Seraphim Nodovskaya: "I understand all the risks, but I still go there."


- Who called you seraphim?

- Dad with mom. Oddly enough (laughs).

- A sufficiently unusual name even in our time, with which the choice was connected?

"I had a grandmother of Simima, my father's mother, however, I'm not sure that she was a seraphist." It was just a simo. And parents decided to increase her name a little bit. But it is not exactly.

- It is believed that Seraphim and Seraphim are sociable people who are loving humor, noisy and funny companies, they are not alien to the draws. They want it or not, but always turn out to be in the spotlight. Is it all about you?

- Yes, in general, all this is said about me. But the only thing, I treat people by type extrovert introvert. Therefore, I need to periodically rest alone.

- Feel influenced in your fate of such a powerful name? So call the heavenly angels, which are at the highest stage of the paradise hierarchy. This name was holy seraphim Sarov, Seraphim Vyritsky, canonized after death.

- It seems to me that yes, there is this influence. And it is strong enough, helps in some moments.

- And what, if not a secret?

- Yes, different. When you feel that you give a slightly slack. Then it begins to pull me out some unknown force. It can be said that this is some kind of energy, but you can believe that the name of the energy is also there. And I surrender some complicated situation, it turns out, painlessly. Someone in such situations can happen something bad, and I'm fine. For example, somehow I went to Puerto Rico completely alone. But I perfectly spent time, generally gorgeous. I helped me all people met by me, they suggested how I got to the beach, to the hotel, they told where the taper of everything is to have a snack where to rent a car. And when I returned, I was told that I was just abnormal. After all, many see a completely unsafe place in Puerto Rico. Yes, I saw some unfavorable places there, but I always kicked up all these troubles. I never got into situations in which the defeat would have failed. Of all complex and incomprehensible stories, for some reason there is always the shortest exit.

- In general, believe in the so-called little fate book, in predestination?

- I still think that fate in man's hands. Unrequisite faith in fate - this is the lot of weak. This is the easiest way to relax and say: "Yes, this is my cross, and I will carry it on myself." If you want to change something, it is exclusively in your hands.

- This is your position ...

- Yes.

Seraphim Nodovskaya:

"I treat people by type extrovert introvert. Therefore, I need to periodically rest alone. "

Photo: Personal archive

- And yet, as you feel about life: Take everything that happens, saying: "All that is done, all for the better," or outraget, rebellious, resist?

- You know, this ability to watch, see in any situation positive moments, I certainly learned during my life. Because if something is happening negative, and you omit your hands and start worrying, reflecting on this topic, then it does not get better from this. And when you have a resource to flip the page and say: "Okay, it happened, it was predetermined, but let it be my experience." Everything should be positive. Of course, we are not robots. It is impossible to always be happy, but be able to find a positive in your experience - it is very important, and this should be learn.

- So you are a naive girl or still a "brutal woman", how did you somehow name ourselves?

- Nothing changed from what I said. All the same brutal today. I look truth in my face. Naivety is no, more troughting. I understand all the risks, but I still go there.

- That is, you are desperate?

- Not that desperate, there are no such frankly desperate deeds. They are all enough adequate circumstances. Sometimes you can not do something, but I will still go, I will risk, I will try. And otherwise it is boring to live (laughs).

- Do you go to compromises at some moments?

- Always. Compromises are part of life, they will not leave without them. Starting from the house, communicating with children, all the time the search for compromise solutions, so that one person was good, and the other. To not offend anyone once again. Do not do unwanted things.

"Admit, why somehow very unexpectedly did you leave my native St. Petersburg to Moscow?"

- Yes, I studied in St. Petersburg at the Theater Academy. But while I studied, the theaters were examined, possible work options, there was little filming during my learning. At the fourth year, the para-triple of paintings was passed in my luggage. And such, let's say, not super. In the end, I realized that I do not want to work there in any theater. First of all, I left because Moscow was such an unexplored city. I also tried to act in the capital after school, but failed, only reached the second rounds. Moscow then made a huge impression on me with his scope, spacious, movement. This feeling when you get to Moscow or any other big city. And I caught him. In those years there was still a lot of sun in the capital, much more than in St. Petersburg. And we had a wonderful Vice Rector at the Institute, and, understanding what our talented course we had, she some miraculi organized us a trip to the capital. We bought only tickets to a second-class car. In Moscow, we were placed in Hichtis's hostel, and she agreed with five theaters who agreed to see us. And I received proposals at once from four theaters. From the "modern" and theater of Joseph districthelgayza "School of Modern Plays" they were rather vague, without any specific promises, just come. The theater under the leadership of Mark Rosovsky "The Nikitsky Gate" very much wanted to take me to the troupe, promised the golden mountains, immediately seven major roles. But I came, looked at one performance ... I did not like it. And one more offer was from Volodya Mirzoyeva, he then only came to the "Stanislavsky Theater" and updated the troupe. He, strictly speaking, took three people from the course at once, allocated a place in the hostel and immediately gave all the three roles. When I met him, I realized that I didn't want to go to anyone else.

