Birthday - a sad holiday: how to celebrate the name day when you are on quarantine


People who do not celebrate birthdays are now easy - their rituals have not changed. But those who are accustomed to celebrate with a swing, are now sad: it is impossible to meet with friends, but to blew candles on a cake alone is not so fun. Thought over alternative campaign options and is ready to offer them to you:

Meet online master class

If you have not been to art parties before, it's time to try to arrange it at home. You can order a Master Class on Video Communication in a company that organizes such events - they will bring all the necessary materials for drawing to the house, or you will order them in the store for creativity for yourself and friends. This format of the event is much more interesting than just a conversation on video links and online games - you can do every day, and not in your main holiday.

Candle dinner - far from the worst idea in quarantine

Candle dinner - far from the worst idea in quarantine


Spend the day with your family

Sounds a little strange in conditions when you spend the whole quarantine with a partner and children in the same apartment, right? But how much time per day do you spend about conversations, and not behind the laptop screen or on social networks? Surely you lack simple human communication in souls - it's time to spend such a holiday as he was in your first years of life - only you and the closest people. Order delivery of food from your favorite restaurant, buy a bottle of good wine, burn candles and arrange a festive dinner. You will have time to think about how this year has passed for you, and share reflections with your family. Remember the funny and sad moments that have become something special for you. In the bustle of everyday life, we often forget to pause and analyze what happens to us, but, meanwhile, do it really important.

Do good things

Your sad mood instantly improves, if you decide to give happiness to other people on your birthday. Now it is hard for everyone, but one thing to complain about life, sitting in a rocking chair in a country house, and completely different when the health of loved ones suffers. Offer friends to congratulate you on a charity fund instead of a gift. Bouquets will now be superfluous - their delivery can only expose you danger. It is better to spend this money wisely and solve someone's problem at least partially. If you do this with a good tradition, we are sure that in the poor arrangement of the Spirit you just can not stay.

You still have time to celebrate with a scope

You still have time to celebrate with a scope


Promise yourself a grand party

For those who do not have one of the standards proposed ways to celebrate, we just say one thing: Major and wait for the day X. Promise yourself that at the end of the quarantine you arrange such an evening, which none of your loved ones have seen before. Fantasize what topics to ask the party, what treats offer guests who will be responsible for music and entertainment on your holiday. Order yourself an outfit for the future celebrations in the online store - it will be the first step towards the coveted day.

Today, if you have a birthday or he will be in a month, we will congratulate you on the soul and wish that in the number of frowning days for the year you have bent no more than one finger. Love life and be loved by it - you are not alone and not alone in this situation. Everything will definitely pass, and the sun will go to your chaise. Happy Birthday!

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