This is a certain round of the brand. I realized that I was a little close in the framework of one team. There are songs that are just inappropriate in the male performance: "Chamomile hid", "the gardens of the gardens once" ... and then, I missed the female vocal in the very heart. I created this group, and it is incredibly successful. The "soprano" is a huge repertoire - one hundred and twenty compositions, a variety of genres. In the group two composer girls who themselves write texts and music. We made joint numbers with Igor Butman, Dmitry Malikov, Sergey Mazayev. "

Liana, are you not jealous of the beauties that go around the husband?

Liana: "If the husband surrounds young girls, his youth continues, and the male start. And secondly, to "go to the side", do not necessarily create a choir. I trust my husband and girls from the "soprano". In addition to the fact that they are beauties, so also clever - intelligent, educated, read. This is a completely different level, not "singing panties", which are looking for a rich husband. "

In the interview, you said that now, when the grandson appeared, there will be someone to continue your business. Are you going to cook a guy?

Mikhail: "Since Russia is a female country, you are much stronger than men, then I think, rather the successors will be my daughters. There is such a character - Emmanuel Turkish. She is now nine years old, and she is stubborn, strong, talented and with a big voice. I see the potential in it - and a good musician, and the manager. She is even trying to influence the repertoire politics, push his pets. And when it is present at the concert, it can jump onto the stage, snatch the microphone from dad and sing something. "

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