Andrei Sokolov: "For some, I'm rich as a cro, and for someone - Nishchebruda last"


- Andrei, you have appointed an interview early morning. Are you larks by nature?

- Yes, and with a fairly big experience!

- Do you have from nature or enchantable?

- I got used to get up early since childhood. Army weekdays Plus saying, which I like: "Who gets up early, God gives that God." I am from this series.

- We communicate with you a difficult time for the whole world. In your opinion, what is happening now?

- I will immediately say, this is my personal opinion that may differ, naturally, from the opinion of others. Now it happens, as part of the fact that we are allowed to know, the problem is in the heads, it is first of all. I have too many questions, if we talk about a pandemic, besides, China. As you can, having won the disease for a very short time (they are undoubtedly well done), immediately turn the camps. They are sure that the flashes will no longer? Then, there are different data. You read, analyze, look, you understand: Of course, there is a disease. How different is it from other similar? This is not in my competence to discuss, it is more questioned to doctors. But the opinions of the physicians also divided.

- Yes, opinions are different - both from representatives of the authorities of various governments, and from viritic doctors, biologists, epidemiologists. Do you believe everything?

- If we talk about the fact that there is a certain huge load on people as such, these certain circumstances also exist. But there are more questions than answers. I, the only one, as a person I can say that in any case you should always think of your head, watch and analyze. And trying to have your opinion on any issue.

- After all, you recorded a video message with a request for residents of the Penza region to not disturb self-insulation for the prophylaxis of coronavirus. Why suddenly?

- You know, I am very friendly with this edge. Naturally, we are calling back, we congratulate me, we communicate. Our favorite pennymen had to pass Lermontov readings, but, as I now understand, they will move away. Therefore, in terms of moral support (here, in Moscow, our colebritis is full, there is someone to support people), I spoke to people with the edge of me with this appeal. Our communication lasts for more than 15 years. I and the movies were filmed there, and now social and friendly relations exist.

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Публикация от Andrey Sokolov (

- You somehow noticed that you need to be able to abstract and do what you should do at one time or another. And what do you do at home, what are busy at home now?

- You know, there are a lot of these things that you postpone from tomorrow. I sat down to deal with the papers, I can't get out of the table for the third day. I imagined that there are many of them, but so much a lot! .. There are some things for ten years ago, which are not needed absolutely to anyone, but first of all, they do not represent any interest to me. Among other things, it's all in the honeycombs, not unfolded, you need to sort. There are some kind scenarios that I wanted to implement and which are also irrelevant. Then, there is a simple sorting of your boyish toys, from which I get a tremendous pleasure. I have full of different fishing addicts. And it takes time: at least understand what is. Again, among other things, there are many homework. Mother I have after surgery, she needs to help. So much will be copied, so much is much that this forced pause is enough for a long time than to occupy yourself. I do not even say that I have no time to just watch the movie, lying on the sofa. Hands before that did not reach (laughs).

- Previously, the wise elders who came to it were becoming the wise elders. You, it turns out, think that forced sharpening can also have a positive moment?

- Every person has its own psychophysics, psychosomatics. The person belongs in different ways, seemingly the same thing. I am inclined to be self-sufficient in a closed space. I try to always find a lesson. This is from my childhood. I do not brag it, this is a given, I am sometimes boring with myself, I can take myself something. Unfortunately, we have learned to think, to have, as I said, my own opinion on this or that matter. This is already a big luxury. It's like a joke: "Pavarotti like? - No I do not like! - Why? "Yes, Vasya put on, I did not like it." And we often not only about singing have such a judgment, but also about the events of life, and in general about the relationship among people, just even about people. Sometimes you just need to sit down and think, and this is a tremendous work. It is necessary to think exactly, and we are accustomed to often jumping about the tops, but to understand the deep thought, in depth to walk so that it all becomes yours, the result of your mental work, it is more difficult. And this is the work from which you get tired, but which, of course, always brings fruits. Then you feel differently in space. It is important.

"Many of your colleagues-actors say that staying without work, and now many projects have been suspended and postponed to a later date, at a minimum - death like. What can you wish many desperate, who lost their job, so as not to deal with the senses, do not go crazy and do not sleep at this month of the weekend?

