How Scarlett Johansson and Blake Lively are connected


CCarette Johansson, which with enviable constancy enters the lists of the most desirable women of the planet, herself sees a bunch of flaws. This, literally, "cellulite, the growth of sixty-three meter, the wrong bite, sprayed nails, an unnaturally hoarse voice, stuff, eternal willingness to upset and complete inability to everyday life." Fortunately, men none of these items embarrassed. At least, journalists of secular chronicles of leading Hollywood publications assured that Scarlett had novels with Jared Summer, Benicio Del Toro, Josh Hartnett and Jack Antonoff. The actress itself did not comment on it. And giving a few interviews with provocative statements that all people are polygamas, unexpectedly ... married.

Her chosen was the Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds. At the time of dating from Scarlett, he has already managed to glorify in Hollywood thanks to the paintings "King Parties", "Blade-3: Trinity", "Trump Touches". Also behind his shoulders were long relationship with the popular singer Alanis Morissett. In the summer of 2004, they even officially announced the engagement. They moved together from Canada to America, where everyone began to make his own career. However, in February 2007, Morissett and Reynolds ruled the engagement. And soon Ryan met Scarlett.

This is a marriage!

Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds officially legalized on September 28, 2008. But quiet and happy their family life was difficult to call. Close couples assured that they are constantly scandalous. The cause of quarrels allegedly was dissatisfaction with Ryan his career and jealousy to professional success of his wife. Later, years later, Scarlett indirectly confirms this fact. "The marriage manages to those who are confident not only in their senses to the partner, but also in what is happening in his own career," she admitted to journalists.

Together Scarlett and Ryan did not last and the couple of years, submitting an application for divorce in 2010. Johansson was seriously worried about parting. "I remember how the burning alcohol was alcohol with tears," she frank later in an interview. - I dreamed of getting married for life, to make up with my beloved. And when I came out, I realized that I could not sit at home and the baking pastries. I am actress, personality. I need movement, shooting, gorgeous dresses, allay lipstick and ... freedom. "

Press wrote that with a colleague Josh Hartnett Johansson also tied romantic relationships

Press wrote that with a colleague Josh Hartnett Johansson also tied romantic relationships

Frame from the film

And also, as it turned out, she needs novels. One of them attracted the attention of all Hollywood - when Scarlett suddenly collected the little things and moved from the hotel where the room took the room after the divorce, in the chic mansion of Sean Penn. Yes, yes, the "right girl" Scarlett, which does not drink, does not smoke, does not take drugs, suddenly fell under the spell of the eternal scandalous, drinking, ex-husband Madonna.

It must be said that Sean Penn did not influence Scarlett in the best way. So, on an annual solemn dinner in the White House, this couple behaved so unleashed that all the tabloids wrote about it. But for a long time, these relationships did not last. Three months after the start of the novel, Johansson hurriedly moved from his mansion to Malibu. The actress did not spread about the causes, but it is known that Sean periodically beats his beloved. After that, the beloved Scarlett changed almost every month. Actors Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Justin Barta, Brother Macaese Calkina Kiran Kalkin, guitarist Rock bands Tribes Dan White and even Bradley Cooper - all these guys were attributed to her boyfriends, although the actress herself diligently died of Romanov. She confirmed only one relationship - with an advertising agent of Neutil Neulor, although this connection was quickly cut off. And then in her life, a fateful meeting occurred.

French Kiss

... They met in the fall of 2012 in the Paris Tattoo Salon. A Hollywood celebrity for some reason, it was unexpectedly decided to fill the picture - the horseshoe with the inscription "you're lucky." Romain just that day, too, wanted to make a tattoo. True, the more pessimistic phrase "lost illusions".

Between them, as the spouses themselves will tell, immediately ran the spark. Since then, Scarlett and Roman have no longer parted, although the first time they tried not to advertise their relationships.

Who is he, chosen one of the most famous actresses of the planet? Romen Doriak, as all sources write, - French journalist. However, an amazing thing, in Paris before his marriage to Johansson, few people knew in the journalistic world. They say, for some time he headed the small edition of the Clark, but then it was closed (accurate before familiarizing with the Hollywood star). He had no profile on social networks, nothing was known about his personal life. As if Doriak was originally preparing to get everything from scarlett from scarlett.

