Sati Casanova: "I could not forbid my husband to prevent the patients, knowing what his noble heart is"


After the departure of Sati Casanova from the factory group, fans were, were frightened that the actress would completely complete the musical career. However, fears were in vain: the singer continued his artistic activity, and even the news of personal life pleased, coming out married the Italian photographer. True, today Coronavirus divided lovers. She is here in Russia, and Stefano - in unsafe Italy. About what is like to love at a distance and that at all happens in the life of Sati Casanova, she told in an exclusive conversation.

Sati, in your life something changed dramatically after the coronavirus pandemic began?

- Of course, life has changed, and work - everything has changed. Many things have suspended, starting with the fact that I was planning time to spend time in India by the end of March and enjoying this beautiful country. The virus forced me to face the decision of the Indian government: they deported everyone during the week. And this is probably a very wise step, because one and a half billion of the Hindus could hardly be able to protect themselves. The virus penetrates into them, but in small scales. In general, I did not go. Now I spend the time at home very interesting, I want to say. I find out every night that I did not have time to do everything that I wanted. Just so much! So many books must be read, and I also scaled so much, with a dozen unread, probably. About the series and the Internet, I am generally silent. In principle, without leaving the house, there is something to do. Another question is that a person needs a person to have to hug. So now I miss you mad, for a week, I probably did not hug anyone. We do not see friends with girlfriends. My husband, of course, is stuck in Italy! I honestly suffer. But I suffer wisely and philosophical.

Because of Coronavirus, Sati Casanova canceled many important trips

Because of Coronavirus, Sati Casanova canceled many important trips

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By the way, many already know that in recent years your life has changed much. What made you turn to yoga and other practices?

- Let's just say, my own inner crisis, due to the external events. At that moment I left the factory group and experienced a very difficult parting with a man. But the most important thing, I came to a certain inner state, when everything that was, I could not continue. That is, the awareness happened that I can't, I do not want and I will not live like that, and the new did not appear. It was pretty hard, there was a very depressive dark time, after which, of course, the dawn came, and everything became different. At that time I turned to Mantram, Yoga, trainings, because I was looking for a way out, I was looking for the very window and light. And I fully found it when I met the teacher. Many things have become clear to me, and the answers to many questions came to me quite naturally. Of course, still learn and learn, open and discover, improve - there is no limit. And thanks to these knowledge, I'm on what is happening, for example, I look completely different than millions of people around the world. And, of course, we, small people sitting at home, seemingly can not do anything: to influence the external circumstances, stop this virus or fall in the global economy. But, on the other hand, we can change the internal attitude, prepare ourselves. Yes, life will become different, there will be difficulties, but humanity has repeatedly experienced similar. Thank God, do not fly bullets over their heads.

Where did your practices go?

- I studied yoga at my teacher in Ashrama. These are teaching courses that I graduated in 2016. Since then, I had about 120 students. This is not so much, given that it took 4 years. But the fact is that I do not have much time for this. I approximately once a half or two months I give a course. Now I had to postpone full-time classes with my students, but we make it online. With those who are dedicated to yoga, which I teach, we meet at 7 am online now for more than a week, and we plan to establish such a tradition. Personally, I set out the goal of this quarantine while we stopped and there is no insane runner, smash yourself, your thinking and your life. This is a unique opportunity, and this can not be missed. It is necessary to create new habits, learn something new, cool.

Sati Kazanova has been professionally engaged in yoga for many years

Sati Kazanova has been professionally engaged in yoga for many years

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And how did self-isolation affect your work?

- Like it is paradoxically, she had a good impact. I and music are written, and mantras are located. Somehow everything is creative. I think that before the end of self-insulation, the face of excellent ideas. I say that the question is only as we look at it. Or we use the opportunity or scold the circumstances. I prefer the first option. For example, I have a pretty deep mystical meditative music album. We created him half a year with a big trepidation, and he, of course, is special in the sense that we mixed special musical styles. We used unusual frequencies that affect the consciousness of a person. This is the frequency of 432 MHz and 436 MHz. Of course, they strongly contribute to a very deep meditative state. And the Music Sati Ethnica itself comes the sacred heritage in a very understandable and accessible sound. We mix ethnic and electronic music. In the last album only analog sounds. And when all this pandemic end, I plan to produce a record also on vinyl, because the electronic format, unfortunately, distorts the sound. A vinyl retains almost all the frequency and purity of vibrations.

