Rescue drop-down: the best beauty products for those who lose hair


Sadly, but the fact: we lose up to fifty hairs daily. However, this should not be disturbed: this amount is considered absolutely normal. But if you see whole strands on a comb, then you need to urgently be alarming and take rescue measures. And help you choose the best tools.

But for starters, it is still worth understanding: why do we lose your hair? There are several reasons. This is stress, lack of vitamins, and defective nutrition, and the consequences of frequent use of styling agents, and chronic fatigue together with a latitude, and a "failure" of hormonal background, and genetics, in the end.

So the first thing you need to understand that from this long list it is related to you, and only then choose the necessary treatment. However, even before the campaign to specialists will not be superfluous to change something in their lives.

First of all, it makes sense to reconsider its nutrition - because it is important for the growth of healthy and strong hair to provide the body with construction materials. Mandatory condition is full nutrition, but from low-calorie diets it is better to refuse. It is important that on your table there were products containing the taurine substance. This indispensable amino acid is in crustaceans, meat chicken and turkey.

Also do not forget about the zink. Buy red meat, oysters, season-fresh strawberries and nuts.

The third important component of good hair growth is the state of the vessels in which nutrients come to the hair onion. Here you will help green tea and grape seed extract.

Even in the summer (and in other times of the year, all the more) it is worth taking vitamins. Because you can not always get all the useful trace elements and vitamins from food.

It is also necessary to get enough sleep and try to be nervous as close as possible - according to studies of scientists at the University of Eastern Medicine, it is stress to be among the main causes of hair loss. It turns out that many of us cannot relax even during sleep, because of what the muscles are spashed, and therefore, blood circulation processes are violated, the follicles are gradually atrophy, the hair weakens and fall out.

And, of course, it should be carefully related to the cosmetology products that you use daily. From now on (and for a long time, alas) in your bathroom should settle shampoos-balms and other care, created specifically for those who have problems with hair loss. For example, recently Pantene. introduced a new collection "Nutrient cocktail" which contains the highest concentration of nutrients needed for hair. In each of the products of the series, there is a high concentration of provitamin B5 (finds and "fills" damaged and weak parts in the hair structure), lipids (make brittle and porous hair with durable and elastic, protecting against daily damage) and antioxidants (strengthen and protect hair from external Stresses and maintain a natural hair structure). These products, like superfids, supply vital nutrients with hair, as we do all when we care about proper nutrition.


In the new Pantene series, several superficials are immediately, which, of course, is better to use comprehensively. This is a shampoo, a classic rinse balm, an intense rinse balm 3 Minute Miracle and a nutrient cocktail mask.


In addition to specialized balm shampoos, be sure to use at least once a week mask. Nutritional mask for all types of hair Honey Bunny It is perfect for both hair care during summer holidays and after it. Thanks to macadamia oil, wheat protein and vitamin B5, it moisturizes, softens and smoothes the hair, restores their structure, protects against the unfavorable environmental impacts.

Attention to Detox

Very often we can only clean the hair, forgetting that deep cleaning of the scalp should be carried out periodically. After all, only healthy head of the head provides the growth of healthy and strong hair. Specifically for these purposes brand Londa Professional released cleansing emulsion Scalp Detox. which perfectly decides several problems at once. It cleans the skin of the head against dirt and particles of dandruff and instantly gives a healthy view of the hair and the scalp.


There is a cleansing emulsion as a peeling, so do not be surprised that this means is not foaming when applied. It is necessary to use it a couple of times a week before shampoo Scalp Detox - Instant Skin Children's Heads You are guaranteed.

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