5 reasons to have sex daily


Many married women admit that they do not burn with the desire to have sex with legitimate husbands. And in general, with anyone. This is an explanation: Today, women have too many duties, as a result, an increased level of stress. But this is not the only reason, someone is simply not confident in its own attractiveness, especially after childbirth, when the figure of most women changes not for the better. Young girls who have not yet learned all the "charms" of joint life, naively believe that these intimate problems are invented by adult women who, perhaps, have some problems in this regard. However, everything changes after some time after marriage and even more - after the birth of the child.

Yes, the social environment imposes certain responsibilities on us, but this does not mean that sex is no place. Experts in one voice argue that sex is useful and even necessary for the full existence of a person, it is an integral part of the relations of two adults. We will tell you about five reasons why you need to have sex every day:

You are first of all a woman for her man

When the kid appears in the family, the woman's brain switches from her husband on a new family member, which is natural. But this situation can undermine the image of sexual beauty, in the role of which a man is used to see you. Now you are just doing what they play with the child, change diapers, go for a walk in a sports suit or a comfortable baggy bomber. Try more often to kiss your man, a little later will come awareness that you are not just a housewoman around the house, which only does what she prepares, erases, removes, raises the child, and first of all - a woman. Plot attention on this fact. Sex will help you get a feeling of femininity.

You are first of all a woman for her man

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

If you treat your husband as a man, he will behave like a man

Let him feel your love. Believe me, he will begin to appreciate even more, almost to wear on your hands. And most importantly, it will want. You do not need to try to cook dinner from the last strength, it can be just ordered. Watch and meet it from work in a raised mood. Buy beautiful underwear, and let him sees you in it more often. After some time, you will begin to wonder why you have no sex for so long.

You will return pleasure from joint evenings

Highlight at least a couple of hours in the evening and pay them to each other. Your husband is still the romantic guy you have ever loved and marry him. And after all, now nothing has changed, just give him a chance to return you at the time when you both had no domestic problems, but only one sex.

You are first of all a woman for her man

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Use sex as a means of stress

If you have a child, dare to assume that you are immersed in stress, literally in the morning. Of course, there are many ways, especially exercise, to suppress negative emotions, but we suggest you to move away from charging and try to use your husband instead of the projectile.

With sex life will be easier

If there are daily sex, you will be quiet to treat the season of sales, it is easier to skip the sessions in the cinema, and you will not need to participate in secular events.

You will return pleasure from joint evenings

You will return pleasure from joint evenings

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

After all, sex is a worthy replacement with all entertainment activities. This is what you deserve. May your husband be easier to be in the bedroom in the bedroom, which he once knew from a completely different side. You should not return anything to your relationship.

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