Seraphim Nodovskaya:

"The ability to watch, see in any situation positive moments, I certainly learned during life"

Photo: Personal archive

- It turns out, life in the capital began to develop immediately, all right happened with work, filming, demand?

- Yes, everything happened. It did not come out that he did not come to his place, began to hysterically rushing around the city, everything was somehow immediately.

- Have you ever regretted that we moved?

- No never. But honestly, I will say that the first year was pretty heavy, because they immediately began to actively rehearse. After a couple of months, the project was closed, stagnation began, I began input to the old play. True, a little later we started rehearsing the other. In general, there were a lot of gaps when I tried to find a job in the movies, but the samples were unsuccessful, they did not take me anywhere. Then, a year later, I probably got into the Lottery "Sportllo". Once a week I went to write what is called, to maintain pants. It gave some air, because there was a very pleasant film crew, some kind of communication appeared. In general, it did not work, arriving at Moscow, immediately become a queen, everything was not right. People who were born in the metropolitan cities grew up in greenhouse conditions, I still at the Institute for Speech Valery Gelendeev, said: "You, St. Petersburg Girl, will be difficult in the profession!" Yes, when there is no teeth, really not easy. It is necessary to venture, stagger, step over and go there, where it is necessary and I want to be any actor. In fact, I was so left. Although he knocked out and fought with such qualities as intelligence, politeness, tact, modesty. But they remained with me, unfortunately. I interfere, honestly, because sometimes you need to put my elbows, silenced and say: "I'm the main thing here!"

- The series "Molodechka" became a sign in your destiny or not?

- Certainly. There was a large-scale recognition. The series became a landmark for all artists who participated in the shooting.

- What personally is your attitude to hockey?

- I got to the first match, when I was approved for the role of the girl of the coach. And Denis Nikiforov immediately led me to watch hockey. It was the World Cup. I really liked it terribly. There were good places, it was clearly visible. From the same time I like this sport.

- That is, look at home sometimes?

- Yes, and when the opportunity appears, I go to the match.

- Having become a person known, you continue to go to the castings, promote yourself, do you have an agent?

- Little, but periodically I go. As always, with hope. But we have few people say that the acting profession is mainly being waiting. We must be able to wait. No one at the Institute told about it. This is a very important skill - wait, not despair, not lose faith in yourself. Hardening serious. And the agent does not really cope.

The actress brings up two sons - Hector and Savelia

The actress brings up two sons - Hector and Savelia

Photo: Personal archive

Family affairs

- You were married several times. With television producer Sergei Kechishev and with actor Vitaly Kudryavtsev, you have common children, sons - Hector and Savely. What are the relationship with "former" today?

- Relationships are smooth, calm. We communicate, mainly about our children. You can not say that we are friends, as follows, this is not, although, as I think it is great when such relationships are. We know, who and what happens. In general, in touch.

- What were the spouses like, or are it completely different people?

- How do you say? On the one hand, they are different, but on the other ... something in common in them was still discovered (laughs).

- They say the first spouse attended childbirth, and the second?

- The second was not. He went on shooting. But he was so nervous that the doctor who took childbirth said: "Thank God, that he left! Why do we need it in this state? "

- And for you, the presence of a husband was important?

- For me - yes, it is important. It seems to me that children are such a common story. And I'm sorry that we have so little "included" fathers - basically women are engaged in the upbringing of children. It is somehow so accepted. The tradition of us was such in the country (laughs). It seems to me that if you decide to create children together, it is necessary to take in this process and equal participation. Children are useful when fathers with them happen in infancy, participate in social adaptation, in kindergartens, schools go. This attention is important on both sides. When I see such mutual inclusion in the family, it becomes warm and good, it is cool, it should be.

