Alexey Chadov: "Love brought me a bunch of experiences and even tears"


"War", "9 Rota", "Heat", "On Love", "Hammer" are all films that brought Aleksey Chadov's actor. He is not easy to take an interview, he always refers to extreme employment. And indeed, the actor is very in demand. It happens, it works at once in several projects. Personal topics prefers not to communicate, especially after a family with an actress of Agnia Ditkovskite broke up. But when after a long sentence, the interview still took place, it turned out that all his free time Alexey spends with his son Fedor, he is a gentle and caring father.

"Preparing for an interview, I discovered an interesting fact of your biography: when birth was called you Alexander, but at sixteen you changed the name on Alexey. This is something worth it or just like the name that you, by the way, is very much?

- For some reason, dad and mom could not give me a name for a long time. Thought-thinking, could not agree and before the registration itself I decided to call Alexander in the registry office. But when I began to grow up, I did not react to Sasha, but I began to respond only to Alexey. And when I went to school, the lining arose: I am Sasha's documents, and all the name is Alyosha. So it was up to sixteen years until I received a passport with a new name.

- You have a few films about the war. How close is this topic do you? For example, someone from your grandfathers fought?

- Of course, grandfather from Mom Nikolai Lukya-Novich Korovko was awarded the Order of the Red Star. He commanded his mouth, raised her to the attack and beat his height in Germans. His feat has served as an example for others.

- And from the Father, what do you know?

- Daddy parents live in Tuapse. Grandma has already gone into the world of ancestors, she was a teacher of Russian and literature, and grandfather is alive. We are going to visit him in the near future. And ask about the war.

Alexey Chadov:

Picture "War" Alexey Balabanova opened the path to the big screen

Frame from the film "War"

- Didn't you send you to grandparents to your grandparents? In Tuapse, because the sea.

"I and so every year, all ten years of study at school, leaving for two months in Evpatoria with the children's theater" Fortors ". We had a serious mode: sports competitions, marathons, rehearsals. There I learned also to clean the potatoes.

- Your mature fell on the "dashing nineties", and you lived in the Solntsev, a rather criminal area. How did you get into a bad company with my brother?

- We were engaged in school and in the theater from morning to evening. And with Sassevsky gangsters we had a special relationship: we soap their foreign cars in the parking lot and earned more than our mothers engineer. Bandits paid generously.

- What did you spend earned?

- On all primitive needs, on clothes mainly. With meals were then big interruptions. And grandfather came to us early in the morning to take the line in the store and something to "get". The times were - I don't want to remember. The disintegration of such a country as the USSR is a serious geopolitical catastrophe. When we enrolled in the theater institute, life became quietly to improve. In the first year, I worked as a waiter in a cafe, then Bartender in a fashionable club. Bartender was prestigious.

- Artists usually, remembering the student years, say that the institute disappeared late. When to work?

- Yes, not just disappeared, and we periodically stayed there. Combined as he could. Every Friday I needed to ask for an hour from the skill of the actor to prepare a bar in the club. And each time it was necessary to invent something new. Fantasy worked well. Having defeated the night behind the counter, came at seven o'clock in the morning to the institute, it remained two hours before lectures to sleep. I remember, on Saturday, it was just visiting on Saturday, I loved this object very much, because I showed the diamers and turned off the light, and it was possible to grow great. And in the evening, after the skill of the actor, again to the club and until the morning. Sunday squeezed out. In the second year, starring in the film "War", I already bought the car and learned to ride in Moscow. Then there were no navigators, oriented on the map. At this car, about a year, we also got bombed with my brother.

Alexey always managed the roles of brutal guys

Alexey always managed the roles of brutal guys

Frame from the movie "Hammer"

- If everything is said to omit and look at your biography from the side, you can be counted for the weass. You early began to be filmed from good directors and immediately entered the profession.

- I was lucky, it's true. I am grateful to the fate that my first film "War" took place at the film director Alexei Balabanova. I consider it my godfather in the movies. And still adhere to his vision and its stylistics, this is a little documentary existence on the screen.

- How not to omit the bar in the future, so as not to be removed in nonsense?

- In any case, each of us before agreeing to the role, looking for the material and who removes. Someone sometimes agrees to uninteresting work from hopelessness, and this is understandable, because life passes, it is impossible to sit without care. The resource among the actors is quite fragile, time flies so quickly, everyone agrees, bald. In general, you need to raise patience and learn to wait for decent sentences. Our profession is not for the faint of heart.

- How do you think so after twenty what modern films and serials people will be reviewed as Soviet cinema are revised now? And why are we reviewing it all the time and revise, as if we are standing in place and do not go anywhere in art?

