Elena Panova: "I all seemed to me that I would not say


Elena Panova remembered the audience literally from the first appearance on the screen. In the series Alexander Mitty "Border. Taiga novel "She played a strongest dramatic role. It was hard to believe that she was only twenty-three years old! After that there were many other bright work. She is loved by directors, and colleagues, and spectators. And she is a spectacular woman. But ... for some reason it does not have it on the covers of magazines, nor in all sorts of top lists, and therefore not everyone admiring her works will immediately call her surname.

- Lena, you have an acting directorial family, but also dad, and the older sister work in your native Arkhangelsk. You are the only one stayed in Moscow. They did not work, or are they real devotees?

- You see, there are people who are difficult to leave the native city, they make such attempts, but they still return. And my dad had the opportunity to stay in Moscow after the Schukinsky school. Yana's older sister - actress, also could not be uncomfortable, and in the theater it is implemented, maybe even more than me. Dad is the artistic director of the Arkhangelsk youth theater, and he feels absolutely comfortable, but I always pulled me to leave. I had a happy and interesting childhood, but I felt that this was not a completely my city. I remember very well that when I was going to Moscow, many acquaintances said: "She will return too."

- If you have come true to leave, then it easily moved the shift of the scenery and the plot?

- Oh, No. I had such a sharp period of adaptation after admission to the Studio School of MCAT that the first few months I went to the central telegraph to call home, was like in a stupor. But at some point I realized that I was tired of the internal tension, and I said: "Perceive it as some holidays. You can always come home, and now spend time with benefit and pleasure, learn. "

- Parents helped money?

- Sure! Dad sent a decent amount, and Mom cared for me (they were divorced). I left for a difficult time, when many for a long time did not pay a salary, and mom, the pedagogue on the piano, were also difficulty, but by and large I did not leave me without money. True, I remember the period when I had almost all the clothes, because we used to use everything collectively in the hostel. (Laughs.) Summer came, and I realized that I literally had nothing to wear on my feet. Someone gave me her shoes, they wildly dug into the rise, it was simply impossible to walk. It helped out that at this time my teacher Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin took the "Chekhov stories" with the artists of the theater and their students. I received a fee and in the transition to Pushkin bought myself white sneakers. It was even very stylish. (Laughs.)

With parents, Viktor Petrovich and Zhanna Valentinovna, and sister Yana

With parents, Viktor Petrovich and Zhanna Valentinovna, and sister Yana

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Panova

- Lena, did you go to Moscow to do someone from your parents?

- No, because everything happened suddenly. The dad in the theater hung an announcement that in Gitis the course is recruiting Andrei Goncharov. I was told that the set in July. And I remember how I lay in my room on the couch, listening to music, and then my mother comes and says: "Do you know that you leave tomorrow?" It turned out that they confused, the set - in June. Because of such urgency, Mom could not go with me. But she called my cousin and just in case, was still given a dormitory course of teacher training courses. I left the plane and sinner, although in Arkhangelsk, thinking about Moscow, was very bold. But uncle was not at home. Neighbor suggested me to leave her things. I went to the Schukin school. There I saw the crowd of bright, as it seemed to me, talented people, they all talked loudly, read poems, sang under the guitar. And I got up to the corner and eyes figured out a modest girl, which, surprisingly, also arrived from Arkhangelsk. She told that she was sheltered by the parishioners of the neighboring church. We went to her there, and we really took some kind of woman to ourselves, but she had and without us very closely. I called a neighbor, and she exclaimed: "Lena, what are you?! Go to me, wait for your uncle. " After a couple of days, he finally arrived, and I heard: "Lena, I don't know how to help you. I again need to leave for the weekend. But you can leave things and come on Monday. " I replied: "No, no. I will go "- and then it was like in a joke:" What, and I will not drink tea? " He said: "Well, that you, Lena, many great artists have so started." (Laugh.)

- Did you have a good relationship with uncle?

- For some reason, we decided that they were good, his grandmother loved him very much. Provincial people are simpler and immediate. And I had phones of friends, they were waiting for a call, but I shone to disturb them. I took things and went to the hostel to improve the qualifications of teachers, lilted heavy rain, and I appeared there absolutely wet. I have merged with me - the child came, and issued for a modest amount. I lived with them for three days and escaped to Arkhangelsk. (Laughs.)

- So you never even went to listen to listening?

- I went a little, but in Schukinsky school so worried that everything was floating before my eyes. I then gained tobacco in Mkate, and I was told that I had a monstrous talk, it should be corrected. For this week I lost weight, such a stress.

Already in childhood, Lena had artistic abilities

Already in childhood, Lena had artistic abilities

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Panova

- What did the year, returning to Arkhangelsk?

