Who is a creative person and why it is difficult for him to survive in the modern world


Often, when we are trying to determine what creativity is, fantasy limits us very traditional definitions. Creativity is music, songs, dancing, painting. In fact, it is not. My experience shows that many have a huge creative potential hidden inside. People with deeply hidden creative potential live the usual life, try to make a career. But at some point they have a hard psychological crisis, since their inner "I" cannot find exit.

Since childhood, we hear from parents and senior relatives about the importance of the "real" profession. Once at once, the child hears that he is a lawyer, or an economist, or an engineer he will earn his bread. And songs and dances - Freak's lot, the artist will learn only after death, and in general, any creative person is doomed, as a rule, on a pitiful loaf of life. Formed installation leads to the fact that people are afraid to realize themselves somehow differently

Such people feel very acute, noting that the external environment is not capable of accepting them. For others, such people are considered unstable emotionally. Their problem is that they are different, and, playing an uncomfortable and traumatic rules, "hidden" creative people do not develop their potential.

Stigma, imposed in childhood, leads to the fact that the stereotype of the failure of a creative person is laid deep in the subconscious.

Creative professions Society by default considers failed

Creative professions Society by default considers failed

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

I will say "no", the creative person is not always completely implemented, rather, on the contrary. Yes, his problems are not entirely understood, it is difficult to communicate with him.

The man is creative possesses exacerby feelings that form a rich inner world, not always having the ability to balance internally and external. As a result, such a person begins to constantly enter the conflict with society or loved ones. If you do not change the situation in a timely manner, then solitude and universal misunderstanding shines.

My studies related to the analysis of the causes of the dissatisfaction of the individual, which society considers emotionally unstable and impuditably rejects, indicates that the main reason is that the personal uniqueness is not implemented

Each individual has its own destination assigned to him before his birth. Previously, the purpose was understood simply and definitely, as a social purpose like a life path, which is prescribed to you with family and the environment. Today, the concept of purpose is seriously changing.

For a person, creative understand what is his destination, and is the main rules for survival and establishing parity relations with others. A creative person in his painful uncertainty, who was filed by society, does not know where to start. Some become a kind of "trainings drug addicts". The problem of such a dependence is that the dismissions of the time, where, why and how to develop, blurred and unrealistic plans are prevented. The training ends, and after the door is closed behind the coach, the positive effect of such an event is dispelled.

The formula for survival of a creative person is to disclose its potential

The formula for survival of a creative person is to disclose its potential

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Of course, the training can be useful, but only when it can show how to realize its purpose.

I will give one of the cases: one of my friend, finishing the conservatory, realized that he would not be able to make it enough to make music. He looked for himself for a long time, worked for some time in sales. Dissatisfaction, the inability to engage in creativity led to serious internal contradictions.

After analyzing the reasons for his torment, we managed to find a way out. Today, his School of Vocal is a valid and successful business that helps him implement his potential and ensure its family with everything necessary.

Thus, summing up, it can be noted that the formula for the survival of a creative person is to disclose its potential. And the task of a psychologist is to help in time to give a person of confidence that his destination is not always connected with those social roles that he performs in society.

Building and developing a personal brand is the only adequate solution that will help the creative person in order to preserve its individuality, to resist those challenges that the surrounding society gives him.

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