- Children communicate with their fathers?

- Yes, communicate actively. Constantly. At the same time I do nothing, I immediately said after our divorces that our relationship is our relationship, and yours are yours. Build them yourself. So she said both children and dads, so that they called themselves, they themselves communicated. It all depends on them themselves, what can I do here? Force Stimulate somehow? It seems to me that this is a meaningless spending time. Everything should occur by mutual desire and opportunities. Today everything happens today. Their communication is becoming more denser and denser.

- Often there are difficulties when a man comes into a family with a child from another person. Your second spouse took your first son as yours?

- I would not say. It depends on many factors. Vitaly himself brought up in tough and harsh conditions. He had a solid dad-athlete, the family had a patriarchate. And my first son was born in a democratic family. It happened. Because Sergey was included dad. And we both very loyally brought up a hector. Many people say that I am a very soft mom. We and the dad are so soft. And Vitaly, until Sovelius was born, the father's instincts were not yet included. He was a little harsh, harsh, and his son was difficult, because he was in a situation where someone else's big uncle came and began to dictate his rules and laws. And the boy was at that time only three years, the baby. In general, it was not easy. Not everyone can stand in the new proposed circumstances.

Seraphim Nodovskaya:

"There are no such reasons to be together without helping and not loving each other"

Photo: Personal archive

- Why parted with their halves? And what do you think, why do people converge, diverge?

- It seems to me that we are moving in parallel as the train. At some point, the arrows converge, and the train rises on some rails. That is, two trains become one. And then begin to continue their way together. People start developing, share some information. And they change, anyway. Something begins to occur, they can change values, and look to change. And then another same arrow may form. And the trains are reappearing again. So we had. We did not notice this arrow. It seemed that it was not so important. We decided that everything is again somehow formed and put down in one train. In such cases, the moment is missed. Then, it seems to me, you need to diverge. It is necessary to part and then when the general development ends. People wrap up their cocoons and cease to develop both together and a one. Cease to help each other. How my stepfather says: "People meet, begin to exist together to increase the viability of each other! Your mother my vitality increases, so we are already 25 years old! " It is very important. And when your viability falls in the marriage alliance, this relationship is not needed. And there is nothing to pull them. There are no such reasons to be together without helping and not loving each other. Neither children can be the cause nor joint property nor heavy well-being. There may be no reason if your survival level falls.

- What do sons do?

- Senior now we have in adolescent acute period. He began with him early, at eleven years, now he will be fourteen. The acuity has already slept, let's say, but there are moments when the teenager does not want anything, a little lasted, a desire appeared to be shattered. Do not spend, but save energy. Although it does not yet understand, for which he saves it (laughs). But feels that you need to care. Hector is fond of ballroom dancing. Going to the mathematical class. Last year he began to engage in jew, before, this year decided to throw. I could not convince him, unfortunately. So it is necessary. Learn normal, I have the only request for it: "Please, without triple!" So that everything is worthy. I repeat him that I am ashamed to learn about the top three with his brains. It is therefore quickly preparing, I quickly surrendes something, the assessments brings and says that we are behind him. And the younger goes to swim in the school of Staki Komarov. We met her by chance on the radio. Very made friends. She is the Olympic champion. And her school is just in our area. I somehow asked her, would the boy take a character? She immediately replied that he would take. And he passed on there. This year began to go to basketball, he wanted to wear with the ball. Teaches Spanish, interested in a row, reads a lot.

Perfect world

- What is your ideal world?

- You know, now some kind of perfect (laughs). With its difficulties, of course, but where without them. But this is the case when I want to come home when nothing annoys when you get you running out cats, dog. Rejoice. When you look at your animals and understand that they are calm as tanks. It is very significant when animals are in order, it means that you are fine. And it is not necessary to twitch.

- Do you live in the city or in Moscow? The question is due to the story of the vitality of animals ...

- In Moscow. We just have so historically developed, I consciously took only a cat. Then we found one more in the ceiling overlap. One-day. Thought, we discharge, go out, and then we will give, but so far I fed the month, massaged the tummy, as a newborn, are accustomed to him that they could not give it anywhere. And last year, the eldest wanted a dog, I resisted for a long time, as a result, I gave way. And I found an option not quite indoor, I don't really like these breeds, the dog should be with your teeth.

