Everyone who is not the first one, that we have the second: how to stop shy and tell a man about your past


"I'm afraid that he will think about me," - familiar phrase? Perhaps you were told you or a girlfriend, when they told that they had a new partner. In patriarchal culture, it is customary that the girl before marriage should have 1-3 sexual partners, and the excess of this far-fetched face speaks of its insufficient. It is difficult to say why women themselves are pleased to support this theory and submit themselves to a partner in the form of the Virgin Mary. However, this material wants to help you overcome the inner fears and become honest with those you loved.

Virginity is not the highest value

As soon as the girl is crazy, the upbringing of which raised the preservation of the virgin splava in the category of the primary indicator of high moral values. Some have sex with a partner on the first day of menstruation, others make plastic surgery. Such phenomena can be explained permanently by psychological injuries or words that fell in the head of a woman from the young age - Mom could say them, grandmother, liked the guy at school - all who had a value for a person. Although the pride of many men really will determine the fact that they will be someone's first partner, yet in most guys will prefer to have sex with a girl who already has experience. This is explained by practical purposes - no discomfort during sexual intercourse, understanding his own body and its capabilities, lack of constraint and so on.

Feel free to talk about your past

Feel free to talk about your past

Photo: unsplash.com.

Talk about last experience

For adults in intimate relationships, there should be no fear to talk about the experience of past relationships and the fact that you didn't like or, on the contrary, really liked the sex with partners. It is important not to compare the current young man with the previous ones, so as not to hurt him, but we can talk about what posses you feel discomfort, whether you were allergic to the means of contraception or what toys you did not fit. This will allow you to shorten the moment of "wipes" when you literally feel to touch what partner likes. Not all to people, for example, like oral sex - this is normal, even if you will cause surprise in the majority. It is possible that your new lover on the basis of your experience will tell you how to solve this or that problem.

Women love sex too

It is accepted that men receive greater enjoyment of sex. Allegedly for the guy to go out to go out of the club with one or two girls, which he will forget the next morning, and they will then wait for his call a couple more weeks. Forget about any division when it comes to intimate relationships: you have exactly the same right to sleep with a guy you like or have sex only in relationships - you determine your border of the comfort zone. If your partner is an adequate adult, he will never reproach you for the desire to sleep with different men or experiments in bed. On the contrary, people usually belong to someone else's experience and are happy to hear some fun stories, whose retelling shows the level of human confidence.

Be frank and ready for experiments.

Be frank and ready for experiments.

Photo: unsplash.com.

Do not be passive

From the past advice, it is logical next - talk about your desires in words through the mouth. No need to inflate in your head as a young man will react to your words. All your thoughts and desires are a reflection of you, so feel free to your nature and do not hide it from the partner. Be honest and enjoy life, and forget about restrictions forever. Relationships should make your life more interesting and rich, and not make you change yourself.

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