Found a medicine that kills Coronavirus for 48 hours


Coronavirus pandemic around the world is gaining momentum, so the information that scientists have found a medicine, winning a new virus literally for 48 hours, instantly became the news of the day. The drug "Ivermectin" was this tool, scientists from the University of Monasha and the Royal Hospital in Melbourne report. Such data were published in the AntiViral Research Medical Journal.

"Ivermectin" is an anti-parasitarian drug, which has long been used for the treatment of humans, pigs, cattle, horses and sheep from helminths and other parasites.

So far, Australian researchers tested "Ivermectin" only on the culture of cells infected with coronavirus. The tool was introduced into the culture of cells 2 hours after their infection. Researchers report that 24 hours after the administration of the drug in the cell, the proportion of viral RNA decreased by 93%, after another two days of the virus it became less than 99%. In addition to efficiency in combating the virus, it was not toxic for cells.

Of course, while talking about a panacea from a pandemic early, because the research has not yet been carried out on a person. But scientists have already proposed to begin clinical trials on the republication of the drug for treatment COVID-19. It is important that infectiousists warn on the attempts of self-treatment to the means, the study of which in the context of coronavirus has not yet been completed.

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