Evgeny Pronin: "Christina made me a gift for the new year - Son"


With the actor Evgeny Prone, we met a few years ago, when the film "Champions" came out on the screens, where he played the famous athlete. In general, he had a lot of such roles - positive, reliable heroes. He himself impressed the solid, the right person - survived the divorce, but he said how important the family was important in his life. Today, this gestalt is closed - last year the actor married, and on December 31, the son of Harry appeared. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Eugene, when we met last time, you said you can walk and have fun, but the main thing in life is children.

- I told this in the previous interview? So, even when I had no children, I understood it. While the son is almost three months old, and you do not always have fun. He is only attached to this life, watches the world around the world, and he needs our concern and attention. But then, I think it will be possible to combine pleasant with useful. Much depends on how to prevent some things to give some things - you can talk it, and you can do it in the form of a joke, games. And although when a child appears, the main burden falls on a woman, I, of course, take part in the upbringing. I will say more - when I'm at home, I just can not break away from him.

- I saw a photo from the maternity hospital. Did you present in childbirth?

"Yes, together with Christina went to the hospital and together from there came out." (Laughs.) Although I have not been to the moment of childbirth in the ward itself. It seems to me that it is superfluous. I kept my son in my arms when he had not been cut by Pupovina. And I caught this opinion of a person who just saw the world. It was just an incredible look - and frightened, and confident at the same time, and, oddly enough, already very meaningful. He looked at us as if she knew everything better than us.

- Immediately, probably, began to look for my traits - it looks like, does not look like?

- No, I am absolutely calm in this sense. The main thing that does not look like friends. (Laughs.) Son and from me, and I took a lot from Christina - it turned out such a mix of everything is the best thing in us. But I can definitely say one thing - we got handsome! And he is insanely, infinitely charming. Probably all parents talk about their children, but it seems to me that our child is special. Tell's spout of his little, how funny nostrils move when it breathes, the handles that it squeezes into the fists. I love his smell - something warm, milk, and in different places it smells in different ways. Happiness absolute! It was a long-awaited child, such a gift to me Kristina did, and four hours before the new year - how can you believe in Santa Claus! (Laughs.)

Jumper, Aeronautica Militare; Pants and shoes, all -Bikkembergs

Jumper, Aeronautica Militare; Pants and shoes, all -Bikkembergs

Photo: Anna Naz

- The name Harry accidentally appeared using the selection method?

- This is an interesting story. Harry was the first name that I was mutually enjoyed with my wife. We immediately knew that we would have a bright and unusual child, and the name I wanted to give him the same. We had several options, and almost to the birth, we could not decide on the choice. And when they drove in the hospital, we suddenly remembered one episode. Three years ago, we rested in Portugal and went to the famous bookstore, where a film about Harry Potter was shot. I remember, I then put on a hat, made Selfie, laid out in Instagram and signed a picture "Harry Prinen". I also liked the consistency of this name with my surname. They found the post and saw some kind of mystic in it. And immediately doubt remained. And now we see that it fits him insanely. There is some kind of magic in this name. As in our Harry.

- You already imagine how you will do sports with him, who you yourself love, play boyish games?

"Yes, the most ridiculous that Harry has not yet born, and I already bought him a small folding knife. We were on tour in the Baltic States with the play "Senior Son", and I saw this knife at refueling. In my childhood, these were very rare. In my childhood, there was no lot of something: radio-controlled cars, railways. And I decided to buy a toy for a son - when it grows up, there will be something to correct them, cut, unscrew. Showed Christine, she laughed long.

- Now you can buy toys with a clean conscience.

- Yes. (Smiles.) I, by the way, was such a period of six years ago, when I decided to buy toys that a small child could only dream of. For example, I bought myself a radio-controlled helicopter, but unfortunately, it was very quickly broken. And two years ago I had Dron. When I and Christina with Christina, I always take it with myself. Now, of course, the rules tightened, they will not particularly fly. But to see the world from above is a tremendous pleasure, a feeling of flight arises. There were also VR glasses that create realistic perception. So I already think about how to get a child. The first thing that appears is, it's foggy, and then put it on Skate!

"You extremal, cars quickly drive, like motorcycles." Now it became more cautious?

- I think it will come with time. Led it seems more careful. The son is also sitting in a car seat behind. We already take it in the car to visit my grandparents. And we walk, too, in numerous parks, so that it was noneless, and it's more interesting: trees are different, tracks. Although, maybe he does not notice anything particularly, because for the most part sleeps in the stroller.

- Calm you have a guy?

