5 Lifehakov for the new year


Tip №1

The budget is time to plan not to be in January with an empty pocket. Install the maximum amount you are willing to spend on holidays. Determine the main costs of expenses - for example, "gifts", "New Year's table" and "Celebration". Calculate how much you are willing to spend on each expense article.

Composition list

Composition list


Tip №2.

To make it easier for you to plan, expand money on envelopes: gifts, table, entertainment - so they will be easier to control. For example, last year the holiday went to the Russians on average at 14 thousand rubles. But remember that unforeseen spending can wait for you, so I will place a couple of paper in each converter.

Count money

Count money


Tip number 3.

Before the new year, many shops lure the buyer discounts. But just remember that in advance they raised prices at best. Make only useful gifts, and so, no one has canceled envelopes and gift certificates.

Discounts are not always real

Discounts are not always real


Tip number 4.

If you have decided on a gift, then compare prices. The same product can cost in a network store and online several times cheaper. Take a look at the desired things in advance, take a picture or record their cost and then check - this is a discount or only a tricky marketing stroke.

Thinking gifts

Thinking gifts


Tip number 5.

Meet the year of a yellow earthworm in a golden sweater or a sand color dress - funny, but absolutely not necessarily. Traders also take into account pre-New Year demand and usually overestimate the price of popular color things.

No one needs souvenirs

No one needs souvenirs


Forget about signs. Numerous pigs - the next year's symbol is much more expensive than horses and goats, only these souvenirs do not need anyone - do not waste money for them.

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