How to survive quarantine: major rules


Those events that are currently occurring around us have changed a lot of the day, and the habits of all family members and loved ones. How fast and comfortably "join" in new conditions?

First of all, it is necessary that each family member, and especially children, understood what is happening. For this, depending on the age of the child, it is necessary to explain as much as possible, what exactly happened how to protect themselves and why the family can not lead the familiar lifestyle - for example, go to walk to the park, etc. The most disturbing for a child - when he sees That something happens, something around him changes, but he does not speak details. In this case, the child may have an increased disturbing background and emotional stress. Therefore, it is better to explain the situation as simple as possible and understandably to him, of course, be sure to add, and with my mother, and with dad, and with others, everything will be fine and that you should not be afraid.

After clarification and new rules are voiced, you can start organizing free time.

Olga Krainov

Olga Krainov

At the same time, you need to understand: despite the fact that communication has become a lot, it is better to organize a day so that everyone has the opportunity to be alone if he has such a desire. Since the overaffect of communication can affect the quality of this communication. To preserve calm in the house, you can agree that everyone has the right to "be in the house". It is especially important to agree on this spouses: a woman in connection with the constant presence of the whole family the number of homework is often tripled, and it is necessary to convey to relatives that "stay in the house" is the way to come to yourself and accumulate forces.

Also, so that there was no temptation to escape from communication for a day, it is better to specify the permissible time of solitude. Otherwise, if someone "comes" to restore forces too long, and even with the phone in hand, it can lead to quarrels and claims.

Well, after the main explanations are given, the rules are installed, you can approach the diversity on weekdays.

Try to schedule with children for a whole week in advance: what would they like to do? For example, on Monday - day of decoupage. Napkins, glue and a little effort will turn your usual things into unique, and the joint lesson is unwinding the family. Tuesday - a day of a virtual excursion to the castle with ghosts. A huge number of museums, locks, botanical gardens around the world are arranged virtual excursions. Find what is interesting to all. Wednesday - Sports Day and Dance. Find online classes and turn on. It is important to choose interesting lessons for everyone and "appoint" day.

Opportunities are really great: you can arrange culinary fights, a home mini-theater or even the manufacture of toys from girlfriend - ranging from wool ending with toothpicks.

The main thing is to tune in for a good pastime. Remember: For all of us, this is a unique opportunity to break away from your obligatory affairs, from phones and spend time for live communication, which in the modern world everyone is not enough for us.

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