Egor Koreshkov: "I found my love"


The series came out during the outbreak of Coronavirus, so many called it symbolic in today's situation. "I agree, symbolic. The picture, which is called, on the angry of the day, said Anna Nevskaya doctor's role of the attending physician. - I think that it is necessary to see it, because it is not only about some kind of sickness or situation. This is generally about finding reasons to continue to live. This can be attributed to everything. And to our situation, including. "

Julia Topolnitskaya played a young mother's series

Julia Topolnitskaya played a young mother's series

"People walk with extinct eyes and have no desires"

The director of the series spoke Maxim Sveshnikov, who shot the popular projects "Hotel Eleon", "Fir-tree shaggy", "Filatov". The script was written by Alexey Lyapichev, who worked on the TV series "Fizruk" in his time.

"The main thing in this project - he gives the hope of people, says the performer of the main female role Polina Maksimov. - In the modern world, loneliness, despondency, apathy occupied the most serious positions, people go with extinct eyes and do not have desires at all. Therefore, our work must be sure to see the audience. Many recognize themselves and realize that everything is not bad in their lives, and do not be afraid, but you need to try to change something, and then life will play with new colors. In this film a lot of faith, a lot of hope and a lot of love. "

For the sake of filming Polina Maximova had to shave

For the sake of filming Polina Maximova had to shave

This is exactly the first and "hooked" Polina Maksimov, when she just began to read the script. After all, it is based on the history of a young girl-oncological patient who has a remission, and it takes to implement their dreams.

According to the creators of the series, the main heroine of Zhenya is a short no real prototype, but for the sake of filming in the project Polina Maximova still had to shave to challenge truly, swaying with his chic long curls.

Egor Koreshkov played the main male role, whom everyone remembers the series "Eighties" and Comedy "Gorky!". In this project, he does not have a completely familiar role. "My hero is a single father, in the past, a successful tennis player, now working coach," says Egor. - Cynical, calm and confident. Spectators may seem that he is an indifferent person, but he has his reasons for it. Our project is an attempt to understand the values ​​of life, understand how important it is to be honest in relation to yourself. "

Actress played a cancer girl

Actress played a cancer girl

Surprisingly, but the authors of the series to fully comply with the name, came up with exactly 257 reasons so that the main character wants to live. We studied the topic, watched the forums where people are divided by their desires, something drew there.

"The idea was immediately wrote for a multi-sieuled film, it was interesting to follow how the life of our heroine would be in the format of the series, not a complete meter," said Alexei Lyapichev's script writer.

"At the site in her presence, the thrill was always felt"

This project for major role artists is Polina Maximova and Egor Koreshkov - turned out to be truly fateful. And not only because the topic affected in this project is very important and topical. It was during work on the series they became a couple.

On the set between Polina and Egor broke out real feelings

On the set between Polina and Egor broke out real feelings

Although Polina and Egor, of course, heard about each other, but did not cross before. And when finally met on the set, the real feeling broke out between them. They have been living together in a newly acquired apartment together in a newly acquired apartment and lead a common household.

"Her acting game is so pierced and detailed, which cannot but inspire, - does not hide the admiration of Egor Korekov. - At the site in her presence always felt thrill, and we felt the importance of the topic that was raised in the series. Dreams give us energy for accomplishments, serve as motivation for feats in the name of close people and themselves. Need to dream. And then dreams will start come true. And you will find at least 257 reasons to live. I found them, as I found my love! "

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