You are not a couple of me: a test for lovers, defining your compatibility


It always seems to us that there are things more important than knowledge about what kind of dish our favorite person or who does he like cats or dogs, but how often do your conversations come on on the everyday questions about how you have business or complaints about annoying relatives? Starting with simple questions completely distracted from your everyday life, you can come to understand each other on deeper levels. Try to answer our questions together and understand if you really come to your beloved person.

1. What manifestations of love are pleasant and necessary for you? What does care mean for you?

2. How many hours of sleep do you need to sleep and feel good? How do you react to the lack of sleep - it's better for you, if you did not sleep?

3. Do you like to sleep in an embrace under a shared blanket or you comfortable when you have a personal space - for example, sleep under your blanket?

4. Do you have any part of the body that is better not to touch or touching which, on the contrary, do you have particularly pleasant feelings?

5. Do you have a relationship from the past who remained unfinished for you and would you like to figure out the relationship with a person with the opportunity?

Do not be afraid to go to an open conversation

Do not be afraid to go to an open conversation


6. What is jealousy for you? Where are the boundaries of your permissible - can the partner check your phone and can it communicate with the people of the opposite sex without causing you have negative emotions?

7. How do you feel about the presence of outsiders in the house - friends left for the night, or the guests of relatives?

8. What is the format of the distribution of duties on the house Do you consider suitable and correct? Which of them do you like, and which irritation cause?

9. How close to your relationship with your parents and do you think your childhood is happy?

10. Are you important to have one's own housing or do you agree to live on the territory of the partner / rent an apartment or a house?

11. Do you love animals and wanted to start a pet - a cat, a dog or someone else?

12. What quality do you value most in people and what, on the contrary, annoying you the strongest?

13. Are there any words or phrases that you do not digest on the Spirit? How best to support you in a difficult situation - words, arms or leave one?

14. How do you feel about children? Would you like to have a baby now / after a few years / not to have at all?

15. If you need to relax, what will you do? What classes are relaxing you and, on the contrary, take the most energy?

discuss intimate topics with partner no less interesting

discuss intimate topics with partner no less interesting


Discuss these questions with a partner - they guaranteed will allow you to learn much more about each other, especially if you just started your relationship. Many people note that after talking, they change their idea of ​​a person, extinguing their own ideas about the regions of his consciousness unknown earlier. Before you start, you need to understand this and consciously go to a specific discussion of the issues, provided that each of you will express your opinion honestly.

If you like to answer questions, write to us about it in the comments - we are ready to offer more intimate topics for discussion, which will also allow you to find out each other closer.

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