- Different. He studies this world, proves the soil. A couple of weeks ago began to smile - and so joyful, it does it hard! And immediately reads emotions - you smile to him, and he is in response. You frown - and he moves the brings. Changing every week. I recently went to Germany for five days on tour with the play - I returned, and he already knows how much new. I bathe him in a big bath, we almost immediately passed baby baths - and it is bored, and I. And he has already learned to dive. I say: "Harry, dive," and he grieves his eyes. Floats with an inflatable circle. He likes, bathes on half an hour - does not want to go out.

Suit, suitsupply; T-shirt and leather belt, all-bikkembergs; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Suit, suitsupply; T-shirt and leather belt, all-bikkembergs; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Photo: Anna Naz

- Mom does not experience for you?

- in moderation. Asks: "Are you sure that he can already be so?" I'm a father-psycho, hurry the event. Harry Third Month, and I already want him to take the first step. (Laughs.) Constantly develops it - I read poems, I sing songs. When the son is capricious, crying - I begin to tell something with different intonations, and he reacts, listens. So now I'm in the family chief clown.

- There was a desire to be at home or, on the contrary, would you want to make money for a family?

- Different. Sometimes I want to tick away from his scream. (Laughs.) And if seriously, all the time pulls home. It's good that I now have employment days alternate with those days when I am free and can be at home. And then during the pregnancy of Christina, I was almost never in Moscow. And doctors, and pediatricians claim that the first three months with the child is the most complex and responsible, and one person is constantly hard with him, so I try to replace Christina, let me go to the manicure, and at meetings. Sometimes "duty" at night, she sleeps. But still, a large load - on his wife.

- The option to take the nanny did not consider?

- While coping with themselves. Let's see how it will be.

- I remember, you told that it was building a house with the calculation that children would appear there ...

- We were saturated in every sense last year: On January 18, I got married Christina, on March 8 flew to Venice to make a romantic photo session, in May we had a wedding in Tuscany, and the son was born on January 31. We do not make any purpose, unrealistic happy year. And all this time we did repairs in the new apartment - moved to live in a skyscraper, twenty-sixth floor, all Moscow as a palm, noise of cars, lights of a big city.

- Zhenya, I do not recognize you: before you told how to live well outside the city, away from the city bustle and noise.

- Yes? People change. I'm tired of traffic jams, go to the city two hours there and two back. That year was rich in projects, there were shooting, samples. The country house remained, in the spring we will come there to take a walk, breathe clean air. There, nature, the river - the child is good. But in general, it is more convenient to live in Moscow, everything is near.

Leather jacket and jeans, all -aeronautica Militare; T-shirt, bikkembergs; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Leather jacket and jeans, all -aeronautica Militare; T-shirt, bikkembergs; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Photo: Anna Naz

- You met Christina, being already an adult, who was established by a person. Nevertheless, in something she managed to change you?

- In fact, I feel myself in the soul of the boy: and toys for me, and entertainment, and sometimes there are a somewhat frivolous attitude towards life. I will not say that I always have a clear plan and strategy, as you need to act. Christina is different, it is more correct, organized. I am grateful for the fact that she was able to systematize me, it helps in many ways, even in choosing clothes.

- You got acquainted at the Fashion Week ...

- Yes, two such big mods. (Laughs.) Apparently, fate ordered so that we met there. But we have a lot of other interests. Christina and in creative plan can tell me something, we are discussing scenarios, my works.

- She graduated from Moscow State University, and the Faculty of Serious: World Politics. Why did the vector of interest changed so sharply and decided to become a producer?

- Probably my influence. I am associated with the world of cinema, and it also has become interesting. She went to courses, already produces movies.

- That is, you wanted to bring together your worlds.

- Not that one day we sat down near and began to argue about what you want to joint activities. They say, she becomes the producer and then it will be for some projects. (Laughs.) It all happened, and I understand that Christina has the qualities necessary to produce.

- In general, the producer is more men's story.

- No, it is an outdated opinion, it seems to me. Now there are a lot of successful women producers appeared.

Leather jacket and jeans, all -aeronautica Militare; T-shirt, bikkembergs; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Leather jacket and jeans, all -aeronautica Militare; T-shirt, bikkembergs; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Photo: Anna Naz

- You used to negatively related to feminist manifestations. He said that a woman should bear care, love.

- So one does not contradict one. It is possible for the tenderness and diplomacy to achieve their goals - it is even more successful than a direct pressure. And Christina is just such. She certainly has a gift of a diplomat, knows how to find an approach to man, pick up the right words. So I study with her restraint, it became not so straightforward as before.

"You said that the acting profession is illusory: today there are interesting projects and success, tomorrow will not be. Looking for a spare airfield?

- I think on this topic, but while the acting profession is my bread, it is the main one.

- Satisfied with the way a career is?

