5 bad habits because of which we are tired


Every day there are new tasks before us and requires solving problems. If everything has happened successfully, we feel satisfied, not sin praise yourself for the work done. And if not? Then the question arises: why? How many times have you justified yourself: I did not have time, I didn't have enough time, there was no strength, I could not. This means that you diluted your energy into emptiness, so your productivity has fallen sharply. So that this does not happen, you need to get rid of the total of 5 bad habits.

1. Spontaneous solutions

It is difficult to come somewhere when you do not know where you go. On mental thumbnails: what do I wear? And where to go? Call now or tomorrow? - spends the mass of strength.

Plan an important

Plan an important


Therefore, we all plan on the evening. They sat down and wrote important things on points and time, then insignificant, further - those that can be postponed.

2. Plans for years ahead

Remember, you are not a Stakhanovets, you have no task to fulfill the five-year plan in three years, and the day is not rubber. Make a plan for the day is easy, but do not overload it. If you have accumulated tasks for the month, you should not put them on the list on the day.

Do not take over

Do not take over


Rest is needed by a person, otherwise there is really no mental energy. Leave on your list time for movies, walks or reading, and better for all this - alternate activities.

3. Disorder

Creative mess is present on the desktop for many, but not everyone can really work productively among chaos. You will be distracted by the wilts to get the trifles of the type open in the pages browser in the social network or the inadequate cup with coffee on the table.

Do not get distracted

Do not get distracted


According to research, a large number of visual incentives has a significant impact on the brain when you are trying to focus. And this is superfluous, unproductive waste of mental energy.

By the way, many cleaning soothes, and monotonous classes like washing dishes help focus and think about important.

4. Start in time

Whoever argues that the perfect result pleases everyone - and the client, and the employee. But most often no one requires a plan from us, except ourselves. Do not try to do everything for 5+. Your efforts, most likely, no one will notice, but you will spend much more forces and time than if you just did the job well.

Keep track of time

Keep track of time


The main thing is to be able to stop in time. Enough for the tenth time to cross the "Dear Ivan Sidorov" on "Dear Sidorov Ivan" - it does not matter. Perfectionists may try to achieve an ideal result forever. Therefore, put yourself a grandilage yourself - I have 15 minutes to write writing.

5 Excess load

Do not try to keep everything in your head. Sooner or later you will still forget something important, and at the most inopportune moment. Trust the gadget or old kind notepad, you will free your "RAM" from other telephone numbers, shopping list, the same plans and can more effectively solve affairs.

Do not overload the brain

Do not overload the brain


By the way, scientists claim: what you write is better postponed in memory.

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