- I absolutely agree with you, the situation is quite serious. But here we are also all in the same boat. And as I think, here in this period of time, probably, the structure of the state should take on certain functions and show their right to exist. This, in fact, includes both the state car. And so, the most damn, which may be a panic. I understand when people have nothing to eat when people have nothing to feed children, they are ready for everything. Yes, absolutely. They will not stop anything. As this happens: first, the semishes, jokes, then the questions, then the misunderstanding occurs, after the irritation arises, and in the conclusion of this chain - aggression. Sooner or later, unfortunately, it is quite predictable. Therefore, in order for this not happened, it is necessary to adopt at the level of the statemachine a certain experience of the same China. And, of course, "invest" in its own citizens.

Andrei Sokolov:

"I am inclined to be self-sufficient in a closed space. I try to always find a lesson. I have it since childhood "

Gennady Avramenko

- And yet, what do you need to keep calm and the cold head?

- We must occupy any things. I repeat, everyone has a different degree of holding a blow, but to say elementary things - do physical education - it's funny, it will not go on an empty stomach. It will help the environment that you have, if there is, God forbid, those friends and relatives that can support you. And if a person is alone in a social plan, then it is much more difficult here. Here I only can wish the strength of the Spirit and a lot of faith in the fact that this burden will soon end. But the fact that it will end, it is understandable. The main thing is that it end with less loss. That's the problem. This is the main task. The doctor's mother come to the mother and in one voice everyone says: hospitals are replicated, waiting for a large influx of patients and so on. This is the injection, this snowball, it exists. And at the same time there are absolutely authoritative people who say it is probably not done entirely correctly. And there is the experience of other countries to be taken. To the question you ask me, it's hard for me to answer. Because I do not want to be a carrier of some destructive thoughts. And on the other hand, I understand that some things I see, I understand and do not agree with everyone with them, although I am ready to always help.

- You were in your life, how did you seem at that moment, hopeless situations? How did you overcome the difficulties?

- ABOUT! I had such stories when I was engaged in sports. There were periods when I lay on two months on the bed, and when I was collected by the doctor, I said to myself: "And now with legs, while they go, legs!" In life, a lot of things happened. Probably the right books in childhood read, who still brought me to understand that I am a representative of the male half of humanity. And there are things that you need and tolerate, and go ahead always, in any case, at least small steps, but go. And it is impossible to give up, a lot depends on your mood, how do you feel about or another. Now the phrase is walking enough: "If you can't change circumstances, change your attitude to these circumstances." But this is really a gold phrase. There is something in it. And always the work of a person over himself, if he is still quite a reference, then it is part of the meaning of our stay here on this earth. And such questions that we are discussing now, just give me this vision. People begin to think not only about where we go to take, but also some more global things. Although again, I repeat, "no goat on the hungry stomach." No one has canceled anything.

- Have you ever thought about what had more - white stripes in your life or black?

- You know, this is from the category of attitudes towards these strips (laughs). Because there were situations when I later watched from the side and thought, and how did I pull it out? After all, the body itself is so interesting in itself that when a certain limit comes, he is self-defense. This can be called differently. You get bigger. There were periods when they just wanted to lie in the bed, and this time was, had to. And did not rise, because the periods were extremely complex. I never forget the great phrase: "And it will pass!" I understand that neither I first nor I last, who is experiencing some shocks in life. This is from my point of view of the Earth PAP, and such naughters are some more billion. Each person has their own problems, difficulties and all sorts of questions. And I understand that sooner or later everything ends. It is important not to fall into the despondency, which is considered the most serious sin, this is true. If you fall into the corkscrew, then the cranes. There is such a name for a person - Samoyed. In each of us it is laid. And it is possible to fit yourself to the end, to the bones. And when the point of no return comes, then you can already say: "Goodbye." Or the roof will go. You should always think about it, do not forget. I am always in my posts, I try to configure people in communication to this positive way. So that the balls move are not stuffed. This is also a job. To have some kind of movement in your head. This is life. First, then you look at life under a different perspective, you have a different crystal in the eye appears, and, secondly, it extends your life in a comfortable condition. Therefore, it is necessary to think.

Andrei Sokolov:

"It is impossible to give up, a lot depends on your mood"


- It turns out, you yourself in life positive person?

