Washing can provoke acne appearance


Faced with the problem of acne, that is, acne on his face, girls resort to a variety of treatments, ranging from anti-inflammatory ointments and ending with serious hormonal drugs.

In some cases, traditional cosmetology methods are effective, and girls manage to get rid of imperfections. But sometimes the improvement is observed only during the use of external means and medicines, and they should be canceled - and everything returns to the circles.

There is also a third category of Cosmetology Cabinets: All listed tricks do not bring a significant result. Part of such "lucky" is humbled with their imperfect skin view, others are looking for non-standard methods for solving the problem.

Among those who are not ready to fold their hands turned out to be blogger Molly Greenblat. She deducted that it was possible to get rid of acne, excluding washing from their beauty routine with the help of foams and gels. The girl tried this method and did not lose: for the year her skin was almost completely cleaned.

This effect can be found an explanation. Often we use more aggressive tools for washing than required. As a result, the skin becomes land. In some people, the skin is not ready to accept the changes that have occurred and in response to the cutting effect begins to produce more skin salts, pores are blocked, and acne occurs.

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