5 sex delusions that deprive pleasure


Misching first

There is such an opinion that the sexuality of a man, its potency and force directly depend on the size of genitals. The stories are sent to this item that the high and brutal men are also all in order with sizes. Some are trying to guess the length of the nose, fingers and feet. And the myth of "major" men come from Africa in general. It is believed that representatives of strong sex with impressive dignity lead more active sex and more excit.

Nevertheless, it is not so easy to measure the length of the male member alone, because options may be many. According to the calculations of specialists, the norm for the average man is the size of 17 to 20 cm in the excited state, and the length in a calm state is 13-15 cm.

In reality, the size has no size for a woman, as you are trying to convince various media sources. The woman's physiology allows it to adapt to any sizes. However, some women can still be uncomfortable when the partner has too much dignity. But men should not worry very much if their parameters are far from ideal in their understanding, because women's satisfaction is little dependent on the size, it is more important here, more likely.

In reality for a woman, the size does not have such a great value.

In reality for a woman, the size does not have such a great value.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Confusion Second

Another myth against men: their sexual abilities directly depend on how often they are able to take sex acts overnight. And the longer, the better.

This is a very dubious statement if you consider that every man's temperament is different, and it is impossible to fit all under one standard. If one man is ready to perform a "sexy feat" again and again, the other will come out after half an hour.

In ancient civilizations, small members were considered the most functional in terms of fertilization. In Indian teachings, a more important factor was considered rigidity, not the size, but in this sense the advantage on the side of modest parameters.

Confusion third

The sexual activity of men is much higher than female. Here you can seriously argue. For this parameter, women strongly overtake men. The thing is that the man after ejaculation requires the so-called "recovery period", its physiology simply does not allow instantly engaged in the process again. But in a situation with women, the situation is much better - their "orgasmic" stock is practically inexhaustible, only fatigue can be a barrier.

Sexual activity of men is much higher than women

Sexual activity of men is much higher than women

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Fourth error

Probably, everyone in his life heard the view from the TV screens or read that erotic fantasies are inherent only to people with deviations, it cannot come to mind normal. It is worth noting that the person in principle cannot exist without fantasy. Erotic fantasies almost never coincide with reality: they affect inaccessible images and forbidden topics. After suggestion by mass sources, such thoughts are unacceptable and extremely undesirable, an ordinary person who sometimes thinks about erotic topics, begins to doubt - and whether everything is in order with him. However, the better the person aware that this is just an imagination, the easier it is to control himself and find other ways to implement desires.

Fifth delusion

This item is associated with external preferences. It is the opinion that the blond women with a model figure have every chance of happiness in his personal life. This myth introduces additional psychological suffering to women who recently become mothers, therefore, their parameters during this period can not coincide with the generally accepted ideal.

Interesting fact: According to the results of polls for men living in the United States, the strong floor prefers not to blondes at all, but brunettes with curly hair. Ideal forms also did not fall into the first dozen requirements for the future companion. On the contrary, if a full girl can support the conversation and have fun, a man would prefer her, and not a bore with a model appearance.

Man in principle can not exist without fantasy

Man in principle can not exist without fantasy

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

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