Unfortunate together: how not to go crazy in isolation with your own family


Following the world and Russia has moved to self-insulation regime. Adults work out of the house, children learn online, to grandparents, the entrance is prohibited, lucky is that the owners of domestic animals are lucky. The situation for the whole world and the psyche of everyone is so unusual that the parents and teachers tear their hair and shout about help, there are jokes on the Internet on the topic that now husbands are finally sleeping with their own wives, and in large cities spontaneously creates centers for victims domestic violence. How to survive quarantine without prejudice to mental and physical health?

Every day still special

It seems to us that we live in a still frame. Up to pandemic, our life flew to the vigorous locomotive, we had small and global goals, coordinate system, weekdays, weekends, vacations, holidays. And suddenly everything stopped. Yes, no one expects "such", and we all are not just anxiety, but in complete misunderstanding when "all this will end." And we plan our lives and we present in this bright future. And the present you just need to survive somehow. But it's not right. What is happening today with us is life. Life in isolation. And your task is to fill it with meaning. And to teach this not only yourself, but also members of their family. Rejoice every day, pleasant trifles and minor events. Come up with Monday, for example, the day of sports, Tuesday - creativity, Wednesday - Cinema and so on.

Remember about the mode

That every day was not like the previous one, it is worth prescribing this day. Make up for yourself and offer each family member to make a day of the day. Let the morning be devoted to study and work, lunch - break, followed by the menu for dinner or plans for the evening. Be sure to take time for treating yourself, reading, creativity, or just lying on the sofa. Do not turn quarantine on online courses: In the state of stress, the body produces cortisol, which prevents the perception of information. Do just what you have a resource.

Family psychologist Zhanna Zatpkin

Family psychologist Zhanna Zatpkin

Leave the kids alone

Incredibly, but a quarantine life is a new stage of developing your relations with children. Everything that was inadequate was postponed in a long box, all problems get out of the outside. Conflicts occur against the backdrop of online learning, the process of which is irritating all participants. My advice is in these strange realities. Let children learn how it turns out. Now you need healthy relationships in the family and strong nerves, and not scandals because of lessons.

Come up with a common family business

It can be board games, puzzles, creativity (you can write a family play or a movie script, put a home spectacle) or household troubles. Even discuss family business options for the future. And if the family is large, then divide the teams, compete, create a prize fund. Do not skimp on the game elements, because the situation itself is to sit at home, wearing masks and gloves, stay at a distance of one and a half meters from each other - also reminds the game.

Let yourself and household personal time and personal space

I agree, many families in Russia live in four walls. And to be weeks in the "Two" without the possibility of entering the street, go to visit or go to the movies - this is a real tensile test. Yes, what to say there is a huge stress. But if you at least 15-20 minutes a day close in the bathroom without a smartphone, just to remember, will already become easier. Do not forget to respect and encourage the desire of home to stay in silence.

It is important to give partner and children the opportunity to do and work out of the house You also have the right to demand to give you this opportunity to you. To spend Skype sessions and negotiations with children and animals on the head that is also a quest, but you are not alone - today I will not call, there are such screams in the back background! Nevertheless, your task is to agree on the time when one of you works, and the other is engaged in the house and children. And plan a business based on the agreement.

Quarantine is a great time to pay attention and discuss your relationship with partner.

Meet what was unpleasant, but deciding. To do it stands, setting children to sleep, do not need them to witness these conversations. Try every evening to summarize the day, mark the achievements and failures, think what I would like to change. Keep in mind that if there were problems in your family, they are marked with a large font. If you were on the way to divorce, total quarantine can become a decisive factor, the last drop, but not the cause of separation. If conflicts arose exactly on the soil of a joint stay in 24/7 mode, then you should not take decisive and fatal steps. Tell yourself: when "everything will end, we will take the final decision."

And now let's honestly appreciate the situation. We are all in suspended state, many remained without work and livelihoods or will remain tomorrow. And no one knows when and what "it will end" and will it end in general how much the global economy will be restored. Wars, "Great Depressed", "Plague" and other epidemics in our consciousness have always been only part of the story, but not a reality. We live in a unique time. And this is an unprecedented experience. Because he has never faced a person with such a stream of uncontrollable information. Allow yourself to worry and worry. Ironize and joke. This is a normal reaction. Live this time as it turns out. And take care of the power - they will need them.

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