Lisa Arzamasova: "When you love a person, you take everything in it"


- What were you in childhood?

- Quiet and pretty downtown. Mom says I never capricious. I remember childhood with serene and joyful. I remember that there were many interesting classes and friends, and the companies were fun with us. And I also remember the happy country hooliganism and adventures. I loved to have fun, but could not argue. It was just too lazy.

- How did you earn the first money and what they spent them?

"I earned the first money for five years and spent my native gifts, I bought some memorable souvenir. It was nice. And I felt very adult when I was able to invite mom and aunt in a cafe and then myself for the first time in my life.

- Do you often have to listen to jokes about girls driving?

- To be honest, then jokes about girls behind the wheel are becoming less and less, because a very capable generation of girls has grown. All my familiar girls are very good drivers. It's time to invent new jokes about nervous men driving.

- The best advice you followed?

- Do not follow a popular council. Listen to the smart and experienced person is always nice, but the conclusions need to do independent.

- For what delicacy are you ready to give up a diet?

- Many such delicacies. Pancakes are once! Watermelons in unlimited quantity. Chocolate truffle. Do not even continue this list. Although, if there is nothing delicious in reach, I don't think about food.

- What kind of male quality you do not accept anything?

"Probably, when you love a person, then you take everything in it, and what I do not agree with, trying to correct or speak in a good way.

- What clothes do you feel at irresistible?

- The feeling of "irresistible" I often depends not from clothes, but on the mood, from well-being, from events that occur, and even from the weather. And I also love clothes "with the mood." Here I have several friends-designers who have so much energy and positive emit that and their clothes are associated only with good and joy.

- Do you easily deceive you?

- Highly! Something I have a sense of humor periodically. The guys say that it happens not interesting to play on April 1st. I really believe! So in the middle of the draw, they have to admit that all this is a joke, so that I did not get upset too much.

- Do you know how to deceive?

- All people know how to deceive. Surely I am capable of a lie to salvation or when I really don't want to offend a person. I try not to lie as much as possible, in emergency cases at least hint at the truth. The worst in deception is the loss of trust.

- What films can you revise infinitely?

- Woody Allen movies. And the wonderful film "Flying over the jack of cuckoo."

- What is a female whim in your performance?

- I am not capricious. It happens that you have a joke on a joke with close people, so that they have shook stronger, they showed more tenderness. So, probably. But you need to observe. Suddenly I don't know something about myself?

- Travel that you remember forever?

- Trip to Mongolia! Many travels, which I forever remember because of some special new impressions, but in Mongolia, for some reason I felt like on another planet! Magically!

- How do you imagine the best job in the world?

- The best job in the world is to do your favorite thing. The fact that in childhood was a favorite game.

- Do you know what lies in your purse?

- At first glance there is a complete Kavardak, but I know for sure what lies there.

- Happiness is…

- Happiness - live!

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