- worked by courier at dad in the theater. And they threw me like a kitten, play a non-officer's widow in the "Revolution". He went with the Father Theater to Paris and earned her first thousand dollars. I bought gifts to everyone and myself. I remember the wafer shirt of complex beige color, martins boots and other original things. And after the first year went with the father's theater to Avignon to the festival. The next year I went to Moscow in advance, Dad made me in the hostel of the Institute of Culture. It was practically an entrance to the entrance to the hostel of the Studio MCAT. Therefore, I immediately went there. And as soon as I stepped on the threshold, I realized that I didn't want to go anywhere - so I liked it there. The Masters of the course was Oleg Nikolayevich Efremov, and teachers - Alla Borisovna Pokrovskaya, Dmitry Brusnikin and Roman Kozak. I was missed from the tour to the tour, but at the competition so quickly stopped that I was sure - this is a failure. And suddenly ... teachers came out, named afternarms, including my.

- What were the sensations?

- incredible! I understood that something unique happened to me, a dream came true, life changed in the root. But the first year was very hard. Perhaps I had the overestimated requirements for myself, all the time it seemed that I would be odd. The first assessment on acting was the "five", but I thought it was put on her an advance. Also a year after the end of the institute, I treated the shooting at Mitta in the series "Border. Taiga novel. " It was terribly worried and waited for the premiere with a feeling of great failure. And suddenly ... success. But no one recognized me because I looked in life easier, younger. The best thing I managed to do in the "border", it turned out thanks to my teachers. First of all, Alle Borisovna Pokrovskaya. By the way, Misha Efremov became my partner there, the son of my teachers.

- Yes, Efremov played a big role in your fate. What do you remember Oleg Nikolaevich?

- He at that moment was seriously sick, but still paying us the highest possible attention. Came to us, first-year students, on classes. It was a touching that he watched and drove up, rushed to us, suggested something. I remember our last meeting in Melikov. We had to play in one day two performances "Indian kingdom". After the first, they filed, walked around the estate, stood the heat, and we ruined us. Suddenly, we were told that Oleg Nikolaevich rides. With his appearance, the performance otherwise ranked with some new understanding. He said that he would collect us in a few days that he had something to say, but ... the meeting did not take place, after three days it did not.

Elena Panova:

"Fight with shadow-2" became for Lena with fateful work: she met the future husband

Frame from the movie "Fight with Shadow"

- After graduating from the Institute, you were accepted in MHT. But a few years ago you went out of the theater ...

- I had some kind of life in the theater and even interesting roles, but MHT did not for me home. Probably, on my part there was not enough fanaticism when the actress necessarily need a theater, no matter how much her fate was there. It is not important for me. Not a presence, but professional growth. I started to actually actually actively removed and sometimes preferred a cinema theater. To the final I had a conversation with Oleg Pavlovich Tobakov, and he was good. But then I gave birth to a child, and revive your stay in the theater - ask for something myself, I had no opportunity and desire. However, if I were offered an interesting role, I would not refuse. And today this question is so acute for me. Although even my husband tells me: "You are an artist, should be in the theater."

- What does your husband do if he talks about you with such an understanding?

- My husband - film director Anton Megherdichev. (Smiles.) I consider it a unique director, because he came to the movies from television and never stops internally, he learns all the time. The feeling that he was always in the movies, so comfortably and interestingly to be on the court.

- Feelings appeared immediately, at the first joint work?

- No, it was not love at first sight. (Smiles.) We met in the picture "Fight with Shadow-2", then I was filmed in his film "Dark World". And only during the work on the Metro, an understanding was understood that we would be together.

"The husband shoots you a lot, obviously, he likes as an actress." And the critic is from his part?

- He is always sincere and speaks directly to his opinion. It is expensive to me. I always ask his advice on proposals. In general, Anton's opinion is important, although we have a mismatch of creative positions. I was pleased that, looking at Duel, he said that he liked the performance and I am in it.

Elena Panova:

On the set painting "Time of First" with Konstantin Khabensky and Evgeny Mironov

Photo: Personal archive of Elena Panova

- What movie do you really consider your first?

- "Mom" Denis Evstigneeva, although I only appeared at the beginning of the film, because it is the heroine of Nonna Mordyukov in his youth. But the episode was noticeable. And here was a scale - the crane (laughs), the railway station, that is, the feeling that I am in the movie, it was here. For me, a third-year female student, it was an event. In addition, Nonna Viktorovna chose me herself.

- How exactly did it happen?

- I was called for samples and said that I would need to play the heroine Mordyukov in my youth. I remember that I walked around the hostel and I asked everyone: "And I look like Mordyukov?" - And almost everyone said "no". I stood in front of the mirror and tried to see her in my reflection. And convinced himself in this. I just realized that if I smile, it was not like her at all, but if I watched piercingly, slightly lowering my head, then there is similarity. After the photo session, Denis asked me: "Lena, what are you so serious? What do not smile? " I replied: "Everything is fine," and never smiled. And Nonna Viktorovna saw a photo and said: "But this is me young." I remember I got acquainted with her. We went to some hangar, Nonna Viktorovna sat on his stool, I brought me to her, I greeted and stood smiling in the whole mouth, because it was incredible happiness. She asked me about something vital and said: "Good girl. Let smiling. " As a result, in the episode where Andrei Panin jumps from the train, I stand and smile.

- How did your parents arrive in the MCAT studio school and then your work?

