Always Ready: Libido Products


Stresses, hormonal changes and other violations in the body can be extremely negatively to affect sexual desire. Erectile dysfunction is the most common problem with which men face in a big city. Of course, without consultation in this case, it is not necessary to do one of the ways to solve the problem. We will tell about the products that will help increase libido.


If your man is experiencing sexual problems, at least several times a week to indulge in seafood dishes, which is not only tasty, but also incredibly useful for potency. Mussels are considered the most effective. Oysters and marine fish that contain vitamin D, zinc, selenium and iodine in sufficient quantities. Also, do not ignore the sea cabbage, which can be used simply in pickled form, but without the addition of sauces and mayonnaise.


Most men do not consider salads with a mandatory dish in their diet, and very in vain. Vegetable greens are incredibly effective when it comes to solving problems with libido. Next time, add to the Celery Salad, which contains Androsterone and Androstenol, you can also not do without a roman salad, without which the tests, kinse and parsley are atrophy, will ensure the fill in the lack of vitamins A and E.

Enter seafood in the diet

Enter seafood in the diet


Required fats

No, we do not offer to lean on the calorie food, we are talking about useful fats that you can find in chicken eggs, cheese, butter, sour cream and fat. These products contain the necessary cholesterol, it serves as material for testosterone synthesis, and also improves the elasticity of capillar stories.

Nuts and seeds

Natural aphrodisiac. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to use nuts along with honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon every morning. It is preferable to choose almond and walnuts, as well as cashews. However, do not get carried away - the use of nuts in large quantities leads to serious problems with the intestines.

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