Ilya Lebityev: with fashion greetings


The dignity with which Valentin Yudashkin sits in the jury of the show "Podium", deserves all sorts of praise. Whatever the applicants for the title of fashion designer, Valentin Abramovich won't losing a secular gloss or composure. But even the most helpless defiles submitted to Judashkin and Co., do not cancel an important circumstance: "Podium" is probably the only program of fashion, where there is fabric, threads, needles, scissors and sewing machines. While the local public in the mass of his own, not the results of hard work, but fabulous transfigurations.

For the fashionable stories of Cinderella on Russian TV, two Alexandra - Vasilyev and Rogov are responsible for the Russian TV. They have about one goal - to cure women's complexes associated with personal failures and overweight, with the help of new outfits. But if Alexander Rogov in "Hurry up for 24 hours" and "Rogov. Studio 24 "Due to age, the misfortune can afford, then Alexander Vasilyev in the" fashionable sentence "is often forced to make a serious face. However, the horns and Vasilyev step on a slippery path when the woman advises to unfold in early XXI century.

Alexander Rogov

Alexander Rogov

"Why do we convince us to look like someone to like?", "And why did they decide that sexuality is our main weapon?". Typical female questions of the era of feminism, and in local programs about fashion there are no answers. On the contrary, the tone of many fashion and style tips is associated with sexism of pure water, especially according to modern standards.

The benevolence of Rogov is still helped to avoid feminist reproaches, but the editivity of Vasilyeva already causes the rustling of protests. Local critics are usually all right to jokes, while Finnish journalist Cherstin Krunvall with European accuracy named their names. "The woman is always not right, which means, must change," "for whatever she complain, the court and the public is always on the side of her husband," "In the heroine transfiguration, a specific task: a woman should please a man." So she outlined the essence of the "fashionable sentence", and in some places, frankly, got into the apple.

Valentin Yudashkin

Valentin Yudashkin

Perhaps, along with a new Criticism studio, because of the Buggra, it became a noticeable news in the life of a popular program. So noticeable that Mr. Vasilyev did not leave her without a comment, saying that in Finland, women could look like chukhukhniki, they don't know what it was when there are so few men in the country.

There is probably not just enough for such an exchange of views, not only new dresses, but also gender stereotypes suddenly begin to discuss in large modes. But it would be a completely different fashion and another sentence.

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