- Not so bad, believe me. "War" will be sure to look. The film is already fifteen years old, so it's not long to wait. "9 Rota", "Living" - and many paintings with us, who can be revised with pleasure. But if you compare with Soviet masterpieces, such as the comedies of Leonid Gaiday, for example, or films of the great Eldar Ryazanov, then such folk creativity will hardly be. Then the movie was original and therefore understandable to everyone. And now Russian films are produced mainly in Western Pekals, and it remains unclaimed for many.

Alexey Chadov:

In the painting "Case of honor" partner Alexei was his former wife Agnia

Frame from the movie "Case Come"

- What would you like to play from the classics if you were shielded any novel?

- I am interested in playing: from Andrei Bolkonsky to Skolnikova. At the institute I learned to fencing well, and I would like to use my movie skills. And if I am already old for Romeo, then for Tibalt from the Kapuleti clan just matured. I generally like empty. I love to revise "Anna Karenina" with Tatiana Samoylova in the lead role. What in the Soviet cinema were beautiful women and externally, and internally! The same Larisa Guzeyev in the "cruel romance". As charming! It is impossible not to fall in love. In the USSR, the school, of course, was turning. There was ideology in society - and the eyes were filled with meaning. And now you watch the movie - a beautiful actress, and something is missing. Eyes others.

- You are already a very famous actor. Among your fans there are interesting?

"They are different, there are very intelligent among them, and there are simple, you immediately poke." In St. Petersburg, youth is very pleasant. You can sit open on the site, do not hide in the trailer, they will quietly fit, ask the autograph, and somewhere in the outback - there is their vision of the world, and it is better not to turn the nose from the car.

- It's amazing that in the nineties, when kindergartens closed, mugs and sports sections stopped working, you in the Solder bloomed a sort of oasis of art. Does any of your studios besides you with Andrey, went to people?

- We are an oasis and called our theater. And there were serious performances: Valentin and Valentina, Romeo and Juliet, Rock Opera "Horse History". This theater still exists. Of our adult troupe, five entered theatrical universities. This speaks much.

- All friends do you probably have from there?

- Not. Neither at school, nor at the institute I have no friends. Comrades - yes, but friends, just do not break water, there are no such. I acquired the first real friend just ten years ago. And closer to thirty years old. This friendship comes in more mature age, when you are at least with you in Ladakh.

- others believe not to have enemies, you need to have a cloud of friends, that is, to turn into each counter. Do you agree with that?

- The enemies are not needed by anyone, so you need to be a subtle diplomat with people and respect to everyone. In any civilized society just like this. In America, for example, you are smiling, and maybe it's a stretched smile, and she will immediately come down from her face as soon as you turn away, but this is an act of respect for you. It is necessary to be tolerant.

Alexey Chadov:

In the "Irony of Love", the actor appeared in an unusual role for himself

Frame from the movie "Irony of Love"

- Are you in Ladu with your generation and time? Everything suits you in life and in the behavior of peers? No feeling - I would be born before, perhaps, would it be possible otherwise?

- I like how I live. I am grateful to fate and god, and space that I live now. I am satisfied with everyone, everything is in my hands. Do not pour. Of course, much does not suit me in society: ignorance, non-partnership, sales, confusion and stupidity. But I prefer not to spend my time on other people's fate. God of all the judge, and I have your own way. And I still understand very well that there is no ideal world.

- Who is more dependent in your profession: a man or a woman? The actress, for example, could have been able to find her husband-director, and now it can find a husband-producer, and everything will be in her hands.

- Women are generally more dependent, because men rule the world. Of course, beautiful sex has its indisputable advantages. A woman is an incredible beauty of creating, this is a space, without you, everything is meaningless. We, men, come out of a woman and strive for her all their lives. And it's saying goodbye to you more, in the name of life. And in the acting profession, the dependence of everyone is the same. Any rumors, gossip play the same role and affect whether you will choose you or not, they will give or they will not give a role. I do not like dependence in the profession. A man, in my opinion, must be the master of his life. Therefore, I'm trying to engage in even producing, and no one has canceled interest in the direissure. Be independent is important to me.

- Your filmography has another name of the famous director: Vladimir Bortko and the film "On Love". Does this film actually actually like this movie? Maybe it's only emotions?

- Love for me is a crazy passion, chemistry, the desire of intimacy - that's what love is in the primary level. All that happens next is family and children - this is another story. This is a difficult path to the Great Love. At the age of twenty-four, it's early to start a family, it is a difficult time for young people. It needs to spend on behalf of the world. It is necessary to form as a person. If you do not do it on time, then thirty-five can exist the desire to know ourselves, but it will be too late. I am pretty love with intelligence when both partners connect the mind and are responsible for themselves completely. Everything that before was it ... I don't want to go back to this anymore and pass again. I want to move on.

