Applause on the plane when landing: where did this Russian tradition come from


There is such a definition abroad, denoting people who actively express emotions after landing - PlaneClappers. You will not believe, but lovers of applause in the plane have their own communities in social networks. They share videos, photos and joyful emotions with subscribers. But this method is not always appropriate.

It is impossible to say with confidence where this emotional tradition comes from, however, it is Russian citizens who are most actively supported. Many foreigners believe that all this is due to the rare flights of Russians. For them, flight is a real adventure.

But do you know how the crew reacts to such a manifestation of emotions? We learned who supports this tradition, and who cannot tolerate it.

It is impossible to say with confidence where this emotional tradition comes from

It is impossible to say with confidence where this emotional tradition comes from

First, the pilots do not hear what is happening in the cabin. In the Soviet Union there was a joke that, they say, in the cockpit of the pilots the device is installed, reading the volume of the applause. When people are sluggish applauded, the arrow was fixed, and the pilots in retaliation could return to the original, to the airport.

In fact, applause in the salon like pilots only in your fantasies. In life, they are quite annoying, because for the pilot, the flight and, accordingly, landing is a daily routine. A successful landing does not depend on good luck, it fully lies entirely on the professional training of pilots. You can compare with a trip to a taxi: Do you often applaud a taxi driver for a trip without accidents? Moreover, passengers do not understand the intricacies of the aircraft control, and therefore they cannot evaluate how well the landing has passed.

Do you often applaud Taxist for a trip without accidents?

Do you often applaud Taxist for a trip without accidents?


Why exactly Russian people are the most active Planeclappers?

First, you should not generalize - not all Russian are subject to a rapid expression of emotions. Someone does not applaud at all, while others support the mass "Flashmob". If you often fly, you may notice that Europeans are almost never applauded. Judge themselves: the flights between European countries are much cheaper than to fly from one end of Russia to another. Therefore, for an ordinary Europeans, the flight becomes as ordinary phenomenon as we have a trip by train of long distance.

So foreigners are often wondering, being on the plane next door to the Russians why people react so violently to a regular landing. Is it really Russians so rarely fly?

Successful landing depends entirely and completely from professional training of pilots

Successful landing depends entirely and completely from professional training of pilots


Applause reduce stress

Our people are not just applauding "for a tick", they give it a special meaning. Many admit that they clap themselves. And the pilot is nothing here. For people, this is a kind of method of unloading the psyche, especially if a person is afraid to fly. And some generally declare that the Russians, unlike Europeans, do not attend psychologists, so emotions exhibits openly, without holding back.

However, no one can come to a common opinion. Fans of applauding explain their behavior of ordinary politeness. But you can express gratitude to pilots in a more civilized form, for example, write a positive feedback on the airline's website. Believe me, this gesture will show you from the best side.

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