- At first, the dad was restrained, but now it is proud of me, he is joking that he finally became Pope Elena Panova. In Arkhangelsk, he is famous. But in general, for parents, it was definitely, and remains happiness and joy. Mom collects photos and cuts from the press. From the point of view of the average man, a lot of magical happened to me - since the incredible features were opened: both Studio School MCAT, and Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov, and other sign teachers, and MHT, and shooting here and abroad, festivals. The start was bright and promising. I even had a proposal to go to study abroad, but it seemed to me that only the Russian theater could make an actress from me. Probably, I was not ready for another way, as was not generally ready for success. Comply with all the attributes of success, with my "love" for interviews and in general publicity, it is difficult for me.

With a spouse, film director Anton Megherdichev. Now the couple already have two daughters - Marianna and Lydia

With a spouse, film director Anton Megherdichev. Now the couple already have two daughters - Marianna and Lydia

Gennady Avramenko

- Lena, as you succeeded in a few months without breaks to take off with a tiny daughter, and even on the expedition?

- Now Lidochka is eleven months, and on the expedition of the film with the working name "Mama Laura" I went with her four months. In Pereslavl-Zalessky and Yaroslavl, we went on a minibus of a large company: with older daughter, sister, mom and assistant. We had a spacious, good home on the shore of the lake. The children ride the air, and we enjoyed you beautifully. I just fell in love with those places. I had an hour for lunch, I drove home to feed my daughter, and there was practically no weekend. But, despite all the difficulties, I remember these shooting as a wonderful time. And with a little Mariash, I also managed to remove.

- What was the most bright and interesting pictures "Time First" for you?

- Initially, the director was the Jura of Bulls, from which I was filmed in the movie "Fool" in a small, but bright role. He wrote the second line - a serious, dramatic history of wives with their relationship. I play the wife of Belyaeva - Hero Habensky. We started shooting, then the producers have changed the vision, they made a greater focus on the flight, and much went. But in any case, I wish the project of success, because the story is decent, and artists. But if I am asked about my role in the picture, I will answer one phrase: "I am there." (Laughs.)

- The birth of children did not stupid the desire to work?

- For me, maternity, on the contrary, - push, stimulus, it gives strength. In addition, only in motion I have time to do a lot. I confess, I was lucky - both daughters are very calm in infancy, I did not have sleepless nights. There is no regularity, work - always as a miracle in our profession. Therefore, when there are decent sentences, you have to go and work.

- You have an older sister. Did you like the daughters?

- I was still with the firstborn. The second time I thought it would be nice to give birth to a son, although I knew that had a sister was great. We agreed with your husband that the daughter let's call Lydia. And suddenly I realized that if the boy would be born, then there will be no Lydia? I was covered by an inexplicable feeling of longing. As a result, our girl appeared on the world, and I would not change her even ten boys. (Laughs.) I try to give an older daughter as much time as possible, because Marianna is older Lida for just four years. It is very important for me that she does not feel deprived, did not think that something had changed in relation to her with the advent of the sister. And the husband and I do everything for this.

"I didn't have love my husband to my husband," Elena Panova laughs

"I didn't have love my husband to my husband," Elena Panova laughs

Photo: Sergey Lee

- Arkhangelsk is the city of the North, the Cold Sea, little summer. What I remember from childhood about nature, winter, rest?

- I do not like winter. Well, when she is warm and snowy, but when you run into the cold and you think where to harm it, it's terrible. And considering that I went to the classes dancing first on the bus, and then went to the tram stop, where I waited for the tram, which went how to have, then sometimes I had frozen fingers and legs frozen. Sometimes in a strong frost Mom, I regret me, called a taxi. And it happened, I was walking at night with a coater in my hands, because the trams no longer had, called from the machine from the stop, and Mom went to meet me. She, laughing, called me a little Lomonosov.

- Parting of parents did not affect your communication with dad?

- Mom in this sense is a unique person. She never showed no negative towards dad, on the contrary, I remember its ease, irony, understanding. But at ten years old, we did not communicate two years with Pope. I wanted me more attention to me to pay, and he believed that the daughter he had to strive for the Father, quoting Zhvanetsky: "Children must follow the flight of the Father ...". (Laughs.) Once I told him: "Dad, we didn't have a single sincere conversation with you." It's true. He is an incredibly bright, interesting person, communicate with him is always a holiday (laughs), but to eat a plate of soup, sit, sink, climb, and I could tell him: "Do I like a boy, how to be?" - This was not.

- From what age do you remember your romantic experiences?

- And I generally want to say that before my husband I didn't have love. (Laughs.) No, they, of course, were. Now, remembering them, I understand that the young man could pass my imagination. I was interested to think about him, wait for an unexpected meeting, but it is impossible to say that this is greatly captured me. In adolescence, my girlfriend fell in love with one boy. It seems to me that we just had nothing to do (laughs), and we came up with a common cause. Once his apartment was satisfied with his apartment. But honestly, I don't even remember his name.

- But before Anton you had enough years of conscious, young life. Didn't you have serious or bright novels?

- Yes, I had a serious relationship. But now I do not want to remember this: all the previous time was only a preparation for my life today.

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