Zapronravov clan: when blood acting


At the heart of the story of the series "Alien Blood", the action of which goes for several decades, the history of the prosperous family of Gorbatov - the party employee of Boris, whom Dobronravov played, and his wife - Beauty Zina performed by Karina Andolyenko. The life of this prosperous at first view of the family is not so cloudless: it does not do without jealousy, betrayal, divorce and betrayal.

"One way or another it is about us," Victor's project shares his thoughts. - The series of such a genre is always similar: there is a hero, there are antagonists, the heroes that are separated, and they must meet ... Well, that is, all these intricacies of fate. But there is life and consist of them. "

When the film covers such a long period of time, it is impossible to do without changes in the appearance of the heroes. To form Dobronravov for forty years, the grimers had to do a painstaking job.

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In the series "Alien Blood", the action takes place in three different epochs, and the hero of Viktor Dobronravov ages for several decades

"For two hours, every day went on makeup. First, they worked on a plastic grima - very expensive, but giving a wonderful effect. So now this technique has advanced that even eyes and eyelids can be aged, although before it always gave out artists in the movies: the face isged, and the eyes of the young. Then we were transferred to artists-artists, and after that we were still twelve in such a grima, "the artist told about the captures of the shooting process.

However, difficulties on the site of Viktor were never frightened, because the acting is in his blood. Victor is the son of the Honored Artist of Russia Fedor Dobronravova. He has a younger brother Ivan, who also conquers theatrical layouts and plays a movie. As Victor told, in childhood and youth, all his free time he looked at the performances and was at the father's rehearsals, he spent a lot of time he spent a long time after moving to Moscow from Voronezh - Fyodor Viktorovich began working at the Sachirikon theater Arkady Rykin. Moreover, Dobronravov-Sr. did not dreamed at all so that the children go to his footsteps. But the genes took the top.

Victor's creative debut took place at eight years - in the same theater, the boy first went on stage with the song "Dear Mine Olders". At twelve years, he has already voiced cartoons. And the fact that after school Victor entered the Schukin Theater School and in the same year was adopted in the theater's troupe. Vakhtangov, no one no one surprised. Career developed rapidly. The young artist received a major role in the Children's musical "Enik-Beniki", played in classical theatrical productions. In 2009, he even became the winner of the telecase and received the main male role in the musical "Beauty and the Beast".

And if a 35-year-old actor coped with a young man's role with a special grima, then over the "elderly" manner had to work

And if a 35-year-old actor coped with a young man's role with a special grima, then over the "elderly" manner had to work

In parallel with Dobronravov Theater began to make the first steps in the movies. The debut on the set was part in the film "Moscow windows", but fame to Viktor came only after filming in the picture "Do not be beautiful," where he played the courier Korotkov. The success of the series provided Victor with the most different roles: from the gangster in Yalta-45 and the pilot in the TV series "Chkalov" - to a modest junior investigator in the TV series "Family values", as well as a non-promising radio host in the film "Well, Hello, Oksana Sokolova". Not without joint projects with the Father. As, for example, in one of the seasons of "Shatov", where he also played with his brother. By the way, Victor has always said that they have a breath of rivalry with younger brother, they, on the contrary, are friends and try to help each other.

Victor has repeatedly admitted that his favorite wife, with whom he met in the theater studio, inspires him. After graduating from the school, their road was separated, but not long. Sasha graduated from the litter and received a diploma of the film operator, Victor became an actor. And they again brought fate. As a result, the novel that ended with the wedding. They got married in 2010, and in the same year they were born daughter Varya. And six years later - another daughter, Vasilisa. Victor often ask whether he wants acting in his children acting, and while the actor answers negatively. "Our bread is very difficult, and the actresses are even more complicated, the competition is especially great among them," the star father explains its position.

Almost all his free time, Victor tries to spend with his family. And also pays time to music, without which it can also live. The actor sings in the jazz team "Viktor Dobronravov and Carpet Quartet". Love for music still little twist again instilled a star father who plays the guitar and sings with pleasure.

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