Why do Sati Casanova need such a project? Is it easy to burn an ordinary album with popular music?

- This project with a special mission. I am not ready to talk about her now, because there are rather intimate and sacred moments. I can only say that this mission to help people open hearts. It means breathing with full breasts and feel that you are alive, real. Down with these masks, experiences, one need to pretend to someone! And finally, you can afford to love. People are afraid to love, because we were inspired to love - it is unsafe, which is necessarily someone causing the pain that the heart should be closed. And my music convinces a person in the opposite: the wider open the heart, the more love in it, and no one and nothing can wander the heart. Now I see that people in these circumstances need something to switch their attention from external stress factors. Because a lot of pain, experiences and fears. I have a heart breaking for Italy. If I had no knowledge that I would eat, I would sob from morning to evening for various reasons. Starting with the fact that we are far from each other with my beloved, ending with people suffer, die - it is very painful.

And how do you feel now? They say, you also managed to catch a cold ...

- Well-being good, I really got a little cold. But I drink different vitamin teas, all natural, so as not to overload the chemistry. Buckwheat, masks, alcohol and alcohol napkins - it all also has it.

How did it happen that you are now separated with your spouse?

"A presentation of the book, which he wrote with such a trembling last year, should have been held in Italy, and he went there in the first days of March, and I had to fly on the 8th to spend a week with him. We planned a promotional tour of the major cities of Italy with press conferences. A lot of fans and the press waited for him. And I was waiting for me - as a wife, like the beloved Stefano Tiozzo. He has a huge army of fans! But all this, unfortunately, so loud and painfully broke down. After I once again returned to Moscow, we waited for what will happen next. We did not decide to twitch, I did not decide to go to him. As a result, it happened as it happened, because every day something changed, measures tightened, and this story turned out: I am here, and he is in Italy.

Now the singer is separated with her husband for an indefinite period. Communication of spouses occurs by video link

Now the singer is separated with her husband for an indefinite period. Communication of spouses occurs by video link

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Now Stefano sits at home, and he did it before Coronavirus, besides what he released a book?

- He is photographer, videographer, freight forwarder, traveler. He courses about 45 countries in the year, he has an expedition and photoctification, tours, master classes. More and more fans in Europe, he is already talking about television and write in newspapers. He is there blogger-colebriti. Previously, by the way, he was a dentist doctor. And the other day he told me: "If I were not only a dentist, I would have a wider medical profile and I would have been allowed to become a volunteer, I would go, even risking my life." I am proud of these words. And I probably could not tell him: "Sydi and do not turn out." I could not forbid him to save patients, knowing what his noble heart he had. I probably love him for it.

Tell us what atmosphere around your husband? Is it safe?

- Yes, he is in safe hands, with parents and grandmother, they are very disciplined and strictly observe quarantine. It comes out of the house only every 3 days after bread and every 4-5 days - for the products in the supermarket. They have strict conditions, at what distance from each other to be. It is necessary to be in masks and gloves, sanitizers for hand everywhere. There is a serious period of quarantine. And we have something to learn in this sense, because it may also get worse in Russia. I'm not a pessimist, I am a realist. I hope that we will sweep, our Russian maybe often saves ...

In terms of infection, I do not worry about the virus, and he is for me too, because we are with him on the same wave and believe that there are things that are destined. And if something should happen, it will definitely happen, no matter how hiding. If it is destined to get sick or die, these things are predetermined, they are not accidental. We are more worried about our parents, because they are already adults, and their immunity and health is not so strong as I would like. In my native republic already found infected. Yesterday, my husband said that one of his friends, an adult man a little more than sixty was in serious condition in resuscitation, and today he left life ... And this virus is no longer a phantom, which only speaks about it somewhere, it concerns so or Otherwise, each family. This is such an universal trouble. My husband and I communicate around video link several times a day. For this, thank you very much to those who came up with such technical capabilities.

Sati Casanova:

"The mode of self-insulation had a good impact on my creativity"

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Judging by your answers, you have a really strong family union. What do you think is the secret of your successful marriage?

"It's hard for me to share the secrets of a successful marriage, he will only be three years old in the fall, and we have not seen every month. And it seems that for more than a month two we will not have to see. Probably our frequent separations in a sense and there is a secret of our strong union. We miss each other. And most importantly, we respect each other. Respect each other's space, desire, purpose.

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