Oscar Kuchet: "Each normal man - Podkinnik"


Oscar looks like a young and energetic person, but at the same time he has acting experience, which is calculated by decades.

- Oscar, you have long been in the profession. Remember your first acting experience?

"I started my theatrical career in school: the first role is a decent in the" fairy tale about the Pop and his employee of the Bald "Pushkin. It was in 1987. And then it was thirteen.

- Do you have a favorite role?

- Senya in the performance on the work of Vasily Shukshina "My Brother". One of the most difficult and memorable roles. I also love Anukna in the "marriage" of Gogol.

- How do you all have time: work in the theater, shooting in cinema and on television, own business?

"I always lived in such a rhythm: I worked in the theater and on the radio, then television, movies appeared in my life. For me, this is a normal lifestyle: I can be on the shooting until five in the evening, and after running to the rehearsal or evening performance. On the day of the premiere of the "hitreman for hire" at nine in the morning I came to the last run, then I went to shoot, returned to the theater at seven in the evening to play a role in the play. What helps? Scene. She mobilizes strength and treats.

Oscar Kuchet:

Oscar Couteron in the series "Team B"

- What hooked you in the new job, the play "Hits for hiring"?

"I read the play twice and both times laughed to tears, so I immediately agreed to play her, especially when I learned that Nina Chusova would put it. Then there was a period of a small clutter in connection with the castings - the actors were chosen for a long time and carefully, as it turned out, not in vain. When I learned that my good comrade Victor Loginov and Timur Yeremeyev, whom I saw only in the cinema would be played in the play. Main role performers are a one hundred percent image in the image: everything in its places. The same can be said about female characters - Nadu Angarskaya and Dasha Pogodnoy. At the first tweet of the play, I so rooted that Victor (Victor Loginov. - Approx. Ed.) Asked if I was familiar with the text. "I read the third time and I can do nothing with me!" - I replied. Madly funny comedy. We sometimes ourselves on stage and barely contain laughter.

- What do you usually dream in the night before the premiere?

- nightmares. (Laughs.) As I go out on the stage and I do not remember the text. It's really scary - not to know the text or forget it. Once I was leading at a concert dedicated to a big holiday. I do not remember exactly what exactly the Day of Independence or May 9th. We got scenarios in advance, but in twenty minutes before the start, we came up and warned: "All the texts by heart!" No folders and tips are all very strict. We were three leading - I, Yana Churikova and Dmitry Dyuzhev. It is good that we are all professionals and quickly oriented: before each exit to the scene memorized their text by heart, but then I had to take a little bit.

Oscar Kuchet:

With Leroy Kudryavtseva on the TV show "Stars agreed"

- What role is closer - serious or comedy?

- No matter how strange it, it neither sounded, but with serious roles it is always easier. Playing the comedy is more difficult - it is difficult not to lose the line between junning and acting. A good comedy is when you are doing your work and do not make anyone, but everyone laughs around. Fragrance - When you focus on the public. True, it does not always have a truly fun. Clown and actor - different professions. I do not want to impaintiate a clown profession now, I'm simply talking about the fact that it is absolutely different genres. I do not like clowns in the theater, it shakes me and quarreled. I'm more interesting to watch when something happens to the scene. This hooked me a play and my role in the "honestie". In it we urge to remember that the real love between a man and a woman is priceless.

- What is love in your understanding?

- Love is a job. And huge. Emotional shakes are needed, but it is impossible to allow emotions to take over in relationships. At nineteen years it seems to us that it is forever, I want to marry, live long and happily. But then you understand that this life and an hour and a half of the film called "Love" have already ended - what's next? Habit? Any relationship can be translated into the habit, and it will be a relationship without emotional shake with walks on the side and with children as a side effect. And true love needs to be cultivated in yourself. It is necessary to treat each other with respect, do not relax and read more often for whom you can clean your teeth in the morning. And yet: no matter how many children have, in the first place there should always be a wife or your husband.

