Handmade massage without bruises: how to put the skin and not injure her


Many studies have proven the positive impact of a regular massage on the body - from improving immunity to combating serious diseases, such as dementia and Parkinson's disease. In the literary review "Massage Therapy Research Review" Tiffany Field, published in 2017, the author in the course of consideration of 65 scientific research confirms the efficiency of massage as an additional means in combating different negative manifestations. First of all, a positive effect is explained by the decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood - this means that a person calms down and feels better. In this material will consider how the massage does not affect health, but on the skin itself, and tell how to do it right.

Easy slip hands

During mechanical manipulations on dry skin, bruises are formed - this is obtained as a result of palm hitch with the skin surface. If you bring oil to a massageable area, the palms will start sliding on it, smoothly overclocking blood and lymph. We advise you to kill two hares at once, buying a batter for massage to massage - this is a nutrient body cream, which added basic and essential oils. It moisturizes the skin, leaving a thin oil film on its surface, which will provide a comfortable sliding of hands on the surface when performing a massage. We do not recommend making massage only with butter, as it can clog the pores and provoke the appearance of rashes and black points on the skin.

Apply cream with oil on the skin in front of the massage

Apply cream with oil on the skin in front of the massage

Photo: unsplash.com.

Movement from bottom top

Correctly make a massage in the direction of the Lymph movement - from the heels to the top of the top. First of all, you warm up the skin and muscle with stretching movements - it will take 2-3 minutes. Next, you are more pointing to problem areas: knuckles smear the smearing after training the muscles, energetic circular and patting movements increase blood flow to extension zones, and then the bore - "break" fat cells, making them elastic and accelerating the outflow of the water delayed in the water body . As auxiliary devices can use a brush for dry massage, a hid roller or a glove wash.

Know the measure in everything

Do not make a massage for a long time - the amount of time you need to increase gradually, starting from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. When you begin to warm up the skin, it should become pink, and after the massage to be slightly red, but not a burgundy is a guarantee of the appearance of bruises on the body. Especially be careful with the area of ​​the abdomen and the chest, where the skin is thinner and gentle - there are often bruises for those who cannot control the power of presses. Never make a massage on damaged skin - cracked from frost burned, irritated after epilation and so on. In terms of massage frequency, it is better to limit ourselves to 2-3 procedures per week.

Be careful - do not press on the skin too much

Be careful - do not press on the skin too much

Photo: unsplash.com.

Lie and relax

After massage, you must have 10-15 minutes to lie down under a warm blanket or plaid, while the skin does not get the natural color again. Otherwise, vascular meshes or other damage may appear from the temperature drop on the skin on the skin. Consult a doctor before starting procedures if you have problems with a circulatory system or you have moved the operation in the past. Be careful to your health and well-being, putting it in the first place before beauty and harmony.

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