We put a tent at home: how to travel, without leaving the limits of the apartment


While your friends are postponed by memories in Storsith Instagram, create your own impressions, and do not eat negative from the temporary inability to leave abroad. The real traveler will always come up with how to entertain himself - yes, even if he does not leave the apartment. I found several options on the network to recreate the atmosphere of your favorite countries - try and write in the comments, whether you managed to diversify the annoying weekdays.

Camping on laminate

If you and your family often go to the river back with tents or at all take them into tourist hiking in Nordic countries, during quarantine you will probably miss these moments. Change your vacation spot - spread a tent, throw out several pillows and blankets there, open the windows of the lap and lie to watch your favorite movies from the laptop screen. Turn on LED candles, take typical hiking snacks - nuts, chips, etc., prepare hot dogs on the grill. Changing the usual sleep site diversifies your day, bringing a drop of novelty into it.

Entertain children - they are now boring even more than you

Entertain children - they are now boring even more than you

Photo: unsplash.com.

Alloy on the carpet

Those who have children are unequivocally lucky: you have, with whom to think and do not be shy your desire to translate into the routine of irrational behavior. Inflate your boat, take the paddle and sit down with the child. Enter all family members: Pope rows oars and in the course comes up with a story about where they are now with the child, Mom is changing the surrounding scenery, building them from the plaids and cut together with the child's appliques or freshwater birds and animals, and the baby in This time captures a trip to the camera or a smartphone camera.

Paris breakfast on the balcony

If you do not have a glazed balcony, you can make holiday breakfasts on it in warm weather. Bake the croissants, weld coffee and cut the cheese together with fruit - it turns out a typical breakfast of the French. Those who while sitting on quarantine and does not work can open a bottle of wine or champagne brought from abroad - recreate the atmosphere exactly. Include French songs that usually play in a bistro and cafe - they will return you to the memories in the capital of France. Make a photo of your breakfast and you in the festive dress - have fun friends in social networks.

There is nothing better than a delicious breakfast for improving mood

There is nothing better than a delicious breakfast for improving mood

Photo: unsplash.com.

Born Picasso.

While everyone collects puzzles and play the console, you can diversify your leisure drawing. Try to portray your favorite shot from travel on the canvas. Order canvas, paints and brushes with delivery from the nearest store for creativity. And if the drawing is definitely not yours, then at least disobey thousands of photographs and video accumulated in the phone, making a video with memories of old times. The main thing is not despair - sooner or later the restrictions will be removed and you will again fly to your favorite and new countries for you. While repleasing your skills to create and process photos to make excellent pictures later.

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