Payment for success: how much do you earn in Hollywood?



from 50 to 10 million a year

Each actor, be he megazvera or making only the first steps in the industry, there is a agent who is engaged in promoting his client. A beginner agent with a successful situation can earn 50-65 thousand per year. More experienced - about 200 thousand. In rare cases, when the contract for earning agent adds interest from the fee of his client, it can receive up to a million dollars a year. But, of course, the largest income of celebrity agents. For example, Tracy Jacobs, representing the interests of Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Gwyneth Paltrow and a number of other stars, earns a year to ten million dollars.


from 250 thousand to 20 million a year

Famous earfit directions are in second place after actors-stars, but, nevertheless, they do not get so much. For example, Masters like Ridley Scott or Paul Gringrass can count on a fee of $ 7-10 million or a little more, if it is expected that the film will be with a high rating. And Christopher Nolan, by rumors, and received 20 million dollars at the InterStellar at all. But on average, the directorial earnings does not exceed 3-4 million. And novice directors who shoot their first full-length film with the help of Major Studio are content with a fee of 250-500 thousand dollars.

Payment for success: how much do you earn in Hollywood? 45094_1

Christopher Nolan, by rumors, received 20 million dollars for the film "InterSellar". Photo:


from 2 to 30 thousand per week

Leading launch operators, which in the film industry there are only fifteen people in the film industry, may require 25-30 thousand dollars a week for films that are filmed about twelve weeks. This circle of chosen, in particular, includes eleven-time nominees for the Oscar Award Roger Dickins ("Escape from Schown", "Mind Games"), Oscar Prize winner for the painting "Gravity" Emmanuel Lytskay and Favorite Operator Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino Robert Richardson. All other operators in paintings with a large budget (over 80 million dollars) can count on 10-20 thousand dollars a week. And on low-budget tapes - 2-5 thousand dollars a week.

In the film industry, not only stars work. Photo:

In the film industry, not only stars work. Photo:


from 100 thousand to 5 million per year

Writers' fees are very different. Those who managed to sell their scripts of a large studio can get about 100 thousand dollars. Top authors have already earn one or two million dollars. A family scenarios like Simon Kinberg (Sherlock Holmes) or co-authors of Alex Kurttsman and Roberto Orsi ("Star Path") per year receive more than 5 million dollars.


from 50 to 500 thousand per year

A couple of years ago, Cascaders, risking their lives on the set, earned 250 thousand dollars per year. Recently, their fees have decreased to 50-100 thousand dollars. Sometimes this amount is hard enough to cover insurance costs. But there are exceptions. Now 70-year-old Yuene Vo-Ping at the peak of his career, removing and putting tricks in films such as the "Matrix" and "Kill Bill", received a million dollars per year. Tom Maccomas, who worked as a cascadener in the paintings, like a "mission of impossible" and "Dark Knight", earns about 500 thousand dollars a year.

The revenues of the film industry workers are very different. For example, the screenwriter can receive from 100 thousand to 5 million dollars a year. Photo:

The revenues of the film industry workers are very different. For example, the screenwriter can receive from 100 thousand to 5 million dollars a year. Photo:


from $ 148 a day

The average fee is on average 148 dollars a day. But if he has to be filmed in difficult weather conditions (in the rain, in the smoke) or put on a wig, he can get an increase in dollars in 50. Especially great surrenders for overtime work: for each hour over 16-hour shifts, the statists receive an amount equal to His fee.

Price list (revenues per year):

The chief artist of the film is 104 thousand dollars.

The main makeup artist is 100 thousand dollars.

The main costume is a 91 thousand dollars.

Personal assistant stars - 80 thousand dollars.

Hairdresser - 77 thousand dollars.

Dresser wild animals - 75 thousand dollars.

The driver is 56 thousand dollars.

Dog Trainer - 54 thousand dollars.

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