- I am doing my best. You know, I am such a pessimistic optimist (laughs). It still knows comparison. I understand that in this situation someone is much worse than me. For some, I'm rich as a cro, but for someone - Nishchebrud's last. Everything is relative. It depends on you yourself. Unfortunately, we climb enough global reflections on the essence of the world who rules them. We still never know this. We are not allowed to know.

- Today, you have a period of accumulation or recoil, how did you once identified your periods of life?

- And you know, now there is a transformation of accumulation to return. When something I thought, it becomes becoming, it begins to wander, and it is necessary to share this energy. I now spend in "Instagram" a live broadcast with my subscribers, I have three books of poems, the novel, we read, we think, talk, and I feel that some of my thoughts can sometimes be helpful. I am extremely pleased. And so much now I get feedback. It is positive. It's very nice. That is, we swing the atmosphere in this direction. Sometimes the actor ask that this is not visible and not heard? Now I understand: a person is just kipping what is going to give away. Another thing is that production relations are, but in principle there is always a process of accumulation, the recoil process. And now I have a certain transitional period, because quite a lot withdrawn, in the honeycomb accumulated and ready for release. On the other hand, I understand that the accumulation process is constant. When you are in the race, when you take energy from a minus, it's already bad, it's still necessary to recover. This is such an equilibrium condition - what we probably always and strive for. As two round balls when one stands on the other. We strive to be harmony. This is cool. But let go of the ball, he flew away. Everything.

- Why did you agree to participate in the project "Dancing with the Stars"? This, by the way, the moment of accumulation or return?

- It is both (laughs). You know, firstly, I did not immediately solve this step. And not in the first year, I had suggestions, but I did not see absolutely in this capacity. And then some time passed, and I began to understand that my opportunities go to the realization of their interests. Fifteen years later I can hardly dance with the stars (laughs). Therefore, I thought: why not, in fact. And just that it happened - one project ended with me, the second in the process, the third has not started yet, the coronavirus struck, the projects were frozen. And I was probably one of the first to have been able to have been able to this project this season. I have a partner - Katya Osipova, which you can only dream of. She and a professional with a capital letter, and a master of sports, and the world champion. And how much how she invested in me ... I can not say that I became a completely different person, but something even changed in the gait, yes (laughs). And this is already a lot.

- But have you never been dancing before?

- It happened in childhood, in school period. Shone on the matinee, it was. Fifteen years I have already completed my dance career. So I am already from the "training professionals." I am still getting fristed (laughs). In general, in addition to learning in theatrical universities, where it is taught as a class, there was nothing more. I am closer hockey, various martial arts. The dance is a conversation of two people, and I always strive to achieve some solutions in the negotiation process. Dance, because it is a conversation of love, passion, like a body conversation is very interesting.

- Hockey, in which you continue to play, there is also a conversation of people, however, not two ...

- Yes, there is a tough conversation of many people and a little bit of other topics (laughs).

Andrei Sokolov:

"Dance, because this conversation of love, passion, like a body conversation is very interesting"

- What is the hardest thing in dancing?

- Oh, in the dance it is the most difficult to fulfill, it would seem that the little things that professionals are driven by educators from childhood. It would seem, what's the difference, go from a mysterious or from a heel? And this is the basis of the foundation! And the hold of the back! This is what is called, a little bit. Movements can be learned, you can walk like a robot - this is one, and you can dance, and that's different. And the most difficult thing, of course, that your body is suggested that it spoke to the language of dance. Not the language of consecutive movements one after another, and it is that it was flight. This is the most difficult thing in the dance.

- What did you draw for yourself as an actor, director, producer in this rating program?

- I want to say compliments, because as far as everything is debugged, as far as everything is prompt. I was very surprised by the number of people who exist in this. The number of passionate people. And I'm not talking about professionals. It turns out that there is a lot of dance halls in Moscow. Mass of people who go there to dance. It turns out that the huge industry is behind it. What shoes, what T-shirts, which are increments, who have some heel, one dance in these shoes, the other is already in these. So much is screwed down that mom is not burning! And this life is extremely interesting: and how the guys communicate, and how they are located to each other are how open to how much they help each other. Self-dedication is colossal from the guys. This, of course, bribes. Causes great respect. I am very glad that in this project I got in touch with such a layer of art.

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