Kristina Babushkina: "After the holidays, agitating all friends to go to Gagra"


- Christina, what impression did Abkhazia make?

- I just fell in love with this edge, this is something indescribable. Immediately on his return, I had to fly to St. Petersburg, and, enduring there with my friends and colleagues, I immediately start all agitate to go to Gagra. First, there is a stunning climate. We flew out of Moscow in minus fourteen, and flew in plus eighteen to twenty. And this is not distant Latin America, Canaras or Thailand - the road takes quite a bit of time. The second advantage is amazingly welcoming, positive people who meet you as native and with such enthusiasm strive to show all the most interesting and feed the most delicious.

The culture of Abkhazia was so impressed by Christina that she decided to try himself as a participant in the folklore team.

The culture of Abkhazia was so impressed by Christina that she decided to try himself as a participant in the folklore team.

Gennady Avramenko

- The program you had pretty saturated. What did the brightest mark in memory have left?

- We went to the lake rice, amazing in beauty. Before him, it's not so easy to get along the screw roads of Abkhazia, but we hit a very good time. Our guide Nastya told that in the summer in those places where we walked, it is usually impossible to push around: dozens of buses go through narrow serpentine, and ahead, and towards the shores - crowds of tourists. We were lucky, there were few people, and we were remarkably rested, loved by species. We still managed to visit the beloved country of Stalin, there is also hard to get: it is on top, and the road usually brings snow. We smiled at luck - the path was free. It was very interesting to look at the house where Soviet leaders lived, at first Stalin, then Khrushchev.

Alex Beach Hotel will be a great place to stay in winter and summer.

Alex Beach Hotel will be a great place to stay in winter and summer.

Gennady Avramenko

Then we went to the wonderful city of New Athos, where the men's new Aviation Monastery is located. There on the walls have stunning murals and frescoes, all this made us just a tremendous impression. And the main attraction of the city is the cave. The little thing there was madly liked, because the feeling such that you got into the fabulous underground city: everywhere amazing backlight, classical music sounds, at every step bizarre stalactites and stalagmites. Beauty unreal! You go on a mounted bridge over a transparent underground lake, which seems to shine from the inside with different colors, - and suddenly begins to sing the male Abkhaz choir, echoing from the walls. I still have goosebumps on the skin and tears come on the eyes from these impressions. And a stesh, returning home, sat down for the instrument and composed her melody, which called the "mysterious cave". Usually it is not very willing to sits down the piano for music, and here it simply embraced inspiration. Now about Abkhazia I can speak infinitely. One season of tangerines worth it! We will never try them in Moscow, because it is impossible to take them, they usually ripen on the way. And there you tear them out from the tree, and taste, I will tell you, indescribable.

Christina Babushkin rested in Abkhazia. Dress, vanushina; Decoration, Olga Shipulin.

Christina Babushkin rested in Abkhazia. Dress, vanushina; Decoration, Olga Shipulin.

Gennady Avramenko

- Previously you had to relax in Russia? Many believe that abroad is more comfortable and cheaper.

- It is ready to argue. The level of comfort in that spa hotel, where we rested, nothing is inferior to European. And the prices are much more democratic. Plus, there is a great team of professionals - both doctors who are engaged in your health and attendants guessing any of your wishes. Honestly, I experienced shock and never forced yourself to do what did doctors with me. Imagine: from six in the morning you are under the supervision of nurses, masseuses and other specialists. First you give you one herbal collection, six thirty - already different, but together with the limit that you need to put on the liver area so that the body began to work. Soon you lead to one spa procedure, then - to another. I will not go into details, because the course for each is selected very individual. Just like a diet that is balanced on the basis of your needs. Cooks with pleasure demonstrate their skills - combining local Abkhaz cuisine and traditional European. By the way, it turned out that Italian Mozarella in any dish with great success can be replaced by Abkhaz cheese, and it will be no worse. In general, I'm in full delight!

Kristina Babushkina:

"The level of comfort in that spa hotel, where we rested, nothing is inferior to European. And the prices are much more democratic. "

Gennady Avramenko

- In addition to these, the most recent impressions, what else did you remember the past 2014?

- It was my year - a year of a horse. And I am quite pleased with its results. In addition to privacy, the daughter of Stech, who has already gone to the second class and perfectly learns than I am terribly pleased - for us, creative people are important, the issue of work is important. Fortunately, and in the theater, and in the cinema I had everything was very successful. During this year we released a wonderful performance "No. 13D" with Vladimir Lvovich Mashkov. For me, he is a stunning director and teacher, he gives me a lot like a mentor - and at work, and in life. In addition, I starred in six pictures, many will soon go to the screens, some have already come out ... Believe me, all that I guess last year under the battle of the Kurats, writing my desires on a piece of paper and drinking her ashes with champagne, everything came true.

- And with what cherished desires did you celebrate the year 2015?

- The most cherished I will voice, of course, I will not. But I would really like everything to work out in our country, so that all troubles and crises remained in the past. As mom, I dream that we have no war and hard tests would have passed our people. I am sure that it will be so!

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