Methods for treating depression in pregnant women


Many of the suffering depressions take antidepressants, and they usually help. But what to do if pregnancy arose, and the depression is not doing anywhere? Continue receiving tablets or postpone them for the time of having a child and breastfeeding? There is no unambiguous answer to this question.

It is believed that the depressed state of the mother badly affects the child. But doctors also suggest that antidepressants may cause malfunctional failures. Therefore, the decision to continue or terminate the reception of medicines should not be taken by a woman alone. To do this, she needs to consult with a gynecologist and a psychiatrist.

It is very dangerous to drastically stop receiving tablets. It will affect the well-being of the future mother, and in the state of the child. Therefore, it is wiser to gradually reduce the dosage of the medicine.

If antidepressants are canceled, find other ways to maintain mental equilibrium: conversations with a psychotherapist, walking in the fresh air, yoga classes for pregnant women and so on.

Do not cause yourself if they took antidepressants to pregnancy. It is not harmful because the substances contained in the pills are not accumulated in the body. Without tragedy, it is worth considering the reception of antidepressants by the future father. This does not affect the health of the future kid.

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