How to recognize "MaMenkin Son"


Is it not true, often you hear how your friends when discussing men suddenly mention such a character like "Mamienekin Son"? After that, there are long-term reasoning, whether it is worth it to enter into relationships with such a man, and if it is worth it, how to re-educate it. We thought, and whether the correction gives such men?

From birth and up to 3 years old, the child is tightly connected with the mother of energy and psychological communications

From birth and up to 3 years old, the child is tightly connected with the mother of energy and psychological communications


Portrait of a typical "MaMenician Son"

In many classic works of literature, such a male character is found, which, according to the description of the "worse child,", "Step can not stand, a greenhouse plant." In the dictionary of the Russian language, the definition of such men: "indecisive, intense. Male face that cannot make decisions is not adapted to life. "

Denis Fonvizin, Russian writer, created a whole work "inexpensive", in which the landowner says Mitrofan: "Well, Mitrofanushka! You, I see Matushkin Son, not Batyushkin! "

As you can see, "Mamenikins Sons" were always. And this is not some side effect due to the too rapid development of modern society, and quite an explanatory social phenomenon.

Where they appear from

From birth and up to 3 years old, the child is tightly connected with the mother of energy and psychological communications. After 3 years, it begins to form as a separate personality from his mother and stretches to the male role model, that is, to his father. According to various circumstances, the child, in this case, the boy remains in the mother's energy field.

There are several reasons why the mother is difficult to separate their identity from the identity of the child:

1 reason : Woman lives without a man (no matter what reason). Subconsciously she feels that his son is not allowed to whom.

2 reason : Difference women to men. She does not respect the strong half of humanity, negligently refers to male strength. For such women, any man is a child.

3 Reason : The woman is trying to protect the child from the bad effect of the surrounding world.

4 Cause : The woman is trying to spread his father's model to her son, whose attention was not paid in childhood.

Summing up, "Mamienekin Son" does not appear suddenly, it is formed from an early age.

What are the chances to change it

Many women, faced with such a manifestation of Mother and Son's strong connections, mistakenly believe that such a person is unhappy and need to immediately save. However, do not hurry with conclusions. In fact, both the mother and the Son receive mutual benefits from such relationships. In no case, do not try to compete or worse - to criticize his mother, you still lose in this female "battle", because his mother was long before you and remain with him after your break.

Changes are possible only if he himself wants it when will be ready to get away from this seeing love. If you try to replace your mother is the beginning of your relationship.

If you try to replace your mother - this is the beginning of your relationship

If you try to replace your mother - this is the beginning of your relationship


How to report

1 Council . When you get acquainted with a man, watch his relationship with my mother. Who more often comes into contact - he or mom, when he began to live separately, what is his relationship with dad.

2 advice . Recognize "Mamajna Son", do not rush to delete its number from the list of contacts. Perhaps you can become exactly the woman who will change his worldview. But it is real only if the situation is not very launched.

3 Council . Such men have their advantages: they are soft, sensitive, respect women.

4 Council . I will learn from his mom: Look at how she cooks, for which he praises him, what is proud of. No need to blindly copy its model of behavior, just try to tune in to its emotional wave.

5 Council . When your son appears, it does not need to patronize it. In 2-3 years, he must come into contact with his father, because not one, even the most beautiful, mother will not replace the boy's boy.

Consider how she prepares, for which he praises him than proud of

Consider how she prepares, for which he praises him than proud of


There are things that you can't change, but you can choose your surroundings. Follow your ideals and be faithful to your own values. At the same time, try to see good and in other people, especially if you are going to build relationships with a selected man.

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