What mystery keeps Santa Claus


It is for this that we go along with our children to the New Year's ideas to see a good wizard who will help forget about daily concerns and difficulties, settles joy in the heart and will give hope.

"I myself believed in Santa Claus for 10 years, - told the television-friendly Tutta Larsen. - And I try to support this faith in my children. Every year we are waiting for miracles with the whole family, and I want it to continue as long as possible. We are accustomed that in the New Year's performances to see Santa Claus, it is possible only at the very end, and children do not have time to learn anything about him, and in the New Year's show in the New Year's show in 'Crocus City Hall, "he is the main character! I look forward to when we can see this fairy tale and again and make sure that miracles exist! "

New Year's performances in the 'Crocus "have already become a good tradition. It is difficult to believe, but preparation for the show was started in May. The famous director and choreographer Vlad Druzhinin gives a tremendous meaning of its stories, necessarily invests in each representation of an instructive component and good promise. He believes that the viewer must necessarily enter the hall in one quality, and get out in another.

Any New Year's view does not cost without Santa Claus. But in the play "The main secret of Santa Claus" the wizard will be the main acting person. And most importantly, he will come to Moscow from the Russian North, inviting guests to visit the favorite cartoon: Smesharik Nyusha, Draco Toshu, Leo and Tig and Magicians from the "Fairy Patrol".

All viewers will be able to take direct participation in the show: 240 huge inflatable items falling from the ceiling in the auditorium, and 80 artists actively involving small spectators in what is happening, no one will be bored.

In addition to meeting with Santa Claus on stage, the child will be able to see it in a 11-minute video spending, which is accompanied by free to each ticket. The wizard will personally contact each kid by name, admire his photos, praise the letter or drawing and even play with him. After such close communication, children will definitely believe in the existence of Santa Claus. And adult guests have to find out the secret of a good wizard.

Photo provided by the Producer Center

Photo provided by the producer center "Seventh Rainbow"

In fact, there are a few secrets, but I will tell only about two. Secret for parents: For many, Santa Claus is a fabulous character. And this year we will look at the wizard, as per person, with their feelings and experiences. Grandfather Frost confesses to parents: "I love your children, as you love them. I worry when they sick; I get upset when they can't do something "... And the children's secret of Santa Claus is how he learns about the dreams of a child. Both secrets are stored in a magic bag. And what in it - learn on the play

It is worth adding that it is not only to watch the exciting show on the Christmas tree to the Crocus, but also to visit the largest amusement park of Europe. This year it was fully updated: more than 60 attractions; Robust "World of Future 2.0", where more than 30 VR sites will be presented, in which guests of all ages find entertainment to their taste; On the territory you can see and even take part in the free representation of the "Science of Magic". This is a full-fledged interactive show with light, sound, music, scenery and copyright costumes. Everyone will be able to visit the battlefields of the famous game "Counter Strike", protect the land from the attack of aliens, become a real Fruto Nindse, go through a fine board over the abyss at the 80th floor altitude and get acquainted with human-like robots that are not only a set of standard phrases, but can still sing and dance. Guests can meet Goodwin in the Emerald City, save seven kids from a gray wolf, fight with these Cossacks and take part in the tea ceremony with Hatpnik and Alice.

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