Alexey Leemar: "Stay an eternal student no longer for me"


- Some time ago, your numerous fans learned that you are now not Alexey Gavrilov, but Alexey Lemar. Why did you suddenly decide to change the surname?

"At some point I decided to take a creative pseudonym." Lemar is the connection of the two names of Lesha and Marina. My name and name of my wife. It also translates as "marine". We live by the sea, and it is very logical. Documents, however, I did not change, because for a year and a half ago, my father was supremely resistant, he had a heart attack. We decided to leave the names of Gavrilov in passports. In his honor.

- What is happening in the life of Alexey Lemar?

- The most unusual thing that happened lately is that I try myself as a theatrical actor. I will play on the scene of the Grand Kremlin Palace. And at once, two main roles - a storyteller and the king.

More than 120 children of different nationalities will take part in our show. I will spend with Tamara Gverdcitel. These roles are very exciting for me. Because exist on the set and on the main scene of the country are completely different tasks and sensations. Also this year we are planning to hold the most unusual seminar that ever spent. We will talk about the secrets of family life and family happiness.

- You may share with us. Tell me what is your secret of family happiness?

- In my opinion, secret in trust, honesty, love, sincerity, mutual understanding, supporting each other. In order to listen not only yourself, but also a partner, feel it and maintaining harmony in the family and relationships.

- It is said that the offer you made Marina rather unusual ...

"I didn't have a ring, but suddenly smelled feelings: we sat on the beach, admired for the sunset. And on my neck there was a chain with overalls. I removed this chain and wrapped around the marina's finger. I asked her to become my wife. Mariska dispelled and said yes. And then we had three weddings: one in Tibetan tradition, such a meditative. He took place in the Indian city of Darmsala, in the residence of the Dalai Lama. We bought the necessary things for this, attributes and came to the deities of white and green containers. To Buddha. We just prayed and asked for blessings. Then there was a Vedic wedding. She passed on all the traditions of the Old Malayskaya culture. We were crowned by a real Brahmin (spiritual mentor, priest. - Ed.) In the temple of the frame and sieves at an altitude of 2350 meters above sea level. It was probably the most mystical wedding, because at that moment we understood that already, perhaps, once did such a rite in one of the previous lives, since we believe in the reincarnation of the soul. Well, the Russian wedding is the smallest. She was mainly for parents, namely, so that they met, because before that he never saw each other. (Laughs.)

- Who has the idea of ​​going to Thailand?

- Marina. She gathered her things and said: "I'm leaving to live on Phangan Island. Are you with me?" And it was at the very beginning of our acquaintance, we knew each other literally a month. I answered her, they say, wait, I need to think. But she said that she was still leaving. Of course, I then inside myself said yes, although I didn't know how it would be, because I still had shooting in the Sashatany TV series. They ended before the New Year. And as soon as they ended, I gathered all the money, things, I sold the car that I just bought, and went to live on the island.

Most of the year Alexey and his spouse Marina are held in Thailand. The couple has already become accustomed to life in an exotic country, and young people return to Moscow exclusively on cases

Most of the year Alexey and his spouse Marina are held in Thailand. The couple has already become accustomed to life in an exotic country, and young people return to Moscow exclusively on cases

- Now you live in two countries?

- Yes. And we are very happy, because May, the summer months and September are spent in Moscow, where I participate in various seminars, I am filming in movies and TV projects. And from September to May we mostly on the island (in Russia I am flying only on working matters), where we have a yoga center, which we opened together with partners. We are also going to build a restaurant and guest houses. That is, to make such a good eco-friendly center so that people can come from different countries and restore their health with the help of yoga, meditation and alignments on Hellinger and other practices from invited professionals.

- What difficulties have to come across Thailand?

- When natural cataclysms happen, it rains for a long time or in April, for example, it is very hot, then I want to leave Thailand, and Marina moves everything well. We remove housing there. We had several houses that we changed depending on our mood. If we want to live by the sea, we remove the house there, if in the mountains - rent housing for hills. And, despite the fact that the house is removable, we always have its own copyright. Create comfort, love to hang decorations, fabrics, paintings. We also have natural stones that are energy saturated.

- After such changes, probably changed and your attitude to life ...

- When I started living in Thailand and travel a lot, it began to pay attention to how many people from various countries are open to each other and are always ready to help. Everyone find a common language, help, get out. And the propaganda, which is often in the information space, about the fact that the enemies around us are not true. It all depends on the consciousness of a person and on how to treat this world.

- Marina, as far as I heard, a very versatile personality ...

- Marina is an international yoga instructor. It constantly increases its level, is also a psychotherapist, manufacturing copyrighted natural decorations. And still writes books and is an active blogger, develops individual yoga programs for people. She is really very versatile. (Smiles.)

- And your relationship with yoga folded?

- I can do yoga. I can do several months and then do a long break. Now I went to the gym - I am preparing for tribes into two main roles in projects for leading channels. For them, I need to rush and gain muscle mass so that the figure is more sporty. I also write stories and filmcenery. And for one famous magazine began writing poems. I also enjoy politics, and I like to study various political technologies. I am also attracted to history, art business and art, both modern and classic.

In general, I have many areas of interest.

- In such a bright family, probably will grow incredible talented children. Already thought about replenishment?

- Sure! We are as a dream of children, and we work on this issue. I think that when we have children, we will calmly combine career and upbringing. Especially since we are mostly creating and work upon yourself. For the benefit of your family.

"Alexey, you were very convincing in the TV series" Univer "and" Sashahatanya ", why did these popular projects suddenly leave?

- I gave these projects about eight years. And it seems to me that it has already come time to prove the viewer and to myself that I am capable of something more than the role of Hasi Rudkovsky's rudkovsky. It is necessary to move on, to remain an eternal student and in 37 years no longer for me. Therefore, I accepted a volitional decision not to participate in the new season "Sashantan", although I received such a proposal from producers.

- Do you communicate with colleagues in series? What do they think about changes in your life?

- Yes, we communicate, but not as often as we would like. My life and behavior have always been not quite standard for my colleagues, so I think they are accustomed to me. I do not like everything banal, gray, everyday. On the contrary, I prefer bright, unusual, interesting. And I want to call for all readers so that they are most bright, interesting and individually lived their lives.

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