Loves - Doesn't Love: Relationship Test


Love and relationships play a very important role in our lives. We quickly lose interest in the plot, in which there is no love at all. That is why in any movie, a play, a book - at the eleventh minute or a little later - Intrigue appears with a man and a woman at the chapter.

Using simple questions below, check that you managed to explode on love Niva. Can you boast of your harvest? Answer "Yes" or "no".

- Do you often talk to the partner?

- Do you feel inspired next to him?

- Are you thinking about whether he is well with you?

- Your partner does not pull you down (this is when you feel good, and he immediately becomes bad).

- Will you sincerely glad to successes (focus on the word "sincerely")?

- Do you sleep at one time and in one bed?

- Do you consider sex an important component of healthy couples?

- Do you give him gifts just like that without binding to the calendar?

- Do you have common interests, people, projects, adventures, experiences?

- Do you work on the organization of joint leisure?

- Do you spend holidays together, weekends, holidays?

- Do you have a personal space and time (everything you do for yourself and for the soul).

If you answer "yes" to most questions, congratulations - you have strong, healthy, mature relationships. You are wise, sensitive and tactful in relation to each other. What is important, you also have your own personal space - you do not dissolve entirely in the partner. This is a guarantee of long and serious relationships.

If the answers "Yes" and "No" will equally, well, but ... maybe better. Do something from the above list and check whether your relationship has become lighter and joyful.

If you answered "no" to most questions, you think this reason for you. But not about the cardinal measures, but above all about changing the usual mistake of your life together. A change in the partner's problem is not to decide - the cultural plant grows on the site of weeds: after a while you can find out with surprise that your new relationships have become the same fresh as the previous ones. About finding happiness read on my site.

However, the sake of justice should notice that the relationship is a purely joint work. So work on yourself, involve a partner. And only if you see that on the other hand, nothing happens at all - this is an occasion to think about the break. Waltz because dance for two. And my weekly astrological forecast will help to learn about the trends of the current week.

22nd of May. Today you can significantly improve your financial affairs. You can assign important negotiations - people are aimed at productive dialogue, cooperation and tend to make compromises.

May, 23rd. Waking up today with family issues, you can promote them far ahead. Day is good for shopping.

May 24. Try not to assign anything important on this environment. Resolutely react to challenges - there will be a lot of them. Failures, delays in the way, non-compliance with the agreements, the lack of understanding and excerpt from other people are the mood and trends of today's day.

May 25. If you want to get the result - act on this Thursday with a double pressure and onslaught. Stand aside, postpone and wait is not worth it - ask loudly, act boldly, react violently. The scenario of the day has a little overwhelmingly.

26 of May. Today it is better to take the position of the observer. Physical work will be given markedly easier to work mental.

May 27. A great day for any undertakings - you can go on travel, arrange holidays, tying dating and useful contacts.

May 28. The best recommendation for this Sunday will be a vacation and relaxation in the company with younger or children.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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