5 healing properties of ordinary onions



Many, probably, in childhood, had to suffer from caring grandmothers who were pucculi weak on the health of Chado onions. Our grandmothers intuitively did everything right, now they are supported by the World Health Organization, which recognizes that the vegetable helps to alleviate respiratory infections.

Onions can be used both in the prevention of colds and when it is treatment. It works as a natural antibiotic and strengthens the immune system. The plant contains phytoncides that have antibacterial properties and kill microbes, a vegetable reduces inflammation due to cough.

Recycle the bulb in a puree and make a compress on the chest compress - a vegetable has warming properties, and its pairs work as an expectorant. With the cough, make a decoction and from the onion husk and wechit the throat.

The vegetable is useful at any time of the year, but especially - in the season

The vegetable is useful at any time of the year, but especially - in the season


Ear infection

Finely cut the onions and put it in a bag of fine tissue - a gauze is suitable or a new cotton sock. Put the compress on the ear and fix it with a warm scarf. After half an hour, the pain will pass.


Remove the husks from the bulb, and then the next white layer. Attach it with a side released juice on the cut. Thus you can easily stop bleeding. In addition, the vegetable will work as an antiseptic and will not give the Rank to inflame. It will heal faster thanks to the healing properties of the plant.

Onions remove inflammation

Onions remove inflammation


Insect bites

"Oh, summer is red! I would love you when it would not be angry, yes dust, yes mosquitoes, yes flies, "Pushkin written, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And how can I disagree with the classic when itching from the bite of bloodsows does not allow all night to fall asleep, and then the skin is decorated with ugly bumps.

Credit with misfortune will again help Chipollino. Lubricate the place of bite onion juice, you can simply put a piece of the plant and hold some time. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the vegetable, discomfort and inflammation will decrease.

Onion juice kills microbes

Onion juice kills microbes


Hair loss

Onions well strengthens hair. Its juice is useful to rub the scalp, and the decoction is used as an air conditioner. Throw onions in a saucepan of water, boil. Use fluid as air conditioning when washed with shampoo. The antimicrobial properties of the vegetable will prevent the appearance of dandruff, and the antioxidants will stop hair loss, will help them become stronger.

Of course, amber from the hair will be appropriate, so it is better to do this cosmetic procedure alone. But the effect is awesome. After a month of regular onion hair masks, a familiar actress acquired such a chapel that the make-upers could not pull any wig on it. And the smell will have to suffer - beauty, as you know, requires victims.

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