"You are a very beautiful and fabric woman, and you have a lot of hot and pretty candid photographs that you post in the social network. Admit, this is a kind of provocation you need internally, or something else? Some say that while I am young and beautiful, doing everything to be what to see in old age.

- No, it's rather as a game provoke not yourself, and others. Sometimes I want to shoot right. Especially since I have everything for this. And it turns out aesthetically normal. I do not overlook some faces so that my photos can be attributed to pornography or vulgar. It makes it easy when we negotiate a photo shoot with photographers. They see me so, they also want some kind of outdate. So it turns out. Then we look at these photos and we understand, it turned out beautifully. It comes out absolutely not specifically. We start in clothes, then something happens by us by chance (laughs). I recently tell the photographer that I have such long legs, but it is in response: "Yes No, there is!" So easy folds (laughs). And then, when you exhibit them in the social network, it's funny to watch that all the same we have boobs tits! As soon as you exhibit this, there are many likes. Usually, the text in which you want some thought you want to express, just so much is interesting, and if you are still tits to him, it will be read and think (laughs). Putting simple things: tits, food and some more provocative actions.

In the family of the actress at once two cats and a dog

In the family of the actress at once two cats and a dog

Photo: Personal archive

- Attitude to plastic adjustments, botoxes, golden threads?

- If all this is in moderation, then I agree. It should maintain natural beauty and help look natural and beautiful. I periodically smooth something, basically, it is some kind of moisturizing. Finally found a wonderful cosmetologist, to which I came for 38 years. She looked at me and asked how old I am? I answered. Then she told me very calmly: "You look great, you don't need to do anything! If you want, contact. " It was very correct, you will not find such cosmetologists in the afternoon with fire, those that when they see that you have nothing criminal, nothing floats, does not run anywhere, they tell you that you should not do anything while doing anything. Women are very hormonally dependent. And sometimes hormones are at such a level that they themselves cope. And when girls from 21 years old begin to make plastic in a circle, it is terrible, in my opinion.

- You said you love to relax and travel. Whether the world alone or with your children?

- And one, and with kids. As it turned out. Last year we made the first long journey by car. We went to Georgia. My mom is a big fan of Lermontov. I really wanted to visit Pyatigorsk, visit Lermontov places. And see the military-Georgian road. I still have a girlfriend in Tbilisi, she also has children. Everything somehow has developed. There is something to remember. We just got into the car and drove. The path was rather heavy. But, I must say, not only that it was beautiful, informative and unforgettable, it also brought the fruit to ride in Georgia in the adolescence of the child. He had such a period when children begin to remove from their parents, a lot to criticize them, to see some shortcomings. True, I think it is very correct for any child, because when this happens, it says only that he ripes as a person. When there are no such difficult periods, this is just dangerous. But still hard, they are worried about everything, naturally, you try to make life to be beautiful, and the Son in response to the claim. But thanks to this trip, he somehow came to himself. Since there were difficult situations. Somewhere gasoline on the track ended, I forgot to refuel (laughs). The first time in life it happened. The son called for emergency service, spoke with them, went for gasoline, was forced to decide everything himself like a man. The girlfriend gave me a refrigerator on the road, which was recharged through the cigarette lighter. Since I have no such refrigerator, I forgot to pull the wire for the night. And when we in Pyatigorsk in the morning came out of the rented apartment, it turned out that the battery was sat down. The son decided to call a taxi, and then I just caught the car to searcate. And in this city, the people are harsh. This is the Caucasus already. Figs Who caught (laughs). For about forty, he was engaged in this question, as a result, someone caught with the wires. I myself connected everything, it turned out that he can disassemble the car and collect, because many materials in YouTube studied on this topic. It is well oriented in the car, if that. Recently came and says: "I helped the girl with the repair of the car." She had problems, he opened the hood, something corrected there, she went. And when we went back, by the way, we stood there on the border for 14 hours, back - six, we managed to slip in the Georgian border, after which the stonepad, hail, snow, the horror, so, so the border was closed. And when they drove into Vladikavkaz, such a shower began, which was impossible to go. Dark roads, there is no lighting. We decided to go slowly, the housing did not decide. Thought to get to Rostov, but did not work. We just stopped and slept right in the car. There was a real hard rock. But we liked it.

- Brave you are still. Tell me, today your heart is free?

- Well ... not very (laughs).

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