"I think, few of my colleagues can say that completely satisfied." Even if the paintings in which you are moving, successful, dream of more. I would like interesting scenarios and roles that do not look like what I did before. I see and know that my potential is not fully revealed. Perhaps because I incorrectly conducting the selection of projects in which I participate. Now I understand that the stage of life has come when I do not want to spend my time on the proposals that I am not interested. I want something new, breakthrough. And the central channels often replicate the same scenarios and the same persons. I understand that the country must have heroes, but let the new appear.

- In my opinion, on the contrary, there are many interesting young actors, girls in particular.

- They are some cold, removed, no fire. I think maybe I am older, and this is a trend? But to take Western series - no, people play there, they have emotions, gestures. I watch a lot of cinema, serials - and our, and overseas. I want audacity. Courage. Mat swear. (Laughs.) We have a lot of prohibited on the central channels. By the way, I was interested to try myself and on the Internet platforms. I already had many of these films, where I played doctors, athletes, military - heroes that were in the soul, but it was like. On the central channels, everyone takes off enough academic, tired of playing "snotty rivers". Although, probably, someone is interesting. Many are accustomed to perceive me as a positive hero. But I can disappoint - I am already leaving for it. Ask in Instagram: why don't you shave? And I do not like to be smoothly shaved. (Laughs.) I want something such that others and even I do not expect from myself.

- I won't call anything bright from the last projects?

- But why? Karina "Wolf" Gennady Ostrovsky should come out soon. I have a difficult role. My character's character at all is not peculiar to me - weak, hysterical. It was interesting to try myself. There was a project "Unknown" - quite complicated, including physically - I had eyes from constant wearing lenses, I almost started conjunctivitis, I had to learn large volumes of technical text that my hero should produce on the machine. But it was very fascinating to build a line of his character - survived amnesia lost. It was something different from what I played before. This year I have four premieres. Recently, a good "pilot" - I play a man who takes the soul other people, healing them. Such a mystical thriller, like I was not. I am changing myself. Zamaltell somehow, became more thoughtful and less journey. I like it in myself.

- What influenced?

- A life. (Laughs.) When there are already something, some experience, a philosophical attitude appears. Previously, I got involved in the controversy, cut the spur, now, if something disagreeable with something, I can silent. Maybe this is also a certain energy savings, forces. I want to give the strength on what you like, on what you love - it concerns work, and hobbies, and communication. Be selective in everything.

Suit, suitsupply; Shirt, Aeronautica Militare; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Suit, suitsupply; Shirt, Aeronautica Militare; Kedy, Jimmy Choo

Photo: Anna Naz

- By the way, about hobbies - you loved to cook. Now this honorable duty has passed the spouse?

- No, I'm ready now. I will not say that I constantly stand at the slab, but sometimes it's a joy, I enjoy. Today, for example, built breakfast - omelet with cheese and avocado. Often we have from Christina competition in cooking - who will surprise anyone else. When I lived outside the city, the choice of restaurants was not so great, so I had to experiment more in the kitchen. And now they can brought any dishes in half an hour - tasty and for quite affordable money. Not a fact that he spent a couple of hours for cooking, you will get the same result. Yes, and less time it remains for it, the child appeared, he mostly pay attention.

- What do you think (maybe you spoke on this topic), what qualities did Christine attracted in you?

- Love is a complex feeling that is not easy to disconnect. Fall in love with a couple. I am a charismatic guy (smiles), perhaps, the external data played a role. She is a young girl. When we started to meet, she was only twenty years old. In fact, when we met, she did not know who I am. This, then I told her what I do. Christina became interested, began to watch movies with my participation. Moreover, it always critically evaluates my work. In general, the chemistry occurred between us, which, as often happens, did not fade over time. Yes, I am a good person in fact, so that I can not fall in love with me! (Laughs.)

- I am sure that she appreciated your male thoroughness - rare, by the way, the quality for the actor.

- I am meticulous. (Laughs.) I straight back to the point. If I choose household appliances - I need to compare all models, evaluate their quality and choose the best. Friends call me a walking encyclopedia, they say that I know absolutely everything: about repair, and about space. (Smiles.) Probably, I am a fondant person and truly interested in what is busy at the moment. Unfortunately, you can choose a really better car or a robot vacuum cleaner, but with a role to miss - because not everything depends on you alone, but from the team, from the atmosphere on the site. The atmosphere in fact also became very important - you can take a movie from under the stick, departing a shift. And sometimes it is so fascinating that they simply do not notice how time flies, so all in the buzz. You look at the clock: And the shift is ended! Everyone is tired, but this is a pleasant fatigue, when you worked, and enjoyed. Here it is necessary to strive in work, and in personal life - perfection

Want, develop, enjoy the process and result. At the moment I am very pleased with my main New Year's result. (Smiles.)

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