Johansson herself was in the seventh heaven from happiness and even moved away from his rule not to comment on a personal life. "I always liked picturesque, non-standard thinking men. Plus Roman has no relation to the cinema, the scope of his interests is the artistic artistic. So professional jealousy and inconsistent shooting graphs are excluded. " For the sake of her beloved, she moved to Paris, where she took a cozy apartment in the quarter Saint-Germain de Pre. In the morning I had to have breakfast in the nearest cafe, moved around the city on a scooter, myself purchased products for family dinner in the nearest supermarket and stood at the slab - no Star Hollywood Ponte, one positive. True, France does not say to take an actress with open arms. "While I went to Paris for a while, it seemed to me that the myth of rudeness and arrogance Parishan had no reason," said Scarlett. - All were so miles! But as soon as I settled there and the aborigines stopped shy me, it turned out that you still need to look for big fun! "

In September 2013, the official representative of the actress announced the engagement of the pair. And after another time, it became known that Scarlett is in an interesting position. And at that moment the actress was filmed in the film "Avengers: Era Altron". And because of her pregnancy, the director had to block the entire shooting schedule: after all, some of the time Scarlett defiled in the latex costume of the black widow, and here it became more complicated every day. On September 4, their daughter Rose Dorothy was born, and a month later Scarlett and Roman played a secret wedding. Although surrounded by the actress and believed that this marriage was a real Mesallians, the Hollywood star was not tired of repeating how happy she was with her extraordinary French.

In January of this year, Scarlett Johansson decided to part with his husband, the French journalist Romean Doriak

In January of this year, Scarlett Johansson decided to part with his husband, the French journalist Romean Doriak

And here is the news of the rupture. Scarlett itself and its representatives have not yet been commented. However, according to People magazine, the couple was parted last year, but continued to diligently pretend that in their family everything is in order. After all, in addition to marital connections, they have a business relationship. Last fall, Johansson and Doriak on Paid opened a popcorn store in Paris. Even for the first time in a long time they went into the world together, holding hands and positive paparazzi. So it can be assumed that even in the case of a divorce, former spouses will remain business partners.

By the way, the fact that Scarlett ceased to wear a wedding ring was becoming indirectly confirmation. Information has already appeared that the famous lawyer Laura Wasser, which works with Angelina Jolie will be engaged.

Girls Liveli.

But the first husband Scarlett, Ryan Reynolds, turned out to be more successful in family life. Then, in 2010, after parting with Johansson, he quickly found her replacement in the face of another Hollywood diva, the stars of the series "Gossip" Blake Lively.

Personal life Blake is also rather rich in loud novels, although before seventeen, she never even went on dates. Love lives for three years - before it was just about her. The first large love actress was Kelly Blaz, school friend. They met from 2004 to 2007, but their relationship destroyed the "Gossip". For the sake of shooting TV series Liveli moved to New York, the beloved did not go after her. Well, at the distance of their feelings somehow succumbed.

Roman Blake Lively and Penn Baggli twisted on the shooting of the series

Roman Blake Lively and Penna Baggli twisted on the set of the series "Gossip"

But it was at the set of this series Blake who became acquainted with his next boyfriend - actor Peno Baggli (he played Dan Humphrey). They also met for three years, and it went to the wedding. But this time the work of Liveli prevented relations: after the "gossip" her career sharply went up, but Penn remained the actor of the same role. Later he was talking about him, perhaps how about the boyfriend Zoya Kravitz, the daughter of the famous musician Lenny Kravitsa, but also there did not come to the wedding.

Well, and then Blake closely met Ryan Reynolds, his current satellite and ex-husband Scarlett Johansson. They met on the filming of the film "Green Lantern", and it was then Ryan opened her on the other hand. "I was familiar with him, but, of course, joint shooting incredibly brings closer. Then I saw that he had an infectiously cheerful, charming, very alive, with a wonderful sense of humor. And, it seems, I fell in love with him as an actor precisely on those shooting - and already forever. "

It was for the sake of new love Ryan and broke up with Scarlett. True, Blaik and Ryan relationship began on drying. Their novel, rapidly completed on the set, ended almost as fast as it began.

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively already two children

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively already two children

Photo: Rex Features /

Later, Ryan was seen with Charlize Theron, and Blake had an intrigue with Leonardo di Caprio. However, then unexpectedly, the information was leaked in the press that Ryan and Blake did not only attempt to become a couple, but also secretly married in September 2012. In parallel, it became known that they were prepared for this event in advance, while having managed to buy a house for two million dollars in New York. Two years later, in December 2014, the spouses were born daughter James Reynolds, and another two years - the second daughter. So Blake "lasted" already more than three years, during which love lives. Well, the actress itself believes that she is one of the happiest women on the planet. "My life is filled with beautiful people - my sisters, brothers, my wonderful parents. My gorgeous husband and daughters. I am not afraid of old age and death, I am not afraid of excess weight and even cellulite. Truth!"

By the way ...

The first big love Ryan Reynolds, singer Alanis Morissett, after parting with the actor married Raper Mario Tredower, also known as Mc Souleye. The wedding ceremony took place in their home in Los Angeles. In August 2010, the couple announced that she was waiting for the firstborn. Now they raise two children: the son of Ever Imre Morissett-Tredower and daughter Onyks Soles Morissett-Tredouway.

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