Makeup errors: what will old


Makeup can be a real salvation, and sometimes on the contrary - to turn you into a tired, elderly woman. We will talk about receptions in make-up and cosmetic tools that will help hide disadvantages and make you younger.


Dark blush in brown tones will only give you age. Of course, the selected cheeks make the proportions of the face more subtle, and the face itself is visually pulling out. Recall the actress of the Golden Age of Hollywood: almost all had the elected faces with clearly painted cheekbones, so even young girls seemed much older than their years.

To refresh the face, look at pink and peach shades of the Rumyan. They should be applied not in a sneaker under the cheekbones, but on the most discovered part, and then it is good to decide.

Dark blush in brown tones will only give you age

Dark blush in brown tones will only give you age



It is not necessary to apply more than three layers of a tonal cream, it should be especially carefully refer to means with a dense consistency that will make a mask from your face. Keep in mind that the cream will start clogged into the pores and emphasize the wrinkles. Therefore, the thinner layer, the less you have a chance to get spoiled makeup.

Take a look at the tonal fluids, they are not so thick, as ordinary creams, are easier to distribute on the skin. And you can apply with your fingers, but it is better to purchase a special brush or cosmetic sponge. Pay attention to the skin: it is pre-clean and moisturized.

Form brow

Stop throwing up to "Layers"! Probably nothing will try the woman like a narrow eyebrows. If nature has not rewarded you with lush eyebrows, you do not need to specifically draw them where they are not. Although many famous actresses sin painted with eyebrows, consider your type and face form, focus on our own appearance features. The best means for creating a natural form is a special frame for eyebrows. It does not emphasize the attention on the overwhelmed area and looks more natural than a pencil.

Makeup errors: what will old 45011_2

Stop pulling your eyebrows to "Layers"!


Lipstick and shadow

When buying eye makeup products and lips, pay attention to their texture. Too matte shadows make the face flat and lifeless. Choose cream textures, the most optimal option. No need to fall in extremes and rushing to everything frankly brilliant. Excess glitter only emphasize the imperfection of the skin.

When buying equipment for makeup eyes and lips, pay attention to their texture

When buying equipment for makeup eyes and lips, pay attention to their texture



If you choose a pencil, go around the face black. At the peak of the popularity of Smokey-Aiz technology, black pencils sucked from the counters. This option is suitable only for the evening, and you need to be able to apply it very well. If you do not shit the skills of chic "Smokey", give up the idea of ​​purchase. It is better to choose a brown or gray shade, which will help "reveal" eyes.


It is unlikely that you strive to emphasize the bags under the eyes, bruises and wrinkles. To avoid this, do not apply it to the lower eyelid. In his youth, all parts of the body and faces are striving up, so make accents in makeup too at the upper points. In the case of a liner, for example, apply it to the upper eyelid, leaving the bottom intact.


We are familiar to the black mascara on women of a light type look very unnatural, especially if the eyelashes are not so much. Black mascara is only driving a look. Therefore, choose a brown mascara, it is less attracted attention to rare cilia.

Black mascara only takes a look

Black mascara only takes a look



There is nothing worse than a clear contour on the lips. Not only that he gives you no taste in you, it also greatly old. If you are a lady aged, it is especially important for you to decide the contour to make it softer.

Lip gloss

Young girls can be used glitter on the entire surface of the lips, but you need to be neat so that the makeup looked decently. Women at the age filling the glitter of the entire surface of the lips is contraindicated, as it is clogged into wrinkles around the mouth. Better apply a droplet in the center of the bottom lip, it will be enough.

And a few more tips: If you do not want to seem older than in fact, give up brown lipstick, pale tonal cream, black eyeliner and blue shadows. Instead, in your cosmetics should settle bright shadows, pink blush, bronzer in reasonable quantities and a good mascara.

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