Oscar Kuchet:

The new theatrical work of the actor was the performance of the "hits on hiring", which Nina Chusova was delivered

- Do you have four children, what is a large father?

- I have three sons and daughter. What is a large father? Perfectly! We have friendly relations. I am proud of my children. Middle and junior learn in a business school. The average last year won the All-Russian Olympiad in economics, without exams entered the Economic Class: I can't support conversations in the economy - this is above my understanding. But perfectly cope with the homework on the mathematics of the third grade: Alice with a very kaifovo spend time together while we are doing lessons. True, I do not guarantee that it is enough for a long time - Denis (the younger son of Oscar Kucers. - "ICD") in the fourth, and he no longer needs in my help. (Laughs.) The oldest, Alexander, has been served in the Children's Music Theater for two years. He is a fanatic scene even more than me. In some sense, I worry about it. I never dreamed that he became an actor, but if he really wants it and he was happy, then why not.

- Do you have Patriarchate in your family?

- We are more like a matriarchy. (Laughs.)

Oscar and his third spouse Julia became parents of two sons and daughters. In the photo of Oscar and Julia and sons Alexander (right) and Daniel.

Oscar and his third spouse Julia became parents of two sons and daughters. In the photo of Oscar and Julia and sons Alexander (right) and Daniel.

Gennady Avramenko

- So you are a rebelnik?

- Each normal man - Podkinnik. With age, an understanding comes that a woman loves the ears: to agree on time - this does not mean capitulate and recognize defeat. I call it like this: "To my mother, it means to mom." (Laughs.) In general, we are trying to help each other with my wife: take turns take away children from school, leaving classes. Especially now, when the wife receives a second education. In the first formation, she economist graduated from the design school and actively works on the call. Now I decided to improve the qualifications and get another higher. So my wife is a student.

- It was love at first sight?

- Yes, it was her! And I understood it at the same second when for the first time, seventeen years ago, I saw Yuly.

Oscar is a passionate athlete. He regularly goes to the hall, skiing and plays hockey for the acting club

Oscar is a passionate athlete. He regularly goes to the hall, skiing and plays hockey for the acting club

Photo: Instagram.com.

- And you never hide anything from your wife?

- Only in the form of an exception. For example, a wife does not know that I am so often playing hockey. (Smiles.) It seems to her that I and I spend too much time in training. But when the whole family is distributed, I go to play hockey. True, sometimes an unexpected. During one of the workouts, two ribs were broken. Not only that I moved like an old grandfather, it was still painful, and it was impossible to stay on rehearsals from laughter.

- Children are also fond of sports?

- The Middle Son is engaged in the Korean battle of Hydong's swords, younger Denis has been engaged in hockey, now - football and swimming, Alice - ballet. The oldest sport does not do - he spends all his free time in the theater.

Oscar Kuchet:

Music-Introducing Oscar love. The actor has a group called "Kucher", which regularly performs in clubs

Photo: Instagram.com.

- You are already a fairly experienced actor to say whether Oscar needs Oscar Kucher?

- Why not?! This is a story for me from the category: "My pain, you leave me." At one time, years, probably, six ago, I am absolutely free and without exams, whether Strasberg was taken to school. I starred in the series, which produced the Americans, and I was told that the teacher Nicole Kidman looked at the working materials and is waiting for me with open arms. I was insanely happy. But immediately remembered that I have children, family, shooting, performances - in general, a lot of things and a lot of work, and you need to leave for at least six months, and I was afraid. To be honest, I do not know any Russian artist who would become truly successful in Hollywood. Even those who have a lot and often moved there, - Misha Gorheva, Vladimir Mashkov, Valera Nikolaev. It was still some fragmenters, and talk about "Oscar". In order to start working there, you need to fully plunge and bury yourself there for a while. And not the fact that lucky. I'm just scary to get out of my sufficiently successful and sought-after "swamps" and go to conquer Hollywood, so "Oscar" is not yet for me. While, and there who knows ... (smiles.)

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