Intimate gymnastics: what it is and how to perform the main exercises


Intimate gymnastics is designed to improve women's health and lead the hormonal background. It will also be useful when omitting organs and incontinence.

We will tell that it is not that women who decide to do these exercises, and how to perform them correctly.

Gymnastics are much more important than it may seem at first glance.

Gymnastics are much more important than it may seem at first glance.


What do I need intimate gymnastics

This type of gymnastics is a system of exercise designed to improve the muscle tone of the pelvic region and ensure the best blood flow.

The topic of intimate gymnastics is well developed in Eastern traditions, people have long sought to prolong youth and sex life.

Modern medicine drew attention to this gymnastics only in the last century. The American gynecologist noted the frequency of complaints of the omission of organs and blood of the blood from his patients.

The main reason for this ailment is a sedentary lifestyle. We go to cars, sit at home on the sofas, as a result of which our bodies relax and develop all sorts of diseases associated with the intimate sphere. After the same gynecologist invented the simulator and developed a scheme of exercises, an intimate gymnastics recognized world media.

The gymnastics are much more important than it may seem at first glance, because women's ovaries - a hormonal center, from which the condition of hair, skin depends on the condition, the ability to conceive a child. Without the normal functioning of this body, a full and rich life is impossible.

You need to engage in intimate gymnastics, if at least a few items below refer to you:

- You move little;

- You are giving birth;

- there is a problem with the omission of the uterus;

- Hemorrhoids;

- suffer from involuntary urination;

- Can't conceive a child;

- You are not satisfied with sex life;

- suspect himself in frigidity;

- Can't relax during sex.

It is impossible to achieve effect if you are engaged only by gymnastics of an intimate zone

It is impossible to achieve effect if you are engaged only by gymnastics of an intimate zone


Errors when performing intimate gymnastics

Important moment: it is impossible to achieve the effect if you are engaged only by gymnastics of an intimate zone, you need to create a muscular frame, namely, strengthen legs, hips and press.

Only after you start maintaining the body in a tone, you can proceed to the elaboration of more delicate areas. And most importantly - no overloads, organs must be elastic, increasing the load, you risk getting gaps and violations in the work of the small pelvis organs.

We have prepared for you several exercises on the development of elasticity and maintain the tone of important bodies.

First. Heat the ligament

Arrange the legs on the width of the shoulders, bend your knees, straighten your back.

We put the pelvis in an even position, as if we press the "tail", then move the pelvis forward and return to its original position. Do all movements smoothly, repeat the exercise 8 times.

Second. Rotate the pelvis

Again, legs on the width of the shoulders, knees bend. Only the bottom of the body works. Make spin the pelvis first into one, then to the other side. Repeat 10 times.

Third. Basic fitness of intimate muscles

The initial position is all the same. Squeeze and relax the muscles of the anus and vagina. To several accounts delay the voltage and then let go, repeat this exercise 16 times.

Fourth. Strengthen the muscles of the pelvis

Keep the same position of the legs. Put aide the pelvis forward, on inhale strain legs, hips and buttocks. We consider to 20 and relax. You must repeat 5 times.

Fifth. We increase female energy

This exercise is running sitting or lying on the back. Heat the palm, let them go about each other when you feel warm, attach them to the ovarian area at the bottom of the abdomen. Feel how the organs are warmed up. Actively raise moments 3 to save heat.

The main goal of these exercises is to lead to the tone and relax female organs for proper functioning, filling them with energy.

The main goal of these exercises is to lead to the tone and relax women's organs

The main goal of these exercises is to lead to the tone and relax women's organs


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