Alexey tries to maintain an excellent physical form

Alexey tries to maintain an excellent physical form

Photo: Personal archive Alexey Chadova

- Your first love was unhappy?

- She was unrequited, maybe, but such a nursery that the trace did not leave. There were some love, and they brought a bunch of experiences and even tears, but this did not affect me in the future. I never regret anything at all. There were moments that I wanted to fix, but after a while I realized that everything was for the better and right.

- You will grow up my son. Can you say that he is the same as you, or is he another?

- Certainly can. I have a feeling that I created the most important thing in my life: continued yourself. Fed about three years. He is now so interesting. Knows all the brands of cars, disassembled in the phone, sings the songs. Maybe then goes on my footsteps and becomes an actor. But for me the most important thing is that he become my friend so that we have a trusting relationship. I will raise it that way, because the children grow up, and the friendship is good between his father and son can stay for life.

- For this you need, so that your ex-wife believes so. My mother often indulges her sons and grows their egoists.

- But this is true. Mamajna Sons, helpless young people who cannot solve elementary questions, are increasingly in our society. I do not accept it. A man must be courageous, and feminine woman. This is the perfect formula for me. And the wives should understand one simple thing: in the family for everything and everyone answers everyone. A man is always right, and if he is suddenly wrong, it means that this is not your man.

Brothers Chado - weather. And chose one profession - acting

Brothers Chado - weather. And chose one profession - acting

Photo: Personal archive Alexey Chadov

- We have so few people like you. Basically, everyone is trying to divide the responsibility of robustly with his wife or everyone should be taken on it.

- Nowadays - yes. I have something to compare with, I travel around Europe and see that there is trouble there, there are classic men, it seems extinct. They are some familiar. And the man should be a little wild. Civilized, of course, but dyed. He should not only wear beautiful fashion shirts, and also be able to regret the fire, go hunting, good shoot. And one modern man is obliged to drive perfectly to drive, as they used to ride the ride. I think so.

- As the sons are growing away from the native home, especially when they give their families. You do not have a feeling that you moved away from mom?

- I am not Mamenkin's son at all. I love my mother, but my male society is pretty. I grew up without a father, he died when I and I and Irey were small, and I was always missing it. I do not share with my mother with my problems and experiences, I will cope with everything and see no reason to ship it.

- What do you remember your father?

- I was already five years old when he died, so much. Even the smell remember him. I remember how I put us with Andryusha in the angle, as the bald of us. I remember how our bikes were stolen from the entrance, and the dad found them and found someone who stole. He was a very concrete person, weighty. And very family. On his line we have all. In principle, we have no loners. Our family was self-sufficient: Dad was dad, mom - mom. Therefore, when the Father did not become, I very keenly felt that I was - scarring. This solid complex was, which throughout his life manifested itself in one degree or another. But when the son was born, at seven in the morning I stood in the maternity hospital and looked at him, and suddenly I realized that I had no more this complex that now I was a father. Everything fell into place: I acquired a major role in my life.

Son Fedor for three years. He knows all the brands of cars, love singing and disassembled in the father's phone

Son Fedor for three years. He knows all the brands of cars, love singing and disassembled in the father's phone

Photo: Personal archive Alexey Chadova

- We now live in permissiveness. Anti-hero. Many planks are shot down. To rudeness, for example, to a mat on the street there were completely tolerant. And what are you not accepting and never let?

- Never let me lower my dignity and offend my loved ones. I was always intolerant to this and is ready to protect my relatives in various ways. Although by nature, I do not accept the pacifist and violence, but rudeness, rudeness, cattle and journalism prevent me from living calmly and be in harmony, so I sometimes interfere and try to figure it out. And, crossing themselves, I can go to the wolf language of the Ham. I can do it.

- What do you feel sorry for money, and what are you ready to tear everything you have?

- The son is ready to spend without stopping. And on the arrangement of a comfortable life of the family is ready.

- And who is your family now?

- Fedor, Mom, brother, grandmother and grandfather and my cool friends are my family.

- Silenka you often fit?

- He does not at me. He lives every two or three weeks of the month. He has a full-fledged children's room, a full-fledged family with loving native people. I drive him into kindergarten every morning, in the afternoon on classes, walk with him, laying sleeping. Therefore, I once had to meet with you to give an interview.

- In Instagram you all time tease the public with joint photos with one special. Is it a new relationship or simply intrigue?

- There is nothing like this on my page in Instagram. You are not just watching the page. I am not posted personal life. My girls behind the scenes remain.

- Then explain: are you free or busy now?

"While I really like my status of a free man, but without a woman I still can't exist." So I will tell you like this: I am a